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I don't own anything except any original characters (including the Reader's concept) and/or any original plot




If there was one thing Katsuki hated about being the Number Two Hero (he was Number One last year and Number Three the year before that thanks to Deku and Icyhot) it was the public functions.

Katsuki managed to avoid most of them unless his stupid PR rep forced him to go or it was directly related to his hero work and therefore unavoidable, but it hadn't just been his PR agent working against him this time. Deku had teamed up with her to make him go this time, which felt like a betrayal.

"Stupid events with all those stupid rich people," Katsuki muttered under his breath after holding a completely pointless with the heiress of some big tech company, "I hate you for bringing me to this."

"You hate me for everything," Deku waved off the insult easily, their relationship well enough improved that jokes like that were okay now, "Besides, it was really important that you came here."

"To an event about Quirkless rights? Deku, you know I hate coming to this shit over anything else," Katsuki held no hate for the Quirkless anymore, on the contrary, he'd spoken up more than once about it, but actually going to events reminded him too much of someone he'd worked too hard to move on from, "You couldn't have just brought Icyhot and been a stupid power-couple like always?"

"Shouto had plans with Fuyumi's kids tonight. I wanted you to come," Deku had that twinkle in his eye that never failed to annoy Katsuki. The damn nerd was hiding something.

"What aren't you telling me?" Katsuki asked suspiciously, fully prepared to beat the answers out of Deku if it came to it. Katsuki hated surprises (it took a botched birthday party and a broken nose on Kirishima's part for everyone to figure that out).

Practically ignoring Katsuki, Deku was looking around the room- seemingly for someone in particular. Katsuki had enough and grabbed Deku's arm, pulling it hard enough that some of Deku's drink sloshed out of his glass.

"Deku, if you don't tell me what the hell is going on-"

"Found 'em!" Deku chirped, using Katsuki's grip to his advantage and pulling him through the crowd.

Swearing quietly the entire way - because apparently swearing profusely at formal events was "bad for his image - Katsuki followed along, his curiosity getting the better of him and overpowering his annoyance.

As the pair weaved their way around immaculately dressed guests, some Katsuki knew and some he didn't, Katsuki finally caught a glimpse of who he thought Deku was leading him to based on their trajectory.

The person's back was to them, but Katsuki could see they were talking to Eri - who had presumably tagged along with either Mirio, Aizawa, or Shinsou. Any one of them would have caved and taken her if she asked.

Eri noticed Katsuki and Deku approaching and grinned, poking the person they were speaking to in the arm playfully. Eri must have known this person well. Who the hell was it.

The person paused, then turned and-

Katsuki was 16, struggling to find himself in a world that didn't understand. He was waiting up every night staring at his balcony. He was figuring things out because someone evil was actually pretty good. He was mourning the loss of someone he loved more than he knew possible-

Katsuki was 25 and he wasn't sure if he was breathing.



You looked different. It was a good different. The weight of the world was no longer resting on your shoulders, and you were no longer fighting your own demons along with both heroes and villains.

Then you smiled, and gods Katsuki missed that smile more than anything else. You turned to Eri, and said, "Text me. As soon as you have a break from school we can go hiking in the mountains."

"Pinky promise?"

You and Eri wrapped your pinkies around each other, and it seemed like such a loving and intimate action that Katsuki wasn't sure he should watch. But then the two of you said quick goodbyes and you were walking toward him and he still wasn't breathing and-

"Katsuki," Katsuki had never forgotten your words, but he'd nearly forgotten your voice. It matured, but it was still you and that was all Katsuki cared about, "It's good to see you again."

"I didn't think I would," Katsuki managed to speak, though he sounded as panicked as he felt when he did.

You smiled again, but this one was a lot sadder, "Yeah, I didn't think I'd see you again either. Do you want to go for a walk? The gardens are really nice."

"Yes!" Katsuki cleared his throat, flushing when he realized how enthusiastic he sounded, "Yeah that sounds fine."

Giggling, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along. The laugh and your touch threatened to tear Katsuki apart. It was too much too fast and yet Katsuki wanted more. It had been too long and he'd lived with the knowledge that he'd likely never see you again, but you were here, and wasn't that something?"

Glancing back, Katsuki saw Eri and Deku conversing animatedly. Katsuki caught Deku's eye, and Deku gave him a small smile and a nod. It was the grandest "thank you" and "you're welcome" they'd give each other, but both of them knew that the significance of this would never be forgotten.

Crisp night air washed over Katsuki, and he took in a couple of deep breaths. Being outside was an amazing choice on your end, chasing away the stifling, watched, feeling that being inside gave off. Katsuki briefly wondered if you knew how much he hated those events, it wasn't hard to miss his disdain.

"I didn't know you'd be coming," you started, much shyer than you were inside, "Invitations were sent out to a lot of heroes but the closer you are to the top the busier you are, and it's not like my name is in the foundation name... I'm glad you're here."

"Deku dragged me along, damn bastard hid this from me," Katsuki was no longer annoyed at the secrecy of it all, though he'd gladly act like he was.

"I think Eri knew, too. She seemed really excited all night but I thought it was just because we were planning our mountain trip," Katsuki sent you a confused look and you carried on, "When I was with her in the Shie Hassakai compound I promised I'd take her to see the mountains one day. Whether or not that would actually happen was questionable for a while, but now we can do it!"

It was questionable because Energy was taken into custody because Energy had no idea they'd be given such an amazing deal. Katsuki's stomach dropped. You probably thought you were going to be executed for a while. That must have been terrifying.

"Congrats on dominating the top four," you switched topics easily, "I've watched the charts. You, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Togata make for a good batch of top heroes. It's cool that you switch around so much."

"It's annoying."

"I thought you'd say that."

It felt like old times, so much so that Katsuki felt like if he took his eyes off you for too long then he'd look back and you'd be 16 and in your mask again. He resolved to keep his eyes on you- not that he was upset about having to do so.

"What have you been doing?" The words left Katsuki's mouth before he could think them through and he bit back a wince. A topic like that should have been broached more... delicately.

You weren't bothered by the question, if anything you seemed to have been expecting it which was a major relief, "The first couple of years were a lot of therapy and a lot of restrictions. I did school work online with the league and I did the same with my family- I reunited with my family! Things were weird for a while when we were first getting to know each other again, but we remembered old memories and made new ones and things got better. When I was twenty I got a degree in psychology. Soon after that, I started the Quirkless Youth foundation-"

"Wait, you mean you're hosting this thing?"

Blinking at the sudden outburst, you sent Katsuki a withering look, "Who else would be so focused on helping Quirkless people? I thought you were smarter than this, Katsuki."

Scowling, Katsuki grumbled, "I'm smart."

Laughing, you gave his hand a squeeze- the two of you had never separated and neither of you ever even considered doing so, "Sure you are. Anyway, I've expanded my foundation internationally and I'm trying to set up a good presence in Japan since Quirk discrimination is so bad here- hence this fancy gala in which I'm basically begging rich people for money. Society people like thinking they're doing good for the world by writing a check, which is fine by me."

"You keep up with the League?"

Pausing, you pursed your lips in thought before slowly saying, "No because it's against the terms of my deal... but theoretically if as soon as my parole was lifted I somehow got in touch with the League, then who's to say?"

Katsuki couldn't stop himself from chuckling. That was exactly the type of thing you would do. He knew you wouldn't be able to resist keeping up with the League, even if it was just keeping up with any and all news about them. He'd love to know how you did it, but as a hero, he'd be obligated to inform the HPSC, so this was all theoretical.

"Theoretically then, how are they all doing?"

"My guess is that they'd be doing well," you grinned, obviously pleased that Katsuki was playing along, "It would have been discovered that the reason Himiko was so fixated on blood was because of a certain enzyme her brain requires due to her Quirk. She'd be getting proper treatment and well on her way to release due to good behavior she may or may not be faking."

"Would the heroes have any reason to watch out for her?"

You shrugged, "Can't tell you. Her treatments would continue after release, but it's Himiko so... I think Atsuhiro would be practically running his prison because he's so good at gambling, and because Shuichi was put in the same prison as him he'd be the muscle behind their little empire."

"Wasn't he banned from like 5 countries?"

"Six actually, and several cities within plenty of other countries- including Vegas! In this make-believe world, Jinn would be getting proper treatment as well. He'd be in a more permanent residence, but he'd be having a lot of fun making friends all the same."

"Sounds like some pretty interesting theories," Katsuki hummed, both amused and strangely content with the way things ended for the League of Villains. He knew you considered them family, so any bloodlust toward them was automatically curbed because of them.

Humming, you hesitated in the way that Katsuki instinctively knew meant you were thinking about whether or not to say something. You did that a lot when you were younger, too. Some things never change.

"I have one more theory... I think that, perhaps, Hawks and Dabi faked their deaths and ran away to be star-crossed lovers, and they're living in the country raising chickens and goats and leading happy lives."

Well... that wasn't what Katsuki expected, but it made too much damn sense for it to be anything but the truth. Sure, both Dabi and Hawks had been publicly stated as dead after a large explosion of fire supposedly took both of them out, but there had always been rumors. Icyhot had never stopped obsessing over it since Dabi revealed himself to be his long-lost brother. The Todoroki family was complicated.

"You're crazy, that's what I think," Katsuki scoffed, but the smirk on his lips let you know he believed you, and also that he would keep your secret. That was a habit Katsuki hadn't seemed to kick, keeping secrets for you.

The two of you sat down on a stone bench facing an elaborate fountain. It was at the center of the garden, and the two of you would rather continue talking in private than go back into the venue.

"I loved you, you know that?" You told Katsuki, expression completely serious, "I never told you and it haunted me. I told myself that you knew but there was never any confirmation, you know?"

"Yeah. I did know, and I loved you too."

Silence fell upon the two of you, riding a thin line between awkward and comfortable. Not entirely sure how to articulate his thoughts, but finding the quiet unbearable, Katsuki cleared his throat and turned to face you head-on.

"We're different now, but we're also still the same person, and if you're going to be in Japan for a while then I want to try it- us. I want to try again, as normal-ish people rather than a hero and a villain."

Letting out a sigh of what Katsuki hoped was relief, you also turned your body to face him fully, "I'd like that a lot," then a devious smirk overtook your features, "Can we count this as our first date?"


"Because I want to kiss you."

Cupping your cheek, Katsuki leaned down and firmly pressed his lips against yours. There were no fireworks, no big explosion, or butterflies in anyone's stomach. The kiss was nice and slightly hesitant but familiar and loving. It felt like coming home, and that was better than any cliche the universe could have offered.

The stars twinkled down at the pair, simply watching. There was no message for them to pass on this time, no mission. The two lovers were reunited, and they could profess their love themselves.

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