10 | The Consequences

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What would be the consequences if Kian slipped his fingers to the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss? One Enzo would punch him across his face, and Kian might lose a tooth or two. Two Kian might get reported for assaulting a straight guy. Three Enzo might kiss him back. The last one was unlikely but still a possibility.

Because, dear lord, Enzo looked so breathtaking under the moonlight; his sharp features and impossibly soft smile were Kian's undoing.

The trance broke when his eyes locked with the boy, and he realized there could be one more consequence of his action. Like last time, Enzo might push him away and look at him with sheer disgust. And that Kian wouldn't be able to handle.

They were leaning against the wall in the back alley of the café. There Kian had spent many a night in his fifteen minutes break. Either alone or with other employees. It was their gossip-slash-smoking area. As if on instinct Kian's hand slipped inside his right pant pocket, fingers tightening around the pack of cigarettes.

Although he succeeded in cutting down his tobacco intake to one cigarette a day, he was already done with that one while crying over his father's silence. With the anticipation, anxiety, and vivid images surrounding his existence in the form of Enzo, the desire to hash it out resurfaced.

So when the silence between them stretched, Kian pulled out a cigarette and held it between his teeth. After giving himself a second to reconsider, he whipped out the lighter and clicked a flame. As soon as the first drag filled his lungs, Kian felt his heightened nerves relax. He didn't like the unhealthy dependency, but it wasn't one of those days when he felt too organized.

"When did you start smoking?" Enzo frowned, snapping his head towards Kian.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Connecticut?" Kian kept his gaze at the roll of tobacco, taking another drag and puffing out a cloud of smoke. Well. That wasn't exactly what he wanted in his opening question, but whatever. Enzo wasn't giving him a good time.

Kian shrugged one shoulder, a sad look passing on his calm face.

"I quit Soccer. I dropped out of college and am planning a fresh start. So, here I am." He folded his hands and looked down at his shoes. Kian stabbed his eyebrows together in confusion. Why would the star Soccer player quit playing and sabotage his career? Most shocking, why would Enzo drop out of college?

"Oh," was all Kian could say.

"I'm sorry for running off like that the other day but facing you after a long time reminded me of..." He raked a hand through his messy hair, and Kian could sense his uneasiness. Of course, it reminded him of the ugliest moment of his life.

Kian took two powerful drags back to back and looked away, letting the anguish inside him flow out with the smoke. "You know, if seeing me makes you feel disgusted, then why are you here today?"

"For the same reason, I came that night." Enzo blurted out without hesitation, his eyes following as Kian pulled the half-burnt cigarette to his lips and took a long drag.

"And what was the reason?" Kian asked with a furrowed brow and a lazy smile on his lips. He realized they were looking at each other over their shoulder, their backs against the wall and their sides impossibly close. They were both on edge. For once, he liked the way Enzo wasn't flinching away from the touch. It reminded him of all those casual touches they shared when they were a bunch of kids running around.

"I shouldn't have bailed on you. There's no excuse for how I reacted to..." He trailed off, then shook his head. "The point is we were best friends, Kiki. And I cut you off completely."

Kian scoffed at him and looked away. "Yeah, you did. So why are you here now? To rekindle our friendship or put flowers on its grave. If you're here to apologize, then you're already forgiven. You didn't have to come to California for that. My email and phone number are still the same."

He opened his mouth to say something but shut it.

Kian shook his head in annoyance, stubbed the cigarette on the floor, and lit another. He might regret it later, but he needed an anchor to stay calm.

"You've changed so much, by the way. This look suits you." Kian paused just before he was about to take a drag and frowned at his sudden change of topic. Was it the moment he was supposed to tell him how Enzo had changed so much in these two years too? He had filled out more but in lean muscles and smooth contours. Should he tell Enzo that he had become prettier than before? What if he took it in another sense? Kian had to stray away from looking at his unnaturally soft lips. Enzo didn't swing that way.

"You are here to admire my changed look, then?" Kian scowled at the boy, using his thumb to wipe some sweat from his forehead. The tension between them was palpable, and so was the silent admiration.

"I miss us, Kian," Enzo said without breaking eye contact. His messy curls fell softly on his forehead as a warm breeze passed. Kian couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt as he saw the truth written plainly on Enzo's face. He missed Kian as much as Kian had missed him. Why didn't he reach out? Unless he felt uncomfortable with Kian's current identity just like his father did.

Kian's jaw ticked with a fresh pang of hurt, so he smoked it out, feeling the burn in his heart and lungs.

"I know you're pissed at me, and you have all the reasons to feel that way. I just-It's just that I want to give our friendship a second chance. Do you think we could do that? Maybe we can catch up for a drink? Or coffee? Your pick."

Kian wanted to pick none. He could have said no. He should have told him that he was doing just fine without Enzo. But instead, he ended up saying, "Drink is fine."

He wasn't sure why he had to accept his offer, but he did anyway, and it would either be a good thing for their friendship, or they might end up severing their bond forever this time. And then he realized Enzo once again overpowered his heart. When it came to Enzo, Kian had no spine.

Kian released a frustrated groan as the boy flashed his charming smile, a smirk rather. "Great, I will call you."

"Yeah, as you did for the last two years." Kian gave him a haughty laugh, taking a drag from his cigarette and puffing out a smoke ring that dissipated above their heads.

Kian watched him intently as Enzo looked down and shook his head, taking two slow slithering steps towards Kian. He paused a foot away from him and leaned in slightly towards him. By this time, they were right in each other's faces, and Kian was bubbling with anticipation.

In that instant, he realized there was no way he could deny Enzo of anything. He just had to blink at him, and Kian would do all his bidding. Electricity surged through his veins when Enzo reached out to take the cigarette from his fingers, stubbed it under his shoes, and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"You know, Kiki. My email and number haven't changed either." He stepped away in a lightning flash and smirked at Kian walking backward.

As Kian brought down his pounding heartbeat, Enzo walked across the lane. He lifted a hand in a little wave before going out of Kian's sight.

After spending another five minutes weighing Enzo's words, Kian returned to work only to find Simone leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. It was already midnight, and the footfall had stopped, so it wasn't a surprise to see Simone less in his boss avatar and more as a friend.

"And what exactly was that?" He finally asked.

"Nothing actually," Kian sighed, dismissing his question while whipping down the counters.

Simone rolled his eyes and tipped his head back in a low laugh, revealing his sharp jawline. "Yeah, it was probably nothing, just a major sexual tension with a stranger you helped the other night."

"I think you're reading way too many romance novels." Kian's hand paused mid-swipe and looked up to see him staring at Kian with a raised brow. "And Enzo is an old friend, not a stranger if you must know."

"I don't need books to pinpoint real emotions. I'm surprised you didn't kiss the boy the moment he walked into the café because that was what the look in your eyes said." The fuck did that mean?

"Jeez, will you stop making up things that aren't there?" Kian threw the paper towel in the trash bin and turned to glare at Simone.

Simone laughed some more.

"Only if you stop denying it." He let out a wolf whistle and disappeared into the kitchen but not before saying, "There are only a few star-crossed lovers. I know it when I see one."

What star-crossed lovers? Impossible. Enzo wasn't into guys, for god's sake.


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Thank you so much for reading this story.

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