Bonus Chapter | A New Beginning

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"Why do you look so nervous?" Enzo asked, twisting in his seat as soon as Kian pulled over at his childhood home.

Daisy didn't do well with the travels, so they left her with Audrey. Not the best to put two brats together, but Kian had to leave Daisy in safe hands.

In contrast to his boyfriend of four years, Enzo looked perfectly calm in his black wool coat and gray scarf.

"You know why," Kian said, turning off the engine and taking a nervous glance at the wreath-laden front door.

"It's not like we are strangers. Besides, your mom loves me." Enzo reached over to take Kian's freezing palms in his hands, brought them close to his mouth, and blew out warm air. "It's only for the weekend. We'll be back home Monday morning. Now, stop thinking, and let's get some of your mom's Rajma Chawal. I'm starving." It was true. But Kian wasn't worried about his mother's reactions. It was his father's disappointed silence that kept bothering him.

For the last four years, his father had only a handful of conversations, and they were over the phone. He knew the second his father looked at him and looked at Enzo, he would know. He would know his hopes had finally shattered. There were no more delusional assurances that this was a phase for Kian. His father would know it was real for him.

"It's not Ma," Kian said, pulling his hands out of Enzo's hold. "Papa would also be there. I don't want you to witness his distaste for our relationship."

"It'll be fine." Enzo reached out and took his hand, kissing the back, and placing it over his chest, right where he could feel his thudding heartbeats. "We're in it for the long haul, and I'm ready to face every challenge on the way. So quit moping. We've got this."

Kian thought he would let go of his hand, but Enzo held it the rest of the way to the house and beamed at him when he finally rang the doorbell.

The door opened and his mother stood there, cheerfully dressed in a red silk saree and a Pashmina shawl wrapped around her. He looked absolutely beautiful as always. Kian stood there admiring his mother and she was doing the same until her gaze moved to Enzo.

A big smile appeared on her face the moment Enzo let go of Kian's hand, reluctantly but with a deep shade of red showing up on his cheeks. "Enzo Santiago. You've certainly changed a lot since I last saw you. Your hair looks different. Does Deb approve of it?"

"She does not, actually." Enzo scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "Last time I sent mom a picture of mine, she wanted to book a flight ticket to LA and give me a buzz cut."

Both his mother and Enzo laughed. She engulfed Enzo in a hug, a real, affectionate one. She held onto him and, over his shoulder, met Kian's eyes as if she had never been happier than at that moment.

Kian didn't care for anything else. The knots in his stomach relaxed a little, but they remained as they went inside. It tightened a little when his father didn't show up to greet them. It became unbearable when they finally settled around the lunch table, just the three of them.

"You've to give him some time, Kian." His mother whispered, cornering him in the kitchen as he got up to refill the water. Over the years, his mother had mastered the art of waiting, but Kian was done waiting for his father's approval over his every life choice. None of those fit well with his father.

"It's been years, Ma." Kian laughed, placing the empty jug under the water filter and moving his eyes towards his father's office. "It's too late now. His silence is killing me."

His mother followed his gaze and squinted her eyes at him. "You know he loves you, right? You're our only son. And he's trying. I know he is."

To say Kian wanted to cry would be an understatement. He hoped his mother was right and his father was trying to accept him. He took a deep breath. "I hope he is, Ma."

Her mother kissed his forehead, and he saw Enzo looking towards them, a hopeful smile on his face, the one that gave him the strength to fight through any dark cloud.


Kian couldn't sleep that night. Even though he loved his childhood room which magically looked the same every time he came home for a vacation, pristine clean and decorated. He didn't expect it to appear different this time. His single bed was replaced with a king-sized bed, and in place of his small cupboard, he found a bigger dresser with one vacant side.

Kian knew it couldn't be all his mother. But before he could ponder much about the renovation done inside his room to accommodate his beloved, the said man appeared behind him, wrapping his arm around his middle and placing a light feathery kiss on his neck.

"Your mom is the sweetest. I can't believe she already made a home for me in your room." Enzo mumbled, his damp hair brushing the side of Kian's face.

"You think it was all her?" Kian fished out a towel from the dresser and turned around.

"She might have gotten some help from your dad," Enzo said in a matter-of-fact manner as if it didn't just recreate a fresh set of expectations in Kian's heart. And expectations hurt.

Kian simply hummed, drying his boyfriend's damp hair with the towel and loving the way he cooperated. It had become Kian's favorite thing to do. These small domestic affections only made him realize how they were heading for a new beginning.

"Are you okay?" Enzo asked, brushing some of Kian's hair back.

"Don't say things like that. You know he wouldn't do it." Kian threw the towel in the hamper and kept looking at the floor. What did he expect? His father would suddenly be okay with him dating a guy if it was the boy he grew up with. The fact was - Enzo was still a guy, and his father never approved of his preferences.

Enzo pinched his chin and made him look into his eyes.

"And what if he did do it?" Kian wanted to groan and melt into the floor.

"I know he wouldn't. It's a lot, okay? I can't be like you and turn every situation in my favor. The disappointment I caused papa is real. And it would take a lifetime to make amends."

Enzo sighed.

"So, does that mean I'm a disappointment to you?" Enzo raised a brow, his irritation showing up in his tight jawline.

"No, you're my pride in rainbow colors, Enzo Santiago." Kian laughed, touching his cheek and placing a sweet, lingering kiss.

Of course, someone cleared their throat, and they both froze. Kian's heart vibrated inside his chest as he slowly turned to find his father leaning against the doorframe with an unreadable expression on his face. He pushed his glasses up on his nose- a habit Kian always found cute in the grumpy gentleman that his father was. A smile threatened to appear on his lips, but he suppressed it.

"Enzo," his father said, straightening his stance and rubbing his chin. He was nervous or perhaps agitated, Kian noted. "It's been a while. I hope things are good at your home?"

"Yes, Mr. Advani. Things are fine at my home. It's nice to be back here." Enzo walked over to his father while Kian stood his ground, more stunned than confused.

"Nice to have you here, Enzo." His father gave a tight-lipped smile and patted Enzo's shoulder. The gesture took Kian by surprise. Even more when his gaze collided with his father, and he saw a hint of his old affection returning in them. "You too, Kian."

Kian could only keep looking at his father, first that slight tug of his lips, a genuine smile, then the way he gulped and turned to leave. Too much. It was too much after years of being treated as a non-existent member of the family.

His heart was sinking with the onslaught of emotions. As soon as the door closed, Kian was about to fall, but Enzo's arm came around him, holding him upright.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming," Kian mumbled against Enzo's neck while inhaling his calming scent. "Tell me you saw it too. Tell me you felt it too."

Enzo held the back of Kian's neck and made him look into his eyes, his thick eyelashes brushing Kian's cheek as he said, "You're not dreaming, Kiki. Your dad loves you the most."

A few silent minutes passed as Kian grasped the change. Indeed his mother was right. His father did love him in his distant way, and it was more than he could've asked for.

And they were smiling and kissing, stumbling towards the bed. Kian's back hit the bed, and Enzo was right above him, balancing his weight on his strong hands. Kian turned to kiss his iron forearms, loving the groans releasing from Enzo's throat. He pulled him back in the kiss, his hand finding the familiar hold on his sharp jaw.

That night as his boyfriend held him to sleep in his childhood bed, Kian felt he was finally at home.


Their small town had never looked as lively as it did, with Enzo holding his hand and walking beside him. They passed the neighborhood house where Enzo used to live before his father got transferred to San Francisco. Kian shook his head, holding Enzo's cheeks as he felt bitter nostalgia in his boyfriend's eyes.

Enzo was nothing if not an artist who loved every little thing close to his heart. How could he not feel burnt with memories of his childhood? Enzo's parents separated two years back, and his boyfriend had been trying to live with the truth since then.

"Why is it that sometimes the people you love the most hurt you the worst?" Enzo laughed dryly, turning away from his old house and walking silently beside Kian.

"Because none of us are perfect, Enz. We can't live up to everyone's expectations." Kian bent down to pick up a wildflower from the roadside weeds and tucked it behind Enzo's ear. "But we can accept our imperfections and learn to love them with all our hearts."

"Are you using the same tricks as me, Kian Advani?" A playful smile tugged on his lips as he used his fingers to brush the flower.

"Maybe, it's your bad influence," Kian said, proceeding to jump through the fence of the small playground they used to come to as children. But Enzo pulled him by tugging at his black hoodie and kissing him, right there, in the middle of a busy crossroad, a dozen kids playing on the playground with their parents and under the dying evening sun. Kian tasted love and promises on his lips.

"Definitely a bad influence." Kian laughed, resting his forehead against Enzo's and diving his fingers into Enzo's shoulder-length hair.


Later that night, they settled for dinner, his father included. Enzo held his hand under the table to give him the confidence he needed. His father was surprisingly polite the whole time, making small talk with Enzo but uncomfortable making eye contact with Kian. And his mother was...cautious.

And Enzo was just the way he was, laughing, sharing awkward experiences around the world. His music tours were a thing of delight for everyone around the table. Even for Kian's father.

As they ate, his mother turned to Enzo with a glint in his eyes. "Never thought Kian would find someone so perfect as you, Enzo."

"Me either," Enzo smirked, looking at Kian, and took a sip of water. His gaze turned Kian's throat dry.

"So, when did you realize that you...your friendship would turn into a deeper connection." She asked while his father suddenly found the food on his plate more interesting than the awkward questions his mother put forward. At least someone was trying to sound normal. Even Kian wanted to know that answer from Enzo.

Enzo put down the spoon and looked over at Kian. "I ran away from him when I realized why I felt what I felt for him and kept running for two years. Then one day, I woke up and decided to quit running away from my true feelings. I think we always had a deeper connection."

Kian's heart did a backflip, and even his father's eyes were on Enzo. His mother looked at his boyfriend with a look only a mother has for her kids, and his father had lines of concentration on his forehead as he analyzed Enzo's words.

"I never said this before, Kian, but I'm so proud of you. And maybe I wasted too much time in saying this, not anymore. I love you with all your shades. You're my only son, and I would be a big disappointment if I failed to understand my son's feelings."

Kian glanced at his father, blinked, and blinked again. The wet trails on his cheeks were the years of waiting for this moment.

He didn't waste any more moment, flung out of his seat and wrapped his arms around his father's neck. Both of them released a sigh.

The taste of acceptance is heavenly. Once you have it, you would never exchange it for all the riches in this world.

After dinner, all four of them watched Forrest Gump, his father having a happy smile on his face, the one Kian missed so dearly. And then, his parents went to bed while Enzo and Kian stayed back to snuggle up on the couch near the fireplace to watch Call Me By Your Name. Kian had seen the movie countless times, but this was the first time with his boyfriend. Enzo was genuinely amazed at the plot. They laughed, swooned, and cried, Enzo holding Kian's hand tightly as Elio cried in front of the fireplace.

When it got over, Kian didn't get up to turn off the TV. Instead, his eyes were watching the soft features of his boyfriend as Enzo sniffled, looking at the crackling fire. The credits rolled, and Enzo finally looked at Kian, his eyes glassy and nose red.

But when Kian tried to pull him in for a warm, comforting hug, Enzo had other plans. He rushed upstairs, asking Kian to stay put. "Just wait here, Kiki. I've got something to give you, and I think I can't wait till your birthday."

"It's tomorrow, dummy." Kian laughed, taking a glance at his watch. "Which is practically just an hour from now."

Enzo gave him a warning brow as he got up to follow him, so Kian had no other option but to sit there and wait for the surprise.

The boy returned with his hands inside his pockets and a lazy grin plastered on his lips. He looked agitated and nervous. He pulled out a small box from his pocket. It was wrapped in red foil, with a little purple bow on the top.

"I was expecting a bigger present from my millionaire boyfriend." Kian hid his excitement in lame amusement, but internally he was screaming. The anticipation was nearly killing him.

"Stop being cute." Enzo bit his lip to hide his grin as Kian took the cute-looking box from his hands and shook it near his ear.

Kian unwrapped the gift to unveil a red velvet jewelry box. Kian's heart almost did a violent thud, and his hands shook. He looked at Enzo, a little puzzled.

"Just open it already, Kiki."

So he did. Inside the jewelry box was a shiny infinity ring in platinum and gold, looking as mesmerizing as terrifying."

"Kian Advani, I want you to be my forever love," Enzo said, his midnight eyes sparkling with so much love. "There have been moments when I thought I could never see you, be your friend, or be around you ever again. And that was a long time ago when I was still so scared to accept my love for you. But now that I know it, I don't think I can waste any more years, days, hours, minutes, or seconds of life. I want to marry you, Kiki."

Kian blinked at him. Enzo looked so nervous that he wanted to laugh and kiss all at once. "I'm fine if you want to take your time and-"

"Yes," Kian smiled, bunching the fabric of his boyfriend's white shirt and tugging him towards his body. "I say yes, Enzo Santiago. Let's start our new beginnings together."

This boy with midnight dreamy eyes and a heart full of music had filled Kian with so much love that continued to grow with each passing second. He had no doubts that shadowed his existence anymore.

Enzo laughed as he slipped the infinity ring into Kian's ring finger and kissed his knuckles. "No more resisting love."


Author's Note:

More bonus chapters??

Surprise! For those who are still part of this journey. I wasn't planning to write a bonus chapter but then my mind was so full of ideas and I couldn't stop writing. Leave your thoughts if you liked it!

Thank you for reading <3 <3

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