Coffee Dates ♡

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Thank you so much for this idea @Crimson_bladergirl. I definitely made some changes but I like the idea you gave me!

R/G/N - Random girl's name that you somewhat extremely dislike

In this story, you both are in college.


The phone kept ringing so loudly. I turned it off and rubbed my temples.

'Why does she keep calling me," I gritted my teeth while talking.

My admirer-no, stalker kept calling me. She's definitely been making my life more difficult. Ever since that incident, I've been more cautious around women.

My studies have been distracting whenever I was trying to hide from R/G/N. Now, I'm failing a few classes because of her. I decided to go to a cafe to try to avoid her from my house. I can't even go to my house now because of her.

I gave a really long sigh and leaned back on my chair. I looked at my watch. 4:00.

I closed my eyes knowing that I can relax without worrying about R/G/N.

I felt a poke on my cheek from someone else. "Hey, wake up."

My eyes snapped open and grabbed the person's wrist as I jerked forward. "What are you doing." It wasn't a question. I was demanding an answer.

"You fell asleep in here sir," she said in a stoic voice, unfazed that I had just grabbed her wrist. "The other employees asked me to come here to wake you up."

I looked around my surroundings and realized that I was still at the cafe. I drifted off without knowing that I fell asleep in a cafe!

"Oh I'm sorry," I apologized as I let go of her wrist.

"No no no," she waved her hands. "It's completely fine."

She paused for a moment before speaking again. "Would you like to order coffee? I'm sure it will help you wake up."

To be honest, I don't like coffee. It tastes completely bitter and it has this scent that makes my nose scrunch every time I smell it.

Yes, this is my opinion of coffee. If C/N does like coffee, then just imagine that he doesn't.

...But I'll order one since I bothered this poor girl long enough.

"Yes, please. Anything would do."

Her face lit up as she wrote my order on her notepad. "Great! I'll get through your order right away."

With that, she walked away from my table. Once she was out of my sight, I sighed and looked at my studies. I haven't gotten any work done yet. I have an exam tomorrow and I haven't studied at all.

'What am I going to do?'

I admit, I've been stressed for a while with R/G/N on my trail but today just seemed to be the worst of the worst.

Suddenly, the waitress popped back at my table with a tray this time and the coffee.

"Here you go sir," she handed the cup to me. She then held her tray to her body with both her hands, looking expectant. I could hear her eyes saying, "You better drink it."

Oh well, I shouldn't waste this coffee. I held the coffee up to my lips, expecting the coffee to have that same bitter taste, and drank it. My eyes lit up.

"Woah, this coffee isn't as bitter as I thought it would be," I continued sipping the coffee. It's sweeter than what I usually smell.

"I knew that you would like this kind of coffee!"

"How did you know?" I was genuinely surprised that she could sense what I like and what I don't like.

She smiled. "Call it an instinct. Looking at your eyes, I knew that you despised coffee. Most people don't like coffee because of its bitter taste so I decided to get you Arabica coffee, the one that you're drinking right now."

"My entire insight of coffee has changed."

She laughed and suddenly looked at my papers. "Rough day for you?"

"Every day. Maybe besides today," I looked at my coffee.


"Because of the coffee," I relaxed on the chair.

"Haha, then you should come here more for the coffee," she leaned on the table.

I smiled. 'Maybe I will.'

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Y/N. You?"

"C/N. And sure. I'll come to this cafe more."

"For the coffee," she said.

"For the coffee," I repeated.

After that day, I continued to go to that cafe. Every time I went there, I was welcomed there by Y/N. Later on, she introduced me to her manager and she was pretty nice. Now, I always go there expecting to see Y/N. She always makes my day. I always enjoy her sparky personality whenever she talks to me. Today is still the same as before...


I looked out the window and saw C/N walking from a small distance. I suddenly felt lighter and more excited as I ran to the counter.

"(Manager's name), C/N's here," I called out to her loudly.

"Welcome him in for me. He can have a free drink today. It's on the house."

I nodded. I was so happy to see (Manager's name) so generous and kind when it comes to C/N. He's always given great company to us whenever he's here. He just makes the cafe's atmosphere more lively and nice.

I opened the door to see that C/N was about to open it at the same time. Our fingers touched slightly as C/N was about to reach the door knob. I let go immediately and the door ended up closing until C/N held the door with his work spilled on the floor as a result.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I picked up the papers and neatly tidied them.

He smiled as he saw me. "Waiting for me?"

"Yup! Come on in C/N," I held the papers in one hand and grabbed his wrist, and pulled him to the table. The best spot in my opinion. I put his papers on the table and motioned him to sit down.

Then I took out my notepad and began to ask for his order. "Would you like to order the usual?"

I like how I asked that in a way that we're familiar with each other.

"Yeah, I would like to order the usual."

But I like how he answered my question in a way that we're familiar with each other.

"Okay, Arabica coffee coming right up!" I clapped my hands together as I said that.

I went into the kitchen and yelled out, "The usual for C/N!"

The worker knew exactly what the usual was since he orders it every time and C/N and the manager are like best friends.

Once it was done, I went over to C/N's table and gave him the order in a tray. After that, I held the tray with both of my hands.

"So, how is college?" I said, trying to start a conversation.

"I'm actually doing well. The scores have been increasing now that she..." His voice stopped before he could go further.

We both fell into a silent gaze. I didn't bother prying in further since it seems to be a conversation that he doesn't want to talk about. I looked into his papers and saw some familiar pages.

"Wait, you go to the same college as me?" I blurted.

C/N's eyes went wide as he was surprised. "Really? You go to (College name of your choice)?"

"I mean, it's the nearest college in the area. It's convenient as well for me since I have work here."

"I can't believe that we've been talking to each other not knowing that we go to the same college."

C/N and I burst out laughing. I wiped tears from my eyes. Who knew that we go to the same college?

But then at the same time, we both never bothered to be closer. Would this be a chance to know more about him? C/N snapped me out of my thoughts with his next question.

"Why do you work here Y/N?"

"Well..." My eyes averted from his. Should I tell him? I never told about this with anyone besides the manager.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

'Haha, you always make me feel comfortable. Maybe trusting is something I should do more.'

"No, I want to tell you. I want to trust you."

I took a deep breath before speaking.

"When I was a kid, I always dreamed of being a designer. It was my dream to design objects with my vision. My parents, however, had different ideas for me. They wanted me to get a job that could pay me well. I argued with them and refused to go to the college of their choice. They threatened me, telling me that they wouldn't support me if I didn't go to that college. I never wanted money. I wanted happiness. They kicked me out, telling me that I would come back, telling them that I was wrong. They told me that if I wanted happiness, money could buy that. After I was kicked out, the manager, who lived nearby, heard what happened and took me in. I work here now to pay for my college tuition. Once I'm done with college, I'll do my best with my knowledge to get the job of my dream and prove my parents wrong."

I expected C/N to look at me with pity but to my surprise, he looked at me with admiration.

"Thanks for telling me this Y/N. You're a really brave person, going against your parents to achieve your dream," he looked at me softly.

I felt something thump in my chest. 'What is this feeling?'

"Thank you C/N. You're the first person to tell me that. When there's someone or something stopping me from achieving my dreams, I make sure that I don't let anything get in my way," I spoke all of this with a tinge of my emotions put into that sentence. I wanted to achieve my dreams and I want C/N to achieve his as well. I hope that my advice will help him.

His eyes glistened like a star shining in the dark. Afterward, we just spoke about our lives without a care in the world.

What I didn't know was that there was someone watching us...


Shortly after Y/N told me about her goals, I realized that I couldn't just let R/G/N have it her way again. So I decided to cut her off for good. I texted her if I could meet up with her. She gave me her location and I slowly walked into the building and tried to look for her. Then, I spotted her (R/G/N hair) and walked towards it. She spotted me and waved toward me with a smile. A smile I hope I never see again.

"Hello C/N! I'm so glad to see you again dear."

I grimaced at the word "dear" as I took a deep breath. I won't let her get away with this.

"Please don't see me again."

Her eyes suddenly dulled as she looked at me with a glare.

"What do you mean?" She asked slowly but her tone was clear.

"I don't want anything to do with you."

"Ha...ha," she looked at me with disbelief. "You're just joking with me, aren't you?" 

"No, I'm being serious. Do you know what you did ruined my life? You stalked me, broke into my house, and even drugged me! I tried moving away but you found me again and again. I tried reporting you but there's no evidence to prove that you did that. And you said you loved me all because I helped save you from a car accident. If you did really love me, then you would leave me alone. Please, just stop all this madness," I sighed deeply. I was nervous but I'm glad I could finally let it all out. 

I couldn't see her face as she looked down. When she finally looked at me, all I could see was her dull eyes and cold stare. "...Is it all because of her?"

I froze. I knew who she was talking about. I never wanted to involve her. Did she follow me all the way to the cafe? Did she hear our conversations? What is she going to do with her? Should I lie? No, she already knows. 

"What are you going to do?"

"You know, I'm a little tired. Everyone keeps getting in the way of us. Mother-in-law, father-in-law, and your friends. Now her as well. I tried everything I could to be with you but even you are stopping us from being together as well," She sighed. She looked at me with a sad look.

What is she going to do? Is she going to give up? I had a little bit of hope until I saw her pull onto something in her bag.

"You see, I was thinking of doing this as a last resort but..." her voice drifted off.

What is she saying? No, is she thinking of that?! Is that why this location is so dark so nobody could see?!

She interrupted my thoughts as I heard her steps growing closer. I saw the shiny metallic knife in her hand that she pulled out of her bag. 'I have to run now.' I tried to run but my legs wouldn't listen as if it was paralyzed by her. 

"C/N," she whispered. "if I can't have you, then I'll kill the both of us! It's perfect! Death will do us part, C/N. Remember, I'm doing this because I love you. Please know that I didn't want to do this, but I have to. Goodbye C/N."

The knife moved along her will in a swift motion toward me. I quickly shut my eyes and saw my life flash in motion, fading in and out.

'I'm sorry Y/N. Maybe...I wasn't cut out for this.'


a few minutes earlier...

"I'm going home now!" I yelled to my manager. I waved to the manager goodbye and opened the back door. 

C/N didn't come today. He's never missed a day ever since the first day he came to the cafe. I wonder what happened to him. Sigh, I shouldn't be worrying about him. He's only a friend who just happens to come to the cafe I work at, goes to the same college as me, and is someone who I...kind of like?

He won't accept me. Plus, I like the way our relationship is right now. I don't want to ruin it.

I was walking down the alley when I heard people talking. Hm? This street isn't really a place where a lot of people talk in public. 

The voice was vague but I could hear a woman's voice.

"...Is it all because of her?"

Silence. For some reason, I feel like I should be intervening in this. It doesn't feel right.

"What are you going to do?"

I recognize that voice! It's C/N. But what are they talking about? 

"You know, I'm a little tired. Everyone keeps getting in the way of us. Mother-in-law, father-in-law, and your friends. Now her as well. I tried everything I could to be with you but even you are stopping us from being together as well."

...Something doesn't feel right.

I started to run as fast as I could toward the sound of their voices. Hold on, C/N. Please be alright

"You see, I was thinking of doing this as a last resort but..." 

I finally found both of them in a dark corner of the alleyway. My eyes filled with horror as I saw the scene that was happening. 'No, don't hurt him!' I quickly ran to stop her.

"C/N," she whispered. "if I can't have you, then I'll kill the both of us! It's perfect! Death will do us part, C/N. Remember, I'm doing this because I love you. Please know that I didn't want to do this, but I have to. Goodbye C/N."

As I saw the knife plunge toward C/N, I pushed him away before she could stab him. I felt dizzy as I fell to the ground along with C/N. I felt liquid on my cold skin and I saw C/N look at me with shock and fear. I wondered what was happening to my head. I felt my forehead and saw blood on my hands. I could feel C/N's trembling hands on me. His mouth was opened and he tried to speak but no words could come out.

"Ugh," My head felt like a thousand needles suddenly pierced at my head.

 "How dare you get in my way again!? You keep taking C/N away from me! He deserves this for ruining everything!" Both C/N and I looked up to see the woman looking with murderous eyes.

I breathed heavily with my hand on my forehead to stop the blood from flowing down my face. I stood up and shielded C/N away from her.

"I don't know what's going on but if I see someone hurting my friend, I'll do whatever to stop them. Whatever C/N did, I know that he wouldn't do anything wrong. He never did anything wrong. And you love him? What complete nonsense are you talking about? Don't say that he's yours when you're trying to take his life and yours," I yelled at her. She's horrible. 

"You..." She trembled a lot. "I'll kill you!"

It was a good thing I knew how to kick. I kicked as hard as I could at her chest at the right time. She immediately dropped her knife to the ground as she groaned and clutched to her chest. 

'She's weak.' I grabbed the knife and pointed it at her. With each step I took, she immediately crawled backward.

"Please, don't kill me. I don't want to die. Please!" She screamed and begged.

"You're weak," I glowered. "You said you wanted to kill C/N and yourself and now you're begging to live."

I pointed the knife even closer to her. "This is how C/N felt when you tried to do the same act. Now, I can do the same for you."

"No no no no no no no! I don't want to die," she shook her head with her hands. I dragged my arm to proceed with the act.

"But I'm not like you," I threw the knife aside. Instead, I punched her in the face as hard as I could.

"This is for C/N. I said I wouldn't kill you but I'll hurt you real hard," I rubbed my knuckles. "Don't ever hurt my friend ever again."

"Aghhhhhhhh!!!! It hurts! It hurts so much!" She deserves it. She passed out shortly afterward.

I tied her up really tightly, just in case, before calling the police. Afterward, I went over to sit with C/N.

"Are you okay C/N," I asked softly.

He ignored my question, hands hugging his knees. "You believe I didn't do anything wrong."

He looked dully at me. 

"Of course. You're my friend," I told him sincerely.

"No one believed me when I told them about the things she did with me. They all looked at me with disappointment, asking why I would date an older woman. But I didn't. And her. She tells me I'm selfish, asking why I couldn't let her be happy. Maybe she's right. Maybe I am selfish."

"Push me away if you don't want this but...I'm going to hug you," I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. 

I felt his hands tremble at first but then he slowly hugged me back, hands resting on my back. 

"C/N," I whispered softly against his neck. "I'm sorry that happened to you. And you're not selfish. You've done so much for me. You make me feel like I can be someone who I really want to be. Even if you are selfish, it's okay. You be selfish around me. I'll always be here for you."

I suddenly heard a sob and felt wet liquid on my back. He quickly tightened his hands on me and cried to me. I only rubbed his neck to calm him down.

", Y/N," he said between his sobs. "You make my life feel like it's worth it."

"I..." my voice drifted off.

"I love you," was what I want to say, but I know it was not the right time. Instead, I hugged him tighter.

I'll be here with you from now on C/N...

Afterward, everything went into a blur. I remember hearing the sirens of the police cars. They took the girl, put me in another car with C/N, and took us to the hospital. I gave in to my dreams and slowly closed my eyes. By the time I woke up, I saw a couple of police officers talking to C/N outside but he refused to speak and wanted to ask about my wellbeing. I ripped off all the medical equipment besides my bandages and walked outside.

"It's okay. I'm alright now."

Both of them looked at me and C/N rushed to hug me.

"Are you alright? No, that was a stupid question. Thank goodness you're okay. Don't ever rush in like that ever again! You could've gotten yourself killed!" C/N continued rambling about my safety but I hugged him tightly. 

"I'm just glad you're okay," I told him. He rubbed my back.

"Me too."

We stayed like this for a little while before the police officer asked us about the situation.

"Ahem," C/N and I let go of each other. "Sorry for the interruption but I would like to ask some questions if that is okay with you." He looked at my head.

"No worries," I waved my hands together very quickly. "I'm alright now so that won't interfere with the investigation.

"Great," the officer said while taking his notes. "The young lady at the scene is in the other room. May I ask about your relationship with her?"

I didn't know anything about her so I looked sideways to C/N.

"She's my stalker," C/N answered without breaking eye contact with the officer.

The officer's eyes tensed up. "And may I ask what happened at the scene?"

We told the officer the story and the officer just continued writing in his notes.

"I see. Then you were the one who stopped her from killing him and used self-defense to immobilize her correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay, the doctors said that there were bruises all over her face and you were the one who did that then."

I nodded. 

"Thank you for your help. You're free to go now. We'll update you once we get more results."

We thanked the officer and headed out of the hospital.

Outside, the sky was as dark as it could be, with a tint of white from the moon and the stars. C/N and I walked in silence to nowhere but we were okay with that. As long as we're both here. 

The silence was dawning to us and I wondered who was going to speak. 

C/N went first. "Thank you for saving me Y/N."

"Of course, it's what friends do," I replied nonchalantly.

"But is it really?" My foot stopped in its tracks. I turned my head around to see C/N behind me, with a serious look in his eyes.

I covered my shock with a grin. "It is. Friends should always be there for each other."

C/N took a few steps to walk toward me. I looked up at C/N's confusion about what he was going to do next. To my surprise, he slipped something into my jacket pocket. Afterward, he slid his warm palm against mine and intertwine our fingers together.

"Does a friend do this with each other," he asked with a whisper in my ear. I was so shocked and looked down. I don't know what to answer.

Luckily, C/N didn't pursue further. "Look at the item I gave you when you get home, okay?"

I nodded shyly. Then C/N treaded forward with our hands still stuck together. So I followed him along with so many thoughts in mind.

Suddenly he stopped, turned to me, and rubbed his neck shyly.

"Where is your home?"

I laughed. "Here, follow me." 

I lead C/N through the streets with his hand in mine. It continued to stay like this until we reached my apartment.

I didn't want C/N to leave and I know he doesn't as well. We both know that. We struggled with what to say next. 

C/N spoke first. "I guess...I should go home now."

He turned around to leave but I tugged at his jacket.

"I need you to know something first," My words stumbled as I stuttered.

C/N smiled softly and put his hand on my face and caressed it. His hand roamed around my face until it rested on my lips. He rubbed it with his thumb and told me the next thing I didn't expect him to say.

"You should go rest now."

"Wait! But I need to tell you something!"

"Wait until you're ready. Then I'll give you my answer," he told me softly.

I nodded sadly, with his thumb still on my lips.

He lifted my chin up to make me look at him. He rubbed my lips with his thumb once more before letting go.

"Be patient, Y/N. You'll get what you want soon," He said as he rubbed his bottom lip with his thumb. The same thumb that rubbed mine. 

I immediately blushed and covered my mouth.

He turned around and started walking home, silently ending our conversation. Once he was out of my eyesight, I immediately ran to my bedroom in the house and screamed into the pillow. 'I can't believe that just happened.' I kicked my legs up toward the ceiling. I suddenly remembered the item that C/N gave me. I took it out of my pocket and saw a bracelet with a piece of paper tucked inside.

I looked at the letter and saw a handwritten letter that seems to be C/N's. 

You're special to me. 

You make me feel special

This was already bringing tears to my eyes. I refused to let them out. I looked at the last sentence and I froze immediately.

You hide your deepest feelings inside and try to be strong. But you don't have to. I want to see every side of you. I want to see your true self and I want to see your weak side. No matter what, I want to be there with you when you need me. To me, you're already so strong. Y/N, I want you be loved more than anything else. Allow me to be the one who does that for you.

I finally allow my tears to pour down my cheeks. I held the letter tightly to my chest. 

"Thank you C/N," I whispered.


A few months later...

A lot has happened during the last few months. For example, R/G/N was sent to a mental facility. I'm happy now that she's going to get the help she needs. 

Ever since that night, I didn't go to the cafe. I wanted her to truly think about what she wanted before I give her the answer. When you care about someone so much, you're willing to wait for it. Although it has been a bit lonely now that I don't go there anymore, I'm waiting for the right time. 

I sighed. "You have to be patient, C/N," I told myself.

I looked to the sky. The sky had a veil of blue and the sun shined into my eyes. 

But it's been a few months already. Surely that would be enough time, right?

I shook my head. 'No be patient!'

But my other thoughts overtook this one. 'It's more than enough time.'

I'll just go there. I walked for a few blocks and then I stood in front of the door.

My legs felt like jelly. My stomach felt like there were butterflies in them. 'Come on. You can't just stand here forever. She's in there! Just put your feet inside that-'

My thoughts were interrupted when a voice behind me said, "Hey, aren't you gonna come in?"

My head whipped around as fast as it could and I leaned against the door. I saw a familiar face. The one I wanted to see for the past few months.

Her eyes went as wide as mine. She looked a little different. Her hair was longer than I remembered. Even though she looked different, she still looked recognizable. I glanced down and oh my god. She was wearing the bracelet I gave her.

She tightly gripped her bag strap. "C/N..."

I stood up. "Y/N..."

She gave me a soft smile, walked ahead of me, opened the door, and held it out for me.

"Would you like to come in?" She asked politely.

I nodded. "Yeah, I would like to."

Looks like it was just us today. Y/N turned the sign to Open. I guess the cafe was opened just now. I slapped myself mentally. How did I not see the sign?

"You should sit down," Y/N said as she put on her apron and cap.

"Yeah, you're right," I said quietly. My feet were probably shaking because I was just as nervous.

She grabbed her notepad and came over to me. "Would you like the usual? Oh," she slapped her forehead. "You probably have a different taste now. I'm sorry about-"

"No!" I interrupted her. "I mean, I still would like the usual. It's still my favorite."

'Because it makes me think of you." But I refused to add that to my sentence.

"Okay got it," she was about to turn around but I grabbed her wrist. 

"Wait Y/N," I took a deep breath. "Shouldn't about us?"

That question tensed her up a little. I pulled her down with her hand to sit next to me as I put our arms on the table.

"Why didn't you come here?" She whispered quietly.

I sucked in my breath. "I wanted you to figure out what you wanted."

"But I already knew by the time I read your letter that I wanted you."

"Y/N, are you sure about that?"

"C/N," she said firmly. "You want to see every side of me. I want to see every side of you too. Even though a few months passed, my feelings haven't changed."

The entire time I was holding her hand, she didn't return the gesture until now. She intertwined our fingers and brought our hands up to her face.

"You're strong around me." She kissed my hand softly.

"You can be weak around me." She kissed it again.

"You deserve so much happiness." She kissed my hand.

"You're special." She kissed my hand once again.

"I'll be the one who loves you." She kissed my hand for the last time.

My hands trembled. No one has ever told me that before.

"Shouldn't that be my job?" I whispered softly.

"It's our job to do that," she replied. "I want to know everything about you. I want to be your everything just like how you are to me. My everything. Will you accept me C/N?"

'Yes. I want to be with you.'

I smiled and she smiled back, knowing my answer.

"Then Y/N?" She looked at me with a smile.

I held out my other hand. "Would you like to go on a coffee date?"

OH MY GOD. OVER 5000 words. This story just got me feeling so happy. After everything C/N and Y/N have been through, I'm glad they get their happy ending. I'm extremely proud of myself after looking at my writing and I have improved a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed my story! Please like this story and follow me! That would be greatly appreciated. If you guys have any requests, I got you! Have a great day/night everyone. 

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