Our Dream ♡

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I struck the final chord of my electric guitar as I bowed to the audience. They all cheered and clapped for me.

I waved at one person kindly and they screamed so loud that it could even beat the sound of my electric guitar.

I grabbed the mic and opened my mouth to thank them all.

"Thank you all for coming to the show! We always appreciate you guys coming to the show to join us on our journey! We'll see you later! Vivid Recollection out!"

When we were backstage, Ellie (Eli), my trusty bass guitarist, gave me a towel to wipe my face. His dark black hair with red highlights stuck to his face as well due to the sweat we made during the show. "Great show guys!"

We all high-fived together. We were changing out of our outfits and one of my other bandmates made a suggestion.

"Let's have a party for our 6th sold-out show in a row!" Ray (Rachel), my drummer, clapped her hands. She was wearing neon green highlights on her blonde hair. her shiny metallic outfit blinded my eyes. Ellie nodded vigorously and got the beer out.

"You guys have your party without me," I shook my head. I didn't drink a lot since I was a little weak with alcohol.

"Oh come on, Y/N! You're our leader! Come and have fun with us. We can't have a party without our leader right?" Ray and Ellie gave me their puppy dog eyes. 

I rolled my eyes. "Come on guys. We already agreed that there is no leader in this band. We're all in this together." 

Even though I didn't want to, I sat down anyway for the sake of my friends. They're feeling awesome right now. I didn't want to ruin their moods.

Ray handed me a cup of beer. 

"Cheers!" We clinked our cups together as I held the cup to my lips and drank it all down. The burning taste slid from my tongue all the way down to my throat and stomach. 

"Ahhhhhhh," I coughed. Ellie patted my back.

"You know you can't drink it all like that Y/N," he told me strictly.

"It's fineeee," I let the "e" go on. 

"Can't believe that we've been so successful ever since our first debut as a band!"

"Remember high school?" Ray asked. Then she covered her mouth. "Oh, sorry Y/N. I didn't mean it like that."

High school held the happiest memories and the most painful memories. I suddenly felt sick in my stomach. 

"I'm gonna take a breather," I told them, rubbing my forehead. I walked out before anyone could say something. I turned out to the balcony, seeing the full moon. Dang it, now I'm remembering even more.

I leaned against the railing and allowed myself to be absorbed into the night. I breathed slowly and the wind blew softly against my hair and cheeks. I just stood there for a few moments before hearing footsteps coming toward me.

"Hey Y/N." I turned around to see Ellie at the door. 

"Hey," I replied turning my head back to look at the sky.

"You know she didn't mean that," He took a few steps toward me. 

"I know, I know. I just wish I didn't have to remember those memories. But I can't just forget them either. Those times made me who I am today. I tell myself to move on, but I can't move on. I'm so pathetic for letting him affect me this much," I sighed.

Ellie slid his hands around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. 

"You're not pathetic," his husky voice sent a shiver down my spine. "To me, you're the strongest person. No matter what, you always keep your happy face on. Doesn't that make you strong?"

I sighed, knowing he wouldn't know what I meant. "He" is a subject Ellie doesn't like talking about. I leaned into him, knowing his lingering touch would always be there. 

"Thank you, Ellie. I know that you'll always be there for me," I whispered, rubbing his hair softly.

"Of course. I love you, always and forever." He kissed my cheek softly as I hugged him back. His hard body was muscular and toned. It felt like I was hugging a brick.

"Mhm," I said. Maybe, just maybe, I could give him a chance. He knows that I can't just yet, but I'm so glad he's willing to wait for me. 

After a really long moment, we let go of each other. "I think I'll just go home now," I told him. I was about to get my car keys when Ellie slid his hands into my pants pocket and took it instead.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not letting you drive when you're drunk," he swirled the keys with his index finger while smirking.

"But I only drank a cup," I pouted. 

"Enough to get you drunk," he bopped my nose.

"Hmph. Fine, Mr. Smarty-Pants.," I crossed my arms.

"You want me to drive you home?"

"No, no, no. You stay here with Ray. I don't want to ruin it just because I'm all sad and depressed."

"Are you sure," his doubt was evident on his face.

I smiled and punched him jokingly. "I'm sure."

He smiled softly before kissing my forehead. "Okay, I trust that you're not too drunk, and make sure to look both sides when crossing the road."

"I will," I nodded. "I'm going to say bye to Ray and then head home."

We both began to walk in with no words spoken until we reached the party room.

"Gussssss," she drooped her head from side to side. "Yo....bac."

"Sigh, of course, you'd be drinking," I laughed.

"I sow-ry," she said drowsily before she closed her eyes and slept. 

"You did nothing wrong Ray. You just wanted to liven up the mood," I touched her forehead. I looked at Ellie.

"You should take her home. She's completely passed out."

"You're right," he positioned himself to kneel down while I put Ray on top of his back. He moved around to completely hold her comfortably with a piggyback ride. His worried eyes looked at me like it was saying, "Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

I hugged him with Ray on his back and we both went outside. I smiled at Ellie. He smiled back. It felt like everything was going to be completely fine. We both stood there for a moment before I rubbed his cheek. 

"I'll see you," I murmured.

He leaned into my touch. "I'll miss you."

I laughed. "I'm seeing you tomorrow."

"I can't wait till tomorrow." 

"Well, you'll have to wait. Good night Ellie."

"Goodnight, Y/N."

We both went our separate ways. Now that I was alone, I started feeling nostalgic. Ellie helped me stay in the present. Without him, I would always be stuck in the past. My chest burned with all those memories I had with him. I yearned for him again, no matter what. I stood at the crosswalk, and looked on both sides, before walking again. This same routine, wake up, eat, visit my band, do a show or interview, party, walk home, and sleep again. High school was full of unexpected experiences. The routine I do now, is it going to last forever? Will it always be the same? 

Ever since I formed the band Vivid Recollection, I wanted to make it so that we could always remember those days. Turns out the outcome was the opposite. It felt incomplete, painful, and regretful. It would never feel nostalgic without him. 

I sighed as I continued walking. I looked at the moon. I felt so frustrated that I decided to yell at it.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO GOD DANG BEAUTIFUL!?" I screamed at the moon. Thank goodness there was nobody around here to call me crazy or insane. At this point, I felt exhausted. There was no hope for me to relive those years again. 

I drowsily walked until I heard a tune. Wait, there's no way. I ran toward the music as quickly as I could. No one knows this besides me and...him. It had a mix of sadness and nostalgia. Could it be you? Would I have this chance to see you again? I didn't care if I was drunk. I was willing to the farthest lengths just for this so-called hope.

I ran across the road without looking at both sides (sorry Ellie). A couple of cars beeped at me, stopped, and yelled at me but I ignored them. The sound was getting closer and closer. I didn't care if it was a Siren luring me into its trap. I was willing to take this chance, no matter what. 

When I finally arrived at its destination, there was a lake right next to me. What stood out to me was a tree. It wasn't just any tree. It was a Weeping Willow Tree. I haven't been to this place for years. I stood far away from the tree. The wind brushed my hair as I stared longingly at the tree. We both stood here, six years ago and were just there for each other. As long as we had each other, everything was fine. Fine...there is no fine for me. The music continued to ring in my ears as I walked toward the tree. 

There was someone in front of the tree but the willow tree leaves covered their face. Whoever that person was, they knew the tune I made with him. My boots touched the grass after stepping through all the wet sand. Sigh, my boots were ruined from all the wet sand. Guess I'll have to clean it again.

I was finally getting closer to the tree. The wind finally blew the leaves away from the person's face. 

Was it just an illusion? Was this real? I couldn't tell whether this was a dream or if this was real. 

There he was. His (H/C) swept across his forehead. I couldn't believe it was him. His (E/C) eyes were closed so he didn't see me, but I knew it was him. How could I not? I've seen every side of him. He was the only one. The one who was a part of my dream. The reason why I named the band Vivid Recollection. 

I continued to stare at him. His clothes were fancy. He wore a button-up shirt with fancy pants. His Oxford shoes looked crazy expensive. Moreover, I was shocked. I couldn't speak. He played the song we made together. It was the tune we used to play at this very same tree when we were in high school. 

He continued to play on the guitar until the final chord was struck. He slowly opened his beautiful (E/C) eyes and looked distantly at the sky. Looks like he didn't notice me yet. His expression looked so sorrowful. So regretful, just like me. The glint in his eyes wasn't there. He continued looking at the sky until it landed on me.

At first, he squinted. Then he shook his head. Finally, his eyes went wide.

I was trembling and shaking so much. I couldn't speak so he decided to speak first.

"I-is it really you, N/N?" His fingers on the guitar were shaking as well. 

Finally, I knew it was him. I haven't cried since that day everything went wrong. But I did. I finally shed a single tear. "C/N? It's really you, isn't it?"

On that long summer night, I, Y/N L/N, found my long-lost first love at the age of 23. After six long years, we finally reunited. 

What happened to both of them that ruined their lives? Will Y/N and C/N fix their broken relationship and find out what happened? This is Part 1 of the "Our Dream" series. 

Yes! Finally, finished with the first part. I already have everything planned out but please! Vote on this story and follow me! I would love the support! And sorry for the late chapter. I was really trying to focus on the plot and see what I could do to make it even better. If you guys want to know what happens next, please comment! I won't do it if you guys don't want to. To be honest, I was so inspired by this song. I was listening to music one day while reading an angsty second-chance romance book and so happened to find myself an idea. The music and book aligned together and then I was like, "I gotta write this." 

Thank you so much for reading it guys. Have a great day/night.

- Jazzy Nightmare

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