Playing Family ♡

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I had this idea of playing family from my time of playing family with my cousins. Except I was the daughter of two parents/babies. Please vote and follow!

You felt happy for once in your life. You had a babysitting job for a little girl. You loved children, and it's been a while since you babysat for her. Since it was summer, you had more time. Her mom had to suddenly go on a business trip and asked you in take care of her for two days. You, of course, agreed since she was your mother's friend. You finally made it to her house and rang her doorbell. You heard a click coming from the door as it opened slowly.

"Y/N! I'm so happy you're here," she gave you a tight bear hug. "Thank you again for taking care of Amelia."

You patted her back while choking to death from her tight hug. "Of course, auntie. I'm glad. But y-you're c-chok-"

She took the hint and immediately let go of you. "Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry," She looked at her watch. "Oh no! I have to go now. Have fun, Y/N!"

She waved and hurried to her car. You waved back and sighed as soon as her car was out of your eyesight. How were you going to do this? The thing, you never experienced babysitting jobs that required many days. 'Maybe I shouldn't have accepted this job,' you rubbed your temples. You just thought you weren't competent enough. 'Enough of that Y/N,' you slapped your cheeks hard. ' It's too late now. Focus on Amelia.'

"Amelia!" You called out to her. You immediately see a head pop out of the wall. She was so cute. You sighed with the cuteness overloading you.

"Y/N!" She ran up to you and hugged both your legs. "I missed you so much."

You bent down to hug her too. "I'm sorry, I was so busy. Now, why don't we go play outside on your front yard." She nodded happily and immediately went out and you followed her as well.

You sat on the stepping stairs as she played on the concrete floor with her chalk markers. You closed your eyes and felt the summer air. You covered your eyes with your hand for a moment to avoid the sunlight.

You hear Amelia's voice scream out with excitement. "Hey there C/N!"

You suddenly jerked forward and hit your head on the pole after hearing that name. You didn't even realize that the pole was there but that didn't matter to you. 'What the heck is C/N doing here?'

You rubbed your eyes to see if this was just your imagination but it wasn't. C/N was right in front of Amelia's house. Hugging her. Wait what!? You immediately run up to them and held your knees to catch your breath when you made it. When you look up, you see C/N and Amelia hugging each other. It was honestly too cute. What else can you think about when two super cute people hug each other. You took a mental image of them before talking to C/N.

"C/N? What are you doing here?"

He looked at you and immediately became shocked. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

You cross your arms and raised your eyebrows. "Answer mine first." You both were glaring daggers. Why? Even though they are friends, they were thinking that the other was stalking them. They never went to each other's house.

"Don't worry, Y/N!" Amelia tugged at your dress. "C/N is my neighbor. He's just on his afternoon run." She turned to C/N. "And Y/N is babysitting me since my mommy is on a business trip." You both immediately sighed in relief.

"Sorry about that. I thought you were stalking me." You apologized.

He waved it off. "No worries, Y/N." After that, you immediately became your shy self again. 'I can't believe that did that to C/N! I'm such a jerk. I only did that on instinct. I didn't mean t-'

"Do you have time to play with me and Y/N today?" Amelia went over to C/N and tugged his shirt. He smiled and carried her.

"Of course, Amelia. As long as she minds it." He pointed to you. Both he and Amelia looked at you, expecting for an answer. You sighed again and nodded. You both started to walk in. He somehow managed to catch up and whispered, "Hey, thanks for inviting me by the way. I was honestly bored today." He pulled away and went in to put Amelia down.

You fanned your cheeks. Suddenly it felt hot. 'Oh my goodness. What just happened?'

You shook your head again. No time for that. You still needed to think of Amelia. As you went in, Amelia whined to you. "Can we please play a game? Pretty pretty please?"

You nodded, not knowing that you would regret it. "Sure, what do you want to play?"

She gave a huge grin. "Great, C/N already agreed to join so we have to play whatever I want, right?"

"Yes, whatever you want." C/N nodded.

"I want to play family and I want you to be my mommy," she pointed to you. "And I want you to be my daddy." She pointed to C/N.

"Wait me?" You both pointed to yourselves. "With him/her?" She nodded triumphantly.

You both averted your eyes from each other. "I don't think we shou-"

"Okay then. I guess we can do it." He interrupted you. You wondered why he agreed. You were completely embarrassed.

"And you have to act like parents. Give each other pet names, and do lovey dovey stuff."

Your face turned beet red and you thought this was going way too far. You put your arms up to make a X and shook your head.

"This is going way too far. I'm not going to-" C/N cut your voice off again with his own.

"Why don't we listen to our daughter and play for a while, Darling?" He put on his super handsome voice on that could seduce you. Your face could explode from the heat coming to your face. You didn't think you could handle this much heat.

"I won't comply to this, C/-" he cut off your voice again.

He smirked at you. "Don't call me that. Do you want me to call you Sweetheart?"

'That teaser!' You weren't going to let him get away with this. You put on your annoyed face and decided to play along with this little game. "No thank you, Honey." You gritted your teeth.

He turned around immediately and banged his head against the wall. Extremely hard. He turned back to Amelia and I again and cleared his throat.

"Now Amelia, is that all we need to do?" He asked.

"Yes! Let's all play some games now." Amelia put on her poker face but on the inside, she was rubbing her hands. 'For now, C/N. For now.' She thought.

This kid is so evil I love her.

After a few hours, both Y/N and C/N got used to the pet names and forgot about one fact. They're not actually husband and wife.

"Can you make us some tea, Love?" He called out to you.

"Mhm, sure Honey." You went into the kitchen to make some tea.

Amelia tapped C/N's shoulder. "Daddy?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Can you do something?"

"Do what?" You went back to the living room and was curious of what she had to say.

"Kiss each other." You blushed and looked away.

"No way!" You just couldn't do it. You never kissed him before and you were too nervous. 'How could a child like her know what kissing is?'

She knows because of her parents XD

Just then, you felt a hand grab your waist to turn you around and another hand grabbed your chin. The next? You felt lips against yours. His eyes were closed and you closed yours as well because you felt too overwhelmed.

You felt warmth, softness, happiness, and lips at the same time. 'Wait, lips?!'

You immediately pushed him away. It was a just a chaste but you were still too shy.

C/N smirked and asked, "Why push me away, Darling? We are wife and husband, right?"

'Oh god. He turned crazy from the crazy devil. This was her plan all along. For now, you had to get him to stop.'

"No, we are not. I'm sorry for forgetting as well. C/N, you need to re-" he cut you off kissing you again. He let go again.

"Didn't I tell you to not call me that?" He looked so sad. You then remembered that he was NOT your husband.

You got up and dragged him to the door.

"Wait, what are you doing!?" He called out in panic. You pushed him out of the door.

"Sorry C/N. We gotta divorce."

"No, please! I love you Y/N. I want to continue being by your side," he pleaded. You said something that you never expected.

"I love you too but we just have to divorce. See you tomorrow!" You waved and slammed the door on his face.

"Finally..." you sighed.

"Did you have fun?" Amelia snickered.

"No!" You screamed annoyed. "Actually, maybe a little."

"You both confessed. Yay!" She cheered. The sudden realization hit you.

"Wait, what?" You yelled. You put your thoughts into motion for a moment and counted each of the things you did with your fingers.

• You both acted like wife and husband
• You both called each other nicknames
• You both kissed not once but twice
• You both confessed to each



Amelia's POV

"Y/N's mom told me she had a crush on our handsome neighbor C/N."

"How does she know?"

Mommy winked. "Moms have some tricks up their sleeves."

"You too?"

"Yes. Now, your mission while I'm away is to get them together. Use whatever means necessary." She pointed at me.

"Yes, Mommy!" I stand up and salute. I must get them together. Mommy is depending on me.


You and Amelia were out in the front yard and Amelia was playing. You still couldn't get C/N out of your mind. Especially after what happened.

"Phew, finally done," Amelia wiped her forehead.

"Done with what?" You came over to look at what she was doing. You suddenly shrieked.

"Erase that before he sees it!" You hissed. It was the words C/N x Y/N with hearts all around.

"No way! C/N has to see this so I can finish my mission."

"It is not a mission to get us together."

"It is!"

Hope you liked it. Gosh, even I can forget that my little baby cousins aren't my real parents. If you can, is it okay if you follow me and vote on chapters like these? Thanks!

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