CRUSH-Yulsic fanfic Chap 4

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Chap 4

"HAHA! GOT IT!!" Yuri said excitedly behind me as if she had won a lottery and let out an evil chuckle while I was walking away.

"Huh?" I turned around to see what she was up to.

What the?

Omg 0_0

"Give it back!" I squealed and began to chase her around the room after seeing my purse in her hands.

"La-lala-la-la." She teased and waved the purse at me as she stood across the room, waiting for me to catch her with a big grin plastered on her face.

"Yah Kwon Yuri! Give it back NOW! N.O.W!" I shoutee and shot her with a glare.

"You want it? Come and get it!" She said playfully, sticking her tongue her o}t at me and started to jump on the bed.

"You're so dead Kwon Yuri!" I threatened and climbed on the bed.

"I thouwht my picture was in your purse." She said as she froze in her position with my opened purse only to discover I had changed the picture to Hyoyeon's.

"Hyoyeon? Wait. There's Sunny, Tiffany, yoonC, Taeyeon and Seohyun too?!?" She asked as she went through a few pictures in my purse.

"Well I love my friends. *wink* "I said cheekily.

"And I arranged them according to their skin color tones. From the darkest to the fairest! KAKAKAKA!" I teased and let out a loud evil laughter.

"Ish! No wonder my picture was the first -_-" Anyway I don't see Sooyoung's picture." She said as I snatched the purse away from her.


I would never put her picture in my purse puh-lease!

That party popper!

If it wasn't for her, I would've confessed to you a long time already.

"Huh? No reason." I replied and gave her a smirk.

Why she has all the pictures of the girls in our gang except for Sooyoung's?

Something's fishy.

Perhaps she likes her?

Well no wonder she's always quiet when Sooyoung's around.

She's shy whenever with Sooyoung's presence huh.

Will i be too late?




"Rise and shine gals!! Get your lazybums up now! Today is a wonderful day!" A cheerful Taeyeon chirped as she sashayed to the windows, slapping the girls' bottoms on the way.

She pulled the curtains and opened the windows, letting the cool breeze of the early morning in as we groaned and covered our faces with pillows.

"C'mon you lazy pigs! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" The ex class president continued, sounded like a captain. SWT.

"Can someone shush that cuckoo clock?!?" Sunny said as she dragged herself out of bed.

"Why are you waking us up so early Tete? It's only 5 in the morning and the sun is not even up yet." Tiffany asked with a pout.

"Gosh Taeyeon! We're on holiday, we're not in school! Will you give us a break!" Sooyoung groaned as she pulled the blanket over herself.

"Oh c'mon! I've cooked breakfast." Taeyeon said happily and left the room.

"I'm up!" Sooyoung said and shot up from the bed.




"Where are we going Tete?" A blur Tiffany asked as she was dragged by the excited Taeyeon with all of us tagging behind, don't know where we were heading since it was still dark.

"Ta-Da! We're here!!" Taeyeon said excitedly as she presented us her plan of the day, horseback riding.

"Yay! We've been wanted to do this for a long time already!" The 2 maknaes squealed happily, giving high 10s to each other.

"Wow. This is gonna be fun." Sooyoung said sarcastically.

Hyoyeon was busy chatting with Tiffany to even bother. Sunny was on her game while I can barely open my eyes so I don't really know what was going on.

Yuri was kinda excited as she started to drag me near to the horses and began to pat them.


What's that awful smell?


"Ah!" I pulled away as I was about to give my first kiss to a lucky horse who was inches away from my face. I was fully awake already with the smell and all -_-"

"Aren't they cute Sica?" Yuri asked as she fed the horses with the other members doing the same. Apparently they were having a great time with the horses.

"Err. I don't think so." I said and stood quite a distance from the horses with my fingers clipping my nose.

"C'mon." She said with a soft chuckle, pulling me nearer to the horses.

She began to pat the horse's head, leading the way with my hand in hers.

"See? This isn't so bad right?" She asked and smiled sweetly to me and I just smiled back when we were interrupted by someone.

"Wa! This horse is so cute!" Sooyoung exclaimed and came out of nowhere, pushing me aside and began to pat the horse.

What the?

All the horses are cute and she HAD to pick this one?

What is she up to now?


"Okay girls! We're going to ride the horses in pairs so pick a partner." Taeyeon explained and within seconds.... "Fany's mine!" She said as she held Tiffany's hand up in the air, marking her partner while Tiffany just smiled shyly.

"I'm pairing up with you, unnie" Seohyun said happily as she cling her arm on YoonA's.

"Yo Sunny! Wanna paired up together?" Hyoyeon suggested.

"Berry good yo!"

"I'm pairing up with..." I said hesitantly as Sooyoung was glaring at me and walking towards me and Yuri.

"Sica's my partner!" Yuri voiced out and held my hand up to show Taeyeon that she had a partner already.


I stared at Yuri blankly while she just gave me a silly smile.

Sooyoung was standing there dumbfounded and obviously wasn't happy.


Luckily I was fast.

If I was a second slower, Sica would've picked Sooyoung already.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

Yay yay.

Sica's my partner.

Sica's my partner.


"Ahh! No Yuri. It's too high. I can't. I'm not riding it." I was reluctant to get on the horse as it was too high for me while Yuri was on the horse already.

"Gimme your hand Sica. C'mon, trust me okay?" She convinced, putting hand out and gave me a smile that never fails to calm me.


Here it goes.


"Don't look down." She reminded as the horse began to take off slowly.

"You don't have to grip my hand so hard Sica. I can't feel my hand anymore." She joked and let out a chuckle.

"Oh sorry." I said shyly.

"Wow it's so beautiful. Look Sica!" She exclaimed and pointed at the rising sun while I slowly opened my eyes.

"Oh my g..." Yes, I couldn't even finish my sentence. You can imagine how beautiful it was.

The sunlight from the rising sun slowly crept on the field which is rich in green.

The air was really fresh and we were enjoying the morning breeze brushing against our cheeks.

I turned around to catch a glimpse on Sooyoung who had her eyes fixed on us, shooting glares at us like bullets and I quickly turned my back on her, afraid that I would die from her glares.


I thought I'm the one who kills people with glares here?!?

Anyway, continue...

With the sunlight slowly creeping in, I could see the beautiful surrounding clearly.

There was an apple orchard next to the field and it was a beautiful sight as the apples were like red dots from afar.

The view was like a beautiful painted picture.

Yea, it was that beautiful and spending the moment with Yuri now, it was heaven ^_^


"Now you know why I woke you guys up so early?" Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany while Tiffany was just amazed by the view.

"Coz Mr. Sunshine just couldn't wait to show his beautiful self."

"Thanks Tete." Tiffany was touched by Taeyeon's plan and gave a peck on Taeyeon's cheek, making her blushed like one of those red apples!

"Would you stop playing that game already?!?" Hyoyeon was annoyed by Sunny's game addiction as she continued tetris-ing away even while riding on a horse, making weird sounds.

"Unnie! What are you doing?!?" Seohyun asked out loud after seeing Sooyoung....PLUCKING APPLES FROM THE ORCHARD?!?

What the?

As I remembered, she was killing us with her glares and now she's stealing apples?!?

WTH -__-"

"Yah! Do you need a microphone? Shhh!" Sooyong asked sarcastically.

"C'mon Seohyun, help Sooyoung keep some apples." YoonA said as she had her arms full with the apples.

OMG!, those 2 sikshins -_-

- the end of Chap 4 -

Thank for reading!

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