Chapter Eight

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     Acting on instinct Kanan barreled into Hera, wrapping his arms around her and leaping. The force burned through him, sending him soaring though the air. Twisting his body he almost landed aligned, a slight miss-footing sending them tumbling into the temple courtyard.

    Behind them, the gap yawned across the canyon. The whole mountain shook restlessly, causing a wave of dirt to cascade from the ancient temple walls.

    Coughing, Kanan struggled to his feet, looking for his companion. Hera was kneeling, catching her breath in between coughing fits. She smiled, looking at him with awe as their eyes met, though he could feel her fear through the force.

    Kanan managed a small smile back, striding over to offer her a hand up, which she took. "Which way?" Hera asked, offering him a small smile of thanks despite her pain.

    Opening himself to the Force, Kanan probed his surroundings. He felt the mountain, and the plants that lined the elaborate SITH  temple hallways. And he felt people, Hera's people. Kanan winced guilty, however much he wanted to go back for them, they couldn't. And he felt the Sith's allies escaping.

    "This way." Kanan replied, taking the lead. He led her carefully through the deserted hallways, stoping briefly to let Hera catch her breath. She was trying to hurry, but despite Kanan's efforts she wasn't healed completely.  Hopefully there there's a medkit inside.

    He glanced back at her. Hera's breathing had slowed, and her alert green eyes studied the guards and the escaping Viceroy. "Can you distract them?" She asked, her lovely voice filling his ears. Closing his eyes, Kanan focused; using the Force to disable the droids guarding the entrance.

    Already inside, the Viceroy was closing the ramp and door. Struggling, Kanan caught it with the Force, holding it open. "Go!" He sensed Hera watching him for a second more, then she made a run for it. As soon as she had slipped in, Kanan followed; hands shaking as he used the last of his energy. He wouldn't be able to Force leap through; but it he caught that protruding bar....

    Kanan jumped for it, barely catching the handle as the ship ascended above the temple. Gasping as his fingers slipped, Kanan lost his focus for an instant, the jolt of the door slamming shut enough to make him lose his grip; plummeting toward the jagged mountains hundreds of feet below.

Thanks for reading everyone!  Your comments are much appreciated.  =D


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