Chapter Ten

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    Preparing himself for the end, Kanan said the three words he had been feeling; but instantly regretted it. "I love you."

    Reaching into the Force for the last time, Kanan suddenly felt his mind expand. He felt Hera, and her surprise and dismay and....understanding of how he felt. Oh, stars; she had heard him. He felt the forests on the collapsing mountains, he felt the wild life and escaping Siths, and he felt the rock that was going to crush them.

    Eyes closed, he waited for the inevitable. He could see it in his mind, plummeting down. Kanan had never been as skilled with the Force as his Master, or any other master for that matter. He could Force jump a gap, or lift a crate. He couldn't lift mountains, who could?

    And in his mind, it stopped. And the crashing and death never came. The was a feeling of suppression, like time had stopped. And then it started again, but they were through. They had survived. Relived and deprived of his strength, Kanan let himself collapse on the floor.

    There was a surge as the ship excited the planet's atmosphere, and gentle hands guided him to a sitting position. He could hear her voice, the voice he loved hearing. It talked to him, and in a moment his head was clear enough to open his eyes.

    "Hey." She said to him gently. Hera looked concerned, and warm fingers twined with his. She wasn't wearing gloves, he realized distantly. "Feeling better?" Kanan groaned, shaking his head to clear it and answering, "It depends on what better is. If it means I feel like I've got a monster migraine, then yeah; I'm fine."

    Lukku swaying as she shook her head, she told him playfully, "Glad your back." Though her voice was even, her expression and Force signature told him she was still worried. Smiling slightly to reassure her, Kanan scrambled to his feet; plopping down in his chair. Hera settled in the co-pilot's seat, delicate fingers trailing over the controls before plotting a corse in the navi-computer. A moment later, the stars elongated into bright streaks, and they were on their way.

    Sitting back with a sigh, Hera watched the stars; the neon streaks of hyperspace darting by reflecting in her eyes. Kanan watched her smiling for a second. He had lost everything, everything but her; that is. Was it wrong that he might rather have this, traveling the galaxy with her than to be a Jedi? Kanan pushed the thought away, that was a question he'd rather not answer, and now wasn't the time anyway.

    "Where are we going?" Kanan said around a yawn. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, or wouldn't follow her to the ends of the stars; he just wanted to know, just wanted to see Corascant one more time.... Turning with a sad smile, Hera answered his question. "Corascant, I figured they would go there first, I don't think this will be a planet sized conquest Kanan. They're not aiming for control of even a system; they're going for a galaxy wide empire."

    Meeting her eyes, he could see the flaming passion in them. She's going to get herself killed. Kanan wouldn't let that happen. "Your going to fight." "I won't let them enslave a galaxy, Kanan." Eyes softening, she turned her chair towards his, gently placing her hand on his. "You don't have to come, I can drop you off at a peaceful planet in the Outer Rim, Alderaan, maybe. Give you enough credits to rent a place. I'll come back after, and...." And we can be together. Hera trailed off, no doubt leaving out his unspoken thought.

     He searched her eyes, probing her Force signature gently. It told him what he already knew, that wasn't what she wanted, they wanted. Kanan took a deep breath. "No, I'm coming too. I won't let you fight this alone." He said simply, squeezing her hands gently to his chest. Hera smiled in return, green eyes glowing.

    The ship shook slightly, as they excited hyperspace, Corascant glowing big and brown in the ship's window. "Ready?" She pulled her hands away gently, grasping the controls. Watching her for a second more, Kanan smiled, "Ready Captain." You lead, I'll follow. Ducking under the low doorframe, Kanan made his way to the turret above the ship. Taking a deep breath as he slid into the chair, Kanan reached for the controls, feeling the comforting pressure of the triggers at his finger tips. Watching as they entered Corascants atmosphere, Kanan knew he and Hera had quite an adventure ahead of them. He wouldn't have it any other way.


*Takes a deep breath.* I finish it! I FINISHED IT!!! XD XD XD XD YES I'M SO EXCITED!!!! :P I finish my first book! :) Whew, it took forever, but I finally did it! :o  

I just want to say, THANK YOU , THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thank you for all your kind supportive comments and likes and reads, that has helped keep me writing. :D 

Also, if your wondering about a sequel, I'm thinking about it. Maybe. This was a LOT of work, XD. First I'm going to edit the chapters, then I'll update y'all in an Author's note when I've made my final decision. I guess a lot of it would depend on if you even want one. :P Again, thanks for reading.

God bless y'all,



XD (I still can't believe I finished it.) XD





Okay I'm done.


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