Chapter Two

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    And get Hera. Kanan looked down awkwardly, not waiting for his Master to respond. He wouldn't leave her, not when there was trouble. The Jedi encouraged selflessness but this went beyond that. Did he-did he love her? Sure she was stunning, but he saw more in her than just that, admiring her willpower, strength, and courage. Multiple times Hera had come close to beating him in combat practice, and there was no doubt in his mind that if he wasn't force sensitive he would be dead meat. It went against the Jedi Code though, and he recalled the many times he had invited her to stay late after practice, but somehow Master Bilba always found an excuse to send her away. Not that they had combat practice often.

    Every six moths the Jedi hosted a 'Celebration Holiday', as Kanan called it. Food, drinks, demonstrations, and combat practice. It was a well-needed and loved holiday for everyone.

    "Thank you, General. We most appreciate your hospitality." Master Bilba started, bringing the conversation, and useless mental argument, to its conclusion. General. That's another thing Kanan found suspicious.  Why would so called 'Peaceables' need a general? Why did they dress in what looked like Sith robes?

      The General smiled slyly, reaching for something under his cloak. Kanan felt a nudge from the force, and his internal alarms  bared. Danger, danger! "Oh, I'd like it if you'd stay." Kanan bristled, reaching for his lightsaber all too late.

     In a blurr of red, his Master layed motionless. No! From the General's hand, a red lightsaber hummed, slicing into the othes as he sat frozen with shock. Master? Kanan felt his breath catch as he nelt by her limb body cradling it's broken form. No! This has to be a dream! Kanan closed his eyes, remembering everything they used to do together. How she was alway patient and kind, guiding him along a good path, and how.... she was like a mother to him. He had always looked up to her. And now....A wave of memories rushed through Kanan's head, he recognized them, but they moved to fast it was hard to focus. Not that that there was anything to focas on. His Master was dead, and it was his fault. If only I moved just a bit faster....If only I had seen it sooner. Struggling to see through his tears, Kanan gently took the holecron she always carried with her. It was his now, he knew that she was planning on giving it to him anyway, when the time was right. I'll always remember you, Master. He promised.

    Looking up from her body, it suddenly dawned on Kanan he might not live to rember her. Right above his head, a red lightsaber hummed with energy. Lifting his head slightly, he glared into The General's eyes, leaning back, waiting for the final blow. "Prepare to die, Jedi." The general sneered, lifting his lightsaber to cut Kanan in half.

    "Kanan!" A voice yelled. "Don't move!" Is that a joke? Kanan woundered grumpily, though in reality he couldn't be more happy to see someone, especially if that someone in question was Hera, which of course it was.

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