~Crushes~ 11

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The symptoms that happen when he's near you and when you don't see him for a day(s)


Here are some symptoms when you are near/behind/in front of/looking at/staring at your crush:
(First, these will be from my perspective and others, the second list will be from online type thingy) also I can't exactly explain these nor can I add a lot of info on them:

1) If you are near him, you'll get butterflies or as others say it, just getting nervous but in your stomach. Lol... The feeling is like.... Nervousness... 😬

2) Your heart will beat faster. It feels like it will just burts out of your chest in any moment and you can't take any more of it.

3) You'll start thinking he's so hot. To you, he is SMOKING, but to others, he may not be. That's what you think of him. You'll start thinking he's just hot and shmexy (😜) and all that. You'll be all like 'OMG THERES A TOTAL HOTTIE STARING AT ME AAAAAH' and stuff.

4) Moving a lot.
You can't keep still. Maybe you want to walk up to him and kiss/hug/etc to him. Maybe,,,

5) Being self-conscious or whatever you call it.
You'll start looking at yourself if he's near, making sure you look ok/nice.

6) Literally, laughing at everything he says or does that is funny.
If he does something funny, you'll laugh. Mostly, on the outside I'm laughing a little but inside I'm laughing my head off while replaying it. 😝

7) Think about him NON-STOP. If he sits like, across from you or something, you will think of him non stop. I think of my crush like every second, it's crazy. I be staring at him like 'hehehe *batman voice* IM BATMAN' 


8) what else.... I can't really think of anymore..

Now lemme get the online or other people's symptoms:

1) Your behavior about him
2) how you feel
3) notice the way you act around your friends and your crush
4) putting more effort into your clothing
5) talking about him a lot
6) thinking about him a lot

Aaaaandd.. I think that's enough
Someone call the Lame Train because my list was way better than this.

Anywho: soo... Yeah. Those are the symptoms.
How you feel about your crush if he isn't there for a few days can make you all jumbled up. Sometimes it can make you feel confused about your feelings towards him. It could make you angry that he isn't there, that you want to see him. It can make you worried, if he's ok. It can make you feel all sorts of things.
It's normal.

One time I had a major crush on this dude (at least I think....) and sometimes he wouldn't go to school and I be all like 'NOOO!!!' So yeah....

Anywho.. That's all I got for this.
Hope you enjoyed. Love you to the moon and back 😍


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