~Crushes~ 35

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Conversation starters

Have you ever been in that one situation where you don't know what to freaking say to your crush and then it's too late and you die alone? Yeah, everyone has that situation like every day/time you see that special person.

Welp, here are some conversation starters you can start with him or you can just get an idea what to talk about. I don't know if this all makes sense, but yeah.

1) First you need his number. Other wise you'll just be texting yourself basically. You can be that person who says "I can't remember my number, can I have yours?" Or some shit like that. I don't even know what it really is so if I were you I wouldn't say that. Maybe say "I just got an iPhone (insert your phone brand/name?) what kind of phone do you have?" Or "can we have each other's numbers?"
Idk really.

Here are some examples:
{over text}
•what are you doing?
•what are you up to?

If they reply with drawing, watching tv, listening to music, etc, ask what they are drawing/watching/listening to/etc

If they say they're doing homework then ask maybe what kind, or maybe say "we got loads of it! It took ages for me to finish it "

Idk. Come up with something to say to that.

If your crush responds with the same question or something different, that means they wanna keep the convo going so go at it.

•use holidays and celebrations as conversation starters

•ask "what did you think of school?" Or ask about the homework

•ask about their hobbies or if they play sports

•talk about yall's families and/of pets

•just anything really

Be yourself when you're around/with them okay? Don't think too much into the conversation.
Be normal hehe

I doubt this helped but eh.

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