Birthday Party

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Skating-March 31st, 2017

Birthday-April 1st, 2017

So my birthday's today (April 1st). (I'm 14 =^.^= ) and I had a roller skating + sleepover thing last night-today. So basically I invited Jake (my crush) and he ended up coming and I'm still internally screaming.

So it starts and he walks in and I wasn't inside when he first got there because I was screaming and hugging my friend Maddie and stuff so then I turn and someone opens the door and I kinda freeze because Oh my word he actually convinced his Mom to let him come. My face is bright red and the teasing begins. So I get into the roller skating room before him and I'm skating around when he comes in. So I skate over to where he's putting his roller skates on. (Cause dammit I'm honestly a stalker.) I'm talking to him and he gets his skates on. He goes to stand and start skating and frickin falls and knocks some of the chairs over. I laugh a bit because I laugh at everything and ask him if he's okay. He looks flustered but says he's fine. So he's trying to stand without falling over and I'm dying of laughter at this point and he finally gets up and manages to skate over to a stage-wall thing and just stands there like: omfg I'm not normally the embarrassed one. I go over there and we're hanging out and my friend Max is telling some really bad jokes. He called Jake my sex toy and I almost slapped him.

Anyway Jake has earned my frckin respect forever because my friends Jenna and Pia (Tikaani8 ) were telling him he should kiss me on the cheek. (There are like 5 different versions of this story so idk what's going on tbh) I heard Jake said "Idk, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable." THIS GUY KNOWS TO RESPECT MY BOUNDARIES SO HELL YES.

So the girls car pool back to my house and we're talking and everyone is screaming "Gracob is so cute!" and fangirling and such. So then we're talking about the skating and everyone's like: Oh yeah, we were taking pictures of you two."  So that happened

Then my friend Maya was like "You know that one time you were talking to just Max and Jonathan." *I nod* "Jacob looked so mad and jealous at the both of them and then he looked at you and just started grinning."

Then I have a friend who moved and hasn't gotten to meet Jake so we sent her a picture. In this picture (you can't see me in it but whatever) he was looking at me. So she said he looked like his eyes were saying, "She's my girl, but she's the craziest girl ever. I don't know what I should do with her. And I love her for it." AND I WAS BRIGHT RED AFTER READING IT!!!

Did I mention I was dared to say "I love Jake." before every sentence and "Over and out Mrs.[Insert Jake's last name here]." after every sentence from 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM. Then I have to tell him the last thing I said as a 13 year old was "Over and out Mrs.[Insert last name here]." and the first thing I said as a 14 year old was "I love Jake." Ya. . .I'll update y'all on what happens after I tell him tomorrow.

Oh! And we were talking and Jake was like, "Sorry I didn't get you a present." 

So I go, "It's fine."

But he responds, "But you already me so that's the best gift ever." And my face flushes pink and Pia, Jenna, and maybe Cara (cargrafie ) just go "Awwwwwww."

Basically it was blushing, fangirling, and shipping. 


His Mom and my Mom were talking for almost the full 3 hours we were there. My Mom approved and said Jacob was really nice and SHE THOUGHT WE WERE CUTE TOGETHER!

I'm internally screaming still. It's Sunday now and I haven't stopped. (I've also been staring at the pictures that were taken and grinning like a fool. . . . .)


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