My first boyfried, Kim Taehyung

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Fetus Tae makes me feel things

I'm in math and sitting in front of me was a boy from the "popular group" he's also korean. He's a coconut head but has a deep voice for a 6th grader. My friend Jasmine had dated him in the summer but they just broke up beginning of December.

We started off as friends, during winter break Jasmine gave me his number, why? I do not know. We both liked minecraft and that seemed to be the only thing we had in common. Taehyung was the type of person who liked to show off, he had a confidence I could not explain. The older girls especially took interest in him.

But when we exchanged notes, even though he's sitting in front of me. I felt like the only girl in the world as we flirted. I don't know if I should call if flirting, I know Taehyung is smart but he always asked me how to solve an equation.

I've been doing really good at keeping my voice low nowadays, with being scolded for years by my teachers I have gotten used to not talking as much anymore. But my creativity seemed to be decreasing, I even gave up my dream of becoming a veterinarian, knowing 1) my parents wanted me to be a real doctor and 2) with homework and gymnastics I barely read any books about animal physiology, etc during my free time.

Anyway, sitting across Taehyung now his long legs would brush mine when the teacher is lecturing and I guess I gave good reactions as each time I widen my eyes and annoyingly kick him back, not too hard though...

What started as an innocent attraction I heard rumors that Taehyung likes me and even cut off Jasmine, she didn't seem mad at first but later on started treating me like a stranger. When I would approach her, she and her friends would pretend I'm not there. When we were paired up she made me do all the work. It's the least I can do since she gave me Taehyung's number. I wasn't too sad about it until I got a text from her one day...

Roses are red, violets are blue, your face belongs in the zoo

I don't know but I cried after reading that, when I confronted her the next day she just said it was a joke but I knew that's a lie because I quickly replied by typing "really? Is that the best you can do"


It's been a month of me getting to know Taehyung and we're doing a poster, filling it with math equations. Jennifer was also in our group and a red head named Carl.

"Who do you think is cute Taehyung?" Jennifer asks.

Not this shit again... I thought she learned her lesson.

"Hmm I'm not sure" he said hesitantly. That made me a little disappointed but I continue to write math equations, I was doing all the work.

"I would date Y/n though" Taehyung says. My heart literally went to my stomach and my face turned red of embarrassment.

"S-stop playing around and help me."

At the end of the period, his words are still ringing in my ears. As we stand up to leave I look at Taehyung, I had to look up to him.

"D-do you actually like me?" I stutter at him.

Taehyung chuckles and pulls me in a hug. My little heart beating faster than you can say minyoongichangchangmanpoompoom.

"Let's date" he says it so casually as my chest is buried in his. We're in class and I felt all eyes on us.


I felt so happy finally having a boyfriend! My first one too! I would always text Taehyung first and ask him how his day was even though we see each other every day I couldn't get enough of him!

I know I'm not allowed to date but I chose this as my way of rewarding myself for my hard work. It's not like I want kids right now, ew. I can't believe some parents think like that. It made me think my parents never really trust me. I just wanted a support system is that too selfish of me or something?

After practice I would patiently wait for Taehyung's text. Even if it was as simple as "hey" it made me happy knowing he wants my attention and I gladly gave it. Honestly I've forgotten what we talked about but I remember one conversation while I was driving with my mom to the ballet shop I had to stop myself from squealing as Taehyung gave me endless compliments.

You're so smart, beautiful and kind y/n, he would type in and my notifications would alert me.

Feeling appreciated made me super happy. Especially from a cute boy like him.

But when I couldn't handle his cuteness I sat in the dressing room as I waited for my mom to be done picking out outfits for ballet class.

I just want to marry you already y/n! He sent me this text and I was taken aback. I didn't know any better at the time, I just thought it was sweet of him to say so I, of course, replied I want to marry him too. With a stupid grin on my face, I made my way back to my mom.

During free time outside Taehyung would approach hug me out of no where. IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS. Then he would squeal and return back to playing football. This puppy love was appropriate for 6th graders, doing nothing but giving each other hugs and maybe hold hands. We haven't even kissed yet.

It's after school and yet another rare day my dad will be late picking me up. Our friend group surrounded the benches at our school's park.

Taehyung took my hands into his and I couldn't help but feel extra small to him as my hands were half the size of his own.

I know in 6th grade when everyone has that phase, I was going through it to be honest. I wore this ugly brown sweater and blue pants or grey sweatpants. And when it was cold I just wore black pants and graphic t-shirts. I was slow in approaching puberty as I saw girls in my grade grow bigger chests and butts. But I'm half Korean, I'm not rushing anything.


Snow covered the school grounds as I'm still cuddling with Taehyung on the benches, I'm alert so that my dad doesn't catch me. I got bored so I got up and started a snowball fight with my friends. Taehyung joins soon after.

Taehyung slides down the slide, he had given me a neck shot and I was prepared for revenge.

But when I slid down to chase after him I almost stumbled on my face but regained my balance.

That would've been embarrassing. But was even more so was the fact I stumbled for quite a while, my body lurched forward, as if I'm doing the Naruto pose when he goes kamehamekaaaa. Or something like that.

I eventually had to place my hands to the ground to stop my precious face from planting face first but I hear Taehyung and his friends laughing at me!

I pouted and ignored him. My will for revenge drain. My legs too short for this shit.


It's now a month of our so called relationship, we were still awkward and our friends were around mostly so I don't know what was going on, he felt like a friend to me most times but when we texted it was back to complimenting each other.

The snow has yet to melt as spring came so the ground was always a squishy mush of water that soaked my Sketchers and went into my socks. My dad will be a little late today so I guess Taehyung's friends took this as a chance to get him and I to kiss, even though there are other adults and kids around. 6th graders did not care.

I'm standing while waiting for Taehyung, pink lunchbox in hand, my backpack big on my tiny body. I had saved Taehyung my apples and Reese's cup for him, knowing how much he loved Reese's as much as I do.

When his friend Carl approached me and led me closer to the exit and out of adult vision. Taehyung stood at the corner, he bit his lip out of nervousness.

"Y/n..." he began and embraced me in a hug.

I looked up to him and he basically had to kneel so i was eye level with him.

He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips.

I was quite taken aback, I don't know what I had just felt. The sensation felt weird because he had stuck out his tongue and now my lips weren't chapped because of the cold air, instead they were moist.

I was a little disappointed but I hid it as I blushed hard. Our friends who had watched started screaming their heads off and ran around in circles.

"Taehyung and Y/n sitting in a tree.
K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love then comes marriage now there's a baby in the baby carriage!"

The chants fade as I see my dad pull up into the lot, I give Taehyung a silent goodbye.


Flashback to summer before 6th grade

When I heard the news of my dad signing me up for home schooling and knowing I passed the requirements made me not happy one bit. I had just started talking to form a small crush on Taehyung even though we never talked, I always saw him with Jasmine yet I couldn't take my eyes off him.

He had told me I'm improving a lot since I was injured, I was aware now of the hard work needed to put into the sport. Still yearning for my parents approval I didn't object... at first.

I could cancel the home schooling anytime I wanted but the deadline would be in March, I was to either accept or decline.

End of flashback

Now that I'm dating Taehyung, I told my dad in my 6th grade intellectual voice.

"Gymnastics is not forever, but education is" I had explained to him I needed motivation to study aka my classmates, my parents were not surprised at my decision.


During spring break which is in April, now that I'm home alone I could call Taehyung and we would play minecraft on a server. I played on my computer which kept glitching and it really wasn't being my wingman today. I kept dying. Like how do die while playing Hunger Games on a minecraft server. Feeling embarrassed Taehyung won a lot of matches while he narrated what he was doing.

An hour of just playing minecraft together, it was the longest we had been on a call without getting interrupted until he had to leave to go because he has acting lessons but I also have a ballet lesson so it works out.

We have said "i love you" during texts and it was sometimes out of no where and I swear in public my heart would beat faster than min yoongi's verse in cypher part 3.


After spring break I have noticed Taehyung talking to Jasmine more and more again, I had decided to change my style just for him. I wore jeans and cute blouses that showed off my shoulders. I always thought I have man shoulders, they are quite broad for my short body but I knew they were muscles. I am a strong girl. (Thigh slap)

I was jealous, of course, and when I was sitting down, minding my business, talking with Emma and Penelope about god knows what. I see Jasmine PULL UP Taehyung's pant zipper.


I was too flustered as Taehyung did not even look my way. She really has no shame. Jasmine really did that. IN FRONT OF MY SALAD.

He didn't even look mad, he looked like he enjoyed it. But blinded by how much I like him I just let it side. Hoes will be hoes.


The dreaded day came. Taehyung has been not answering my texts. This was the first time I questioned my confidence, like was I not good enough for him? Jasmine is tall, tan skin, big eyes, skinny, and long blonde hair. Her sense of fashion much more feminine than mine.

The weather is foggy, as it reflecting my mood I got a text from Taehyung finally, we just talked about our day and caught up because he had been ignoring me. Not knowing the events of the next day.

Yeah he broke up with me. And went back to Jasmine.

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