Yoongi part one

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Yoongi currently has me in his lap in an empty hallway in school where no one goes to on the fifth floor. His hands roam around my waist and trace the curve of my butt. I try not to brush against his crotch as I lean in but he keeps pulling me closer till I feel something hard between his ripped black shorts. He shoves his tongue down my throat taking dominance and I can't keep up as I let him take my breathe away. My hands travel up in his air and gently pull it, the teasing between us never seemed to end as we've been together for a week and everyday I'd text my father I'm studying in the library. I won't lie the make out sessions were hot and needy, but whenever he'd want to take it to the next level I'd somehow manage to avoid it. Everyday I'd leave around 5pm, spending two hours after school with him was exhausting and I don't understand why he wanted to be with me all the time.

I climb off the boy and think that whenever we were here sometimes no words would be said in the two hours, we'd just be in our thoughts until Yoongi makes a move and we'd make out like it's the end of the world. I can't take the silence and I remember an article that had questions you ask to someone you want to fall in love with, they're questions that help people get closer. I look down at my phone and just ask Yoongi these questions to him.

"Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?"

"Hmm... you." He smiles. And I just had to blush. "What about you?" He asks.

"You, I'd want to eat lamb skewers." I giggle and ask another.

"Would you like to be famous? In what way?"

"Well... success comes before fame, to be famous you have to be successful first. My message would be something relate-able." He nods agreeing to himself.

"Interesting." My mouth hangs open, what an intellectual i thought. "And you?" He asks.

"I'm not into being famous, the attention would scare me." I look into his eyes and he says, "now that I think about it, same here."

"Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?" I ask.

"Of course, I don't want there to be awkward silence. Do you?" He asks.

"Hehe, yes, I want to be able to say the right things." I giggle again out of nervousness, something I guess Yoongi found cute as he smiled every time.

"What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?" I ask.

"When I get to see you at the end of the day." He doesn't hesitate in that answer and I playfully hit his shoulder. I yelp as his arms wrap below my knees and back and place my small frame in his lap again.

"When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?" I ask.

"Never have I sang in front of someone, I only sing at home." He says and I pout. "I want to hear you sing." "One day." He says and smiles.

"If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?" I ask.

"That's a long ass question. I'd say the body, I think I'm mature right now. A body of a 30 year old while 90 sounds great." He says. I agree with him.

"Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?" I ask.

"Hmm not really but if I were to die today I'd come back to haunt you." He pecks my nose. And I just giggle. "You?" He asks.

"I don't know why, but I see myself in some type of accident, not too old I would be." I say and he just hums.

"Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common." I ask and I look at him expectantly, this question is tricky because so far we both like music, we're attracted to each other, and we have similar friend groups.

"Music, the same mindset about the world, our attraction to each other." He smiles again and my heart feels like it's about to burst. It's not what I was expecting, he didn't hesitate.

"What mindset?" I ask.

"The world can be unfair, but as long as we have each other it'll be okay." He buries his head in the crook of my neck, I feel my face on fire but I continue on with the questions.

"For what in your life do you feel most grateful?" I ask.

"You of course, our friends, food on my table, I don't know yet about my parents they're not supportive of my dreams." He sighs.

"Don't worry one day you'll show them the genius that is Min Yoongi." I smile and pat his head, this time he's blushing.

"If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?" I ask.

"Let me think... I wish my parents spent more time with us, they were always working that's why I hate the capitalist system even though I know we need it." He says, and I stare at him again, his words really sink in and i nod in agreement.

"That's 10 questions, do you want to keep going?" I coo, silently hoping we can but nope. Yoongi dives in to kiss me again, my lips are still swollen and every time I go see my dad I try to walk normally and fix my hair. Yoongi messes me up pretty good. He lays down on his back on the cold floor with me on top, i take dominance and massage our lips together and they fit ever so perfectly. He inhales my scent and his hands travel to my waist, he's really addicted to my back side and he'll always whisper how delicious I feel under his touch. If we were in a different setting I'm afraid he'd take my innocent right then and there but I'd always set a border. I pull away and look into his eyes, what am I doing? I think to myself, so far into the school year my attention focuses on this boy and I'm slowly losing focus on myself and my studies. I sigh as I climb off him and he looks confused when I look at the time and it's almost 5pm, my dad will call soon so I pick up my bag and Yoongi shots straight up, frustration written all over his face but he's good at hiding it when I don't look at him.

I stand up and so does he, i look up to meet his eyes. I have a lot of homework today and my dad will expect me to have finished it so I will just tell him I had more than I expected. Telling these lies to my dad was taking a toll on my grades and on me, I've never went behind my parent's back to this extent, I'm sacrificing a lot to be with Yoongi.

Yoongi pulls me into a hug and I let him hug me for what seemed like eternity until my dad texts me he's here. He holds my hands and whines for me not to go.

"I have to baby." I say with a smile.

"Do you have to?" He whines more and pouts. I give him a quick peck and descend the stairs while waving back. We don't walk each other out so Yoongi stays behind for a while until I leave with my dad.


It's been a month of dating and so far I'm happy, and Yoongi is happy. At least I think so as everyday we'd spend time together, I'm keeping my grades up so I don't really bother anymore. Yoongi is trying out for a club and I'm just watching him as he tries out. He looks really handsome when playing the piano and the girls in the club swoon over his talent, of course i join them. I'm doing an assignment for English while waiting for him to finish up and we go to our usual spot. The weather is getting colder so we'd stay more in the empty hallway now.

No doubt Yoongi is going to be accepted into the club, I did not try out to any because the school doesn't offer a gymnastics clubs and I don't have any other skill except drawing and music. But I can't play the piano like Yoongi but I can write it.

We make our way to our spot, silence has become more frequent nowadays and I just hope I'm not boring him out yet. The usual make out session takes place but my eyes widen when his cold fingers travel inside my bra and start to caress my nipple and I gasp into the kiss. My mind goes crazy telling him to stop but my body says to satisfy the boy so he doesn't get bored of me. So I just let him shutting my eyes and waiting for it to be over, however, his big hands don't stop when it turns rough and Yoongi starts breathing heavily.

"I don't think I can hold on any longer." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask breathlessly. He grabs my hand and leads me to the staircase, it's a little dirty but no one ever enters here, it's more private. His hands travel inside my jeans and pass my panties. My eyes widen as my back hits the wall. His long fingers gently brush against me and i shiver immediately and grab his hand to take them out. I feel my legs are jelly and I expect Yoongi to catch me but he doesn't and just stares at me with lust in his eyes. I practically slide down to the floor and i feel my mouth is hanging open, Yoongi kneels in front of me to place a steamy kiss, I guess he's hoping for me to trust him but I'm just too scared. I stop him again, I look at the time and I can't stay long as I have essays to do. I descend the stairs and cross my legs, the cold feeling still engulfing me. I feel my eyes burn but from what? I do not know and I don't understand. Yoongi smirks at seeing my weak state and we just bid goodbye to each other for the day.


I haven't told Lisa, Rose, or Jennie about what Yoongi did to me. The boys are getting into dangerous territory that I don't want anything to do with. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung are now known as the popular drug kids that hang out near the forest to smoke weed and other things. The thought made me disappointed as I basically grew up with them and now they're making their parents worried. I just hope a day comes and they realize the mistakes they are making. I'm actually quite scared of Yoongi now, I've stopped talking to him.

And the first midterms are coming out, I needed to focus. I would ditch Yoongi to hang out with my friends, and this made Yoongi upset of course. I'm beginning to feel more awkward around him as all he seems to like about me is my body. I would be at home doing assignments and never get a text from him after school. I knew it all too well that it means Yoongi and I will break up soon, and it's only been three months into the school year.

a/n: after all the boys' chapter's I will include their POV's for the moments they were with y/n

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