The Legend

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This legend has been adapted for this story, names have been added and certain details changed. Hope y'all like it.
A woman comes home to find her mother dead, a note pinned to the body read.
If you want to see the baby, meet at the bridge. ALONE!
Jay was her husband, she thought he was killed in an Alaskan plane crash, the handwriting matched though.
The bridge was where they met, she had gotten a flat, and is where he proposed before a watercolor sunset.

She arrived at the small,graffitied, unlit, bridge and saw him. Tall, ragged,and crazy he held the baby by its neck with the barrel of a colt to its head. The baby was wailing.
"SHUT UP!" Jay shook the baby it continued to cry.
"Put her down Jay, please put her on the road, and I'll come get her. We can talk.I-I thought you were dead."
"TWO YEARS! I am gone for two years, and you do this!" He shakes the baby its wails become shakey.

The man throws the baby off the bridge.

"NOOOO!" The woman runs towards the bridge, the man shoots her in the shoulder then kills himself, all with a maniacal laughter. Smoke fills the air. The woman stops the only car on the road that night, almost causing them to wreck. Every night for a year she went and stood on the edge. On the last night she fell, suffered for hours with her back broken, and died.

The baby's body was never found.
Every night apparitions appear and the baby cries for its mommy. Every year a mother suffers and dies. And often cars stall for no good reason except to nearly crash on the tight curve.

Ok this is the legend, slightly adapted. No annual suicide in Lindsay, Oklahoma. Apparitions yes, baby crying, I have heard them. Crashes, it is a very dangerous curve taken way too fast too often. I grew up near the bridge. My mom and granny told me the legend as a child to scare me.

Sorry for publishing it and it not being done I hadn't realized. Please comment.

Rocky and Bullwinkle are up next.

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