What's real and what is true.

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As the golden light inside the watch faded Riley fell to the floor and saw what should be, normal, human,with her family. But that is not real.

What is real is that her mom is a Vessel and descendant of a family of banished Time Lords, her dad was demon possessed until after she was born, and she embodied the traits of all.

Real is that her family will have a copy of herself. Same person, different DNA, different destiny.

Real is black eyes, silver wings and two hearts.

She opened her eyes and saw the two brothers jump back and douse her with Holy water so fast that a pure demon would be withering in pain.

"Well that's a little warm, but eh...not gonna work on me. I don't think." Her eyes went back to her normal blue-green as everyone relaxed.

"Ok I'm gonna get a beer and when I come back sombody better explain whatever the hell just happened." Dean stalked to the fridge while everyone else sat down on the beds.

He walked back in with both 6packs.

"Ok let's get started." He said as he popped the top of his second.

"Well all I know is that I've worked with....well....honestly she's saved my are more than I can count. Anyways I worked with this woman, and one day she told me to find this girl. Then she told me what was going on at the time and who was there. She told me
' You mustn't mess this up, if you do all our lives will be at stake'.
So I did as instructed. I made the legend, literally, to get you two here, made you into baby forest animals, and saved her from our feathered friend and gave her that watch. Just following orders."

"So who is this woman."

"Cas I think she is sitting right beside you." Dean said as he gulped down his third.

"And I think you've had enough." Sam took the rest of the cases from his brother. As he set down his untouched bottle.

"Hold up. So I order You to kill people. In my future. Nope. Not gonna happen. Killing is wrong."

"Well sweetheart for one if you don't everything changes and you either turn into a heavenly or demonic nuke and probably doom your family, friends, and all other humans on this rock. And Two you will probably do worse than kill a few lowlifes."

She looked sick, literally.
She ran into the bathroom and ousted her soup. Sam got up to hold back her hair.

Cas didn't look to good himself. His head was in his hands.

"Hey Cas what's wrong?"

"The angels know that they failed to turn her...they are coming. We gotta go!"

The lights flickered, and a high pitched noise made all the glass break.

"I'm out. Good luck moose, squirrel. SEE YOU LATER WOLF." Crowley disappeared.

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