Episode 1: Shinra Kusakabe And F/N L/N Enlists

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Solar Year 198

Tokyo, Kitta-ku

We start to see sparks fly for a little bit and see some rainbow-like lines move around until we see a city with train tracks in the middle as we see the title "Fire Force" Show on the screen and see a train going by. As the train kept moving, we see the inside of the train as we see people minding their own business as we hear the announcer's voice.

Announcer: This train's next stop is at Tabatha Station. Amaterasu is operating at full efficiency. We are running according to schedule.

Then we see a man holding on to a strapping until all of a sudden smoke was coming from his mouth, then out of nowhere the smoke explodes and bursts into flames, catching the man on fire causing him to yell. Then the scene changed as we're now at a train station as we hear some safety officers and alarms going off.

SO A: Get away from the rail lines! It isn't safe here! There's a burning train heading this way! Move!

Then we see two males next to the rail lines in school uniforms. One had black hair and red eyes and white skin wearing a backpack.

And the other one had (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin with a cold expression on his face with a Big Sports bag over his left shoulder as the two see the burning train coming towards the station. Seen this, everyone but the two started running away.

Black hair: You see that, right?

(H/C) Hair: Yeah, Looks like a serious fire.

Then we see the train stop at the station.

Commuter A: Think it's an Infernal.

Commuter B: Another one?

SO A: Keep calm, and form an orderly line!

Announcer: Clear the platform at once!

Then we see the train disconnect the cart that's on fire as it stops in front of the two as an explosion goes off at the entrance to it as the black-haired male smirks and the (h/c) male stood there, getting ready as the Infernal comes out of the cart and roared a nasty roar. Then the Infernal looks at the two as they slowly take off their bags.

Black hair: Bet it hurts in there.

As they drop their bags, the black-haired male's shoes started to smoke as the (H/C) haired male's arms and legs start to turn a light blue color, almost as if they're freezing.

(H/C) hair: We can help you with that.

???: Special Fire Force! Make way!

Then the two turn around as they see Special Fire Force Company 8 walk towards them.

???: All civilians continue to evacuate. This area's dangerous. (Pushes the two aside) that goes for both of you. Don't just stand around here, go and join the others.

??? 2: Wait. Captain, I think-

Captain: Hey, Lieutenant. Care to join us?

Lieutenant: Yes. Of course, sir.

Then the Lieutenant pushed the two out of the way as the Infernal roars.

Captain: Commerce the operation. Note the time as 0 -810 (Closes helmet)

Other 3: Yes, sir!

Captain: Sister, would you begin the prayer, please?

Sister: On it.

Then the blond nun begins the prayer as the others get to work.

Sister: The flame is the soul's breath. (The lieutenant grabs an extinguisher grenade launcher and fires at the Infernal) The black smoke is the soul's release.

As the lieutenant fired at the beast, it starts to roar then the Captain gets a weapon ready.

Captain: Pile bunker's prepped. I'll busy the core myself!

Then the captain and a female member with a witch's hat on charge at the Infernal as it shoots a fireball at them. The woman jumps into the burning cart and jumps over the flame and turns it to smoke as the captain charged at the Infernal as the nun continued the prayer.

Sister: Ashes thou wert and art. May thy soul return-

Then the captain bashed the bunker into the infernal's core as he finished the prayer.

Captain: -to the great flame of fire.

Then he squeezed the trigger and fired at it through it's chest as the Infernal disappeared.

Sister: Látom.

Captain: Látom.

Black hair: That was awesome. What a cool team.

(H/C) hair: I will admit, they work well together.

Then two of the lights started to fall, one on the nun and one with the witch hat. As the two notice, they immediately took action as the black-haired male feet started to catch on fire as he burst towards the nun.


And the (H/C) haired male bursts towards the witch hat girl as an iceberg was behind him and a trail of ices was under him as he slides towards the other girl and sweeps her off her feet before the light hits her as the captain and let lieutenant see this.

(H/C) Male: Hey, you alright?

Witch girl: Uh... Y-yeah.

(H/C) hair: Good.

Then the (H/C) haired male puts the woman down as the other male did the same.

Lieutenant: (looks at the (H/C) haired male's trail and the black-haired male's flaming feet.) So you two are the ones.

(H/C) male: [sigh] Yep, I guess introductions are in order.

Then the two give the lieutenant a salute.

F/N: As of this morning, we'll be your new third-generation fire Soldiers. I'm F/N L/N.

Shinra: And I'm Shinra Kusakabe. It's an honor to meet you all.

Episode 1:

Shinra Kusakabe and F/N L/N Enlists

Then we see the captain look closer at the footprints left by Shinra.

Captain: Huh. So these are the "Devil's Footprints" I've heard about. (Turn and looks at the iceberg and trail left by F/N) and I guess they weren't kidding when they called that kid "Ice King" or an "Abnormal Third-Generation". I've seen a lot of different people control fire, but ice, that's a different story.

Then the Captain looks at the two talking to the lieutenant as everything fades to the intro.


We see F/N and Shinra in front of Special Fire Cathedral 8.

Shinra: I thought Company 8 was new, so why's it quarters in such an old dump? Too bad.

F/N: (shrugged) Eh, I've seen worst.

Then the door opens as we see the lieutenant.

Lieutenant: Shinra and F/N, right? Follow me.

Both: Sir!/Sir...

Then the two follow the lieutenant though out the building as they began to talk.

Lieutenant: An old dump, huh?

Shinra: No! It's got character.

Lieutenant: (to F/N) and you've seen worst, right?

F/N: I could've said something worst. But I'm gonna be staying here so no use in crying about it.

Then we see the two in their new uniforms as they give a salute to the captain.

Shinra: Shinra and F/N Reporting in, sir!

Obi: Ah. You two made it. (Shows him upside-down) I'm captain of the Special Fire Force's Company Eight. The name's Akitaru Obi.

Then we see the lieutenant then shows all of them at the same time as Obi was upside-down on a pull-up bar.

Lieutenant: You're greeting two new team members. Let's maybe get off the pull-up bar.

Obi: Can do.

Hinawa: Takehisa Hinawa. Around this dump, I'm second in command.

Shinra looks at Takehisa nervously as F/N looks at him with his usual expression after hearing that. Then Obi hops down from the pull-up bar and cracks his neck.

Obi: So hey, Shinra. (Looks at Shinra's resume) About your resume photo... Why are you smiling?

Shinra: Sir! Apologies. When I'm nervous, my face compulsively tightens in such a way that my teeth are exposed.

F/N: It's true. I've seen it happen.

Obi: Huh?

Shinra: Uh, that is... (Obi walks up to him) I tend to smile when I feel tense. My face-

Obi: (leans towards him) Hm? (Shinra looks away as Akitaru leans closer) hmmm...

Shinra started to get nervous as Obi got even closer with a serious look on his face causing Shinra to crack a smile, causing Obi to laugh.

Obi: Sorry about that. Just wanted to see for myself. You get it. I bet that cute little quirk sets you in a lotta trouble.

Shinra: True. It's caused a few misunderstandings.

Obi: Man, your poker face must be somthin' else! [Hahahaha!]

Shinra: (thinking) Did he call it cute? Pretty sure he means creepy.

Obi: [sigh] (looks at you) and you, F/N.

F/N: Sir.

Obi: From looking at that resume photo, I figured you got your nickname "Ice King" because of your cold expression. But from that display you put on back at the train station, I could see why plus also why you're called "The Abnormal Third-Gen."

F/N: Well to be fair, sir. You would have been right anyway because that's one of the reasons why I got the nickname "Ice King."

Obi: I see. Well, it's not every day you find someone like you. A third-generation with an ability to control ice is an extremely rare trait to have. So tell me, you two, why did you guys decide to join the Fire Force in the first place?

Shinra: Sir! Honestly, I just wanted to be a hero.

Obi: What about you, F/N?

F/N: To be honest, I'm here because I've made a promise to someone that I tend to keep.

Obi: [heh]. Well, those are fine ambitions as any but don't forget you both are part of a team. Cool-headed co-ordination saves more lives than heroics or some promise.

Hinawa: (Looks at Shinra) A hero, huh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a stark contrast with your nickname. Everybody calls you a devil due to an incident that took place when you were young. If you act like you talk, you'll do fine. But if you're just some delinquent who's trying to clean up his reputation, you may as well walk out now. (Looks at F/N) That goes for you too.

Then we see the two as the scene changes to the women's shower room as we see the nun and the witch girl taking a shower.

Witch girl: Sister.

Sister: Yes, Maki? What is it?

Maki: That new recruit that swept you off your feet like you were a princess. He came out of nowhere and saved you from danger, so, uh... (Looks at the nun) Tell me, did you feel like he might be the one?

Sister: Hm? (Thoughts as we see Maki with a hummingbird on her head) Maki always act so fierce and cool in the field. (Hummingbird pecks into her skull as we see the inside of her head) But the fact is, her head's stuffed with flowers and sparkles. (Out loud) Well, what about you?

Maki: Huh?

Sister: With that other new recruit, he swept you off your feet as well. Do you feel that way towards him?

Then we see Maki thinking as she imagined a guy that almost looks like F/N dressed like a prince with a gleaming smile as he holds her like a princess.

F/N?: Are you alright, my princess?

After thinking that, Maki started blushing like crazy.

The scene changes as the two women are now in the captain's office as Maki gives Akitaru a salute.

Maki: Reporting in, sir!

Obi: (looks at the two) [hm?]

Sister: (to Shinra) Hi, I'd like to thank you for helping me earlier.

Shinra: Yeah, sure.

Maki: (To F/N) O-oh and thanks for helping me as well.

F/N: ...No problem.

Shinra: Yeah, we did what any hero would.

Maki: (gasp) Wow, they really are the one.

Then the nun karate chops Maki's head. Then Maki kept talking as the nun kept chopping.

Maki: This is a time for love, not war, Iris! And I really don't think you should stoop to violence anyway. I mean, you're a nun, you silly goober.

Then Hinawa breaks his pen, causing Maki and Iris to whimper in fear.

Then we see the new recruits with Maki as she made some adjustments.

Maki: (to Shinra) I adjusted the length of your pants to accommodate that ability of yours. Do you think they're gonna work for you?

Shinra: Yeah. Thank you very- (looks at Maki in the position she's in.

Maki: [hm?]

Shinra (sniffs) (thoughts) Why does she smell so good?

Obi: Easy, Turbo. You look like you wanna eat her.

Shinra: (Turns to look at Obi) Say what? I already explained it's an involuntary-

Then Hinawa throws the clipboard at a chalkboard as it pierced through it. Then F/N, Shinra, and Obi look at him.

Hinawa: Well, I think it's just about time, Captain.

Obi: Yeah. Everyone's here now, so let's get started.

Then we see everyone gathering around Obi's desk.

Obi: All of us know about spontaneous human combustion, but no one, not even us here, knows when it'll happen next, or to whom. And so, we all live in fear.

Then we see F/N look at the captain as the scene changes as we see an Infernal as we hear Akitaru talking.

Obi: One day, without cause or warning, people the world over began catching fire. These were the first-generation victims of spontaneous human combustion. They and those like them who've come since are called Infernals. Having lost all sense of self, they run rampant until they die. (Shows a hallway with windows with pictures on them)Those deaths don't come easy. To put an Infernal to rest, you have to destroy it's core by strike where the victim's heart was. (Shows some fire force members walking away from som fire) The Special Fire Force's main duty is to put Infernals to rest, saving their souls and human lives in the process. (Shows everyone in the office) But we all have another objective. That's to solve the mystery of what causes human combustion. And with luck, to stop it, and put an end the terror of the flame for good. As quickly as we can.

Shinra (thought): I wanna become a hero. No. I have to become one.

Then we F/N as we see a glimpse of what's he thinking about which was a woman and a man smiling a warm smile at him. Then we see him ball up his fist with anger.

F/N (Thoughts): Just you wait you two. I will fulfill my promise. I won't let anyone suffer the same fate you two have.

(Time skip brought you by F/N with his back turned as he turns his head towards his right towards the screen then raised his left arm out as ice formed around it to make an ice claw then quickly turns around and sliced the screen into the next screen.)

We are outside the Cathedral at night as we see the northern lights in the sky, then we see F/N in his dorm as he looks up at the roof as he was thinking about his past.

F/N: Mother... Father...

Then we see F/N as a kid smiling as he was with his mother and father

Young F/N: Mama! Papa! Guess what!

D/N (Dad's name): What son?

Young F/N: When I grow up, I wanna protect people with my ice powers!

M/N (Mother's name): Aw, my little man wants to be a hero.

D/N: [Ha ha ha!] Sure sounds like it doesn't it! [Heh heh!] (Walks over to F/N and pats his head) Well with a gift like yours, son, we believe you can do that. Just give your all, okay champ?

Young F/N: [hehehe] You bet Papa!

Then the scene changes as we see some Fire Force members knock a door down that was covered in ice as we see young F/N crying as two Infernals were impaled by ice.

Young F/N: Mama... [Sniffs] Papa... [Sobs] I-I'm sorry!

Then we see F/N in his dorm as his room started to get colder.

F/N: I will find the truth. No matter what it takes.

Then we see an image from his head that shows smoke that looks like a skull behind the two Infernals about to attack him. Then all of the sudden, an alarm goes off.

F/N: The alarm's going off. (Jumps out of bed.) Sounds like trouble.

Then Maki opens F/N's door.

Maki: F/N! Someone just turned Infernal!

F/N: Figured as much.

Maki: Be ready in 30 seconds! (Runs off)

F/N: Roger that!

Then we see F/N running off as the scene changes to someone suiting up which is Obi.

Akiharu Obi

Obi: Our Infernal is in Taito ward, Torigoe District. (Shows Maki, F/N, and Shinra walking in as they get ready to suit up.) The Fire's at a small factory. The person who turned Infernal is the factory manager's wife.

Then we see Iris as she prays to herself.


Then we see Iris walk away as we see Takehisa sit up as he fixes his glasses.

Second-generation pyrokinetic
Takehisa Hinawa

Obi: We'll work with Squad Four of the Fire Defense Agency's Ueno branch and put her to rest.

Then we see Maki as she puts on her uniform.

First Class Fire Soldier
Second-Generation pyrokinetic
Maki Oze

Then we see F/N and Shinra as Akitaru kept talking.

Obi: Get in the Matchbox! Let's do this!

Then we see Shinra put on his uniform then put a glove on.

Second Class Fire Soldier
Third-generation pyrokinetic
Shinra Kusakabe

Finally, we see F/N put his uniform on as we see put a metal mask on his lower face and goggles on his forehead.

Second Class Fire Soldier
Abnormal Third-generation Cryokinetic

Then we see the two grab their helmets as the scene changes to the Matchbox.

Special Armored Fire Engine
Code name: Matchbox

Then we see the garage door open as we hear an announcer.

Announcer A: Emergency vehicles are about to deploy. We request that all civilian motorists pull to the side of the road and clear a path so they can safely pass.

Then we see some lights telling them to move out.

Akitaru: Special Fire Force Company 8, moving out.

Then we hear Matchbox's sirens as they head towards the factory. Meanwhile, in the back of the vehicle, we Akitaru and Shinra with his smile on his face while Maki and Iris across from them with F/N with his mask down in between the two as he drinks some water from a big metal bottle. Then Akitaru looks at Shinra then pats his head.

Obi: Here comes your chance to be a hero.

Then Shinra chuckles nervously as Obi looks at F/N.

Obi: Hey F/N, (F/N looks at Obi) You getting so nervous you're drinking a bunch of water?

F/N: (stops drinking the water) No, not really. I'm just getting ready is all.

Obi: Wouldn't all that water go straight to your bladder? That can't be good for you.

F/N: Well for a normal person, yes, but for me, most of the water goes through my system. Making my ice a lot stronger.

Obi: I see. You're full of surprises, kid.

Then we see the Matchbox head towards the Factory as the scene changed.

(Timeskip brought you by Shinra with his smile and F/N with his cold look with his arms crossed while they're back to back)

We see some Firetrucks taking out the fire from the outside with some fire hoses as Obit and Hinawa walks into one of the trucks.

Firefighter A: It's the Blue Stripes.

Then one of them looks up as Obi and Hinawa salute them. Then they talk about what happened.

Firefighter captain A: From what we've been seeing, this Infernal is especially aggressive. We've been able to keep the flames contained so far, but as long as the Infernal's active, there's a risk that more build---

Then we see the factory's manager as he gets the other four member's attention as he's on one knee as he does the prayer hand sign.

Manager: Excuse me.

Then Iris goes to him.

Manager: Please help my wife, Sister. See that she's put to rest.

Iris: Infernals are lost souls shrouded in flame. We'll offer your wife mercy and a return to the embrace of the great god Sol.

Then we see Obi and Hinawa walk out of the truck.

Obi: Special Fire Force Company Eight, it's time we went in.

Company Eight: Right!

Then we see the Manager preying then we see F/N put his mask on and his goggles over his eyes as he and the rest of the company go in. As we get a flashback from him as we see him as a kid as his mother holds him in her arms.

M/N: You truly are a blessing, my little snow angel.

Young F/N: [hahaha]

Now we're in the Factory as everything was on fire.

Akitaru: She's further in.

Maki: These flames, they feel conscious, like they're actively trying to stop us.

Iris: This place must've been important. To the Infernal, I mean.

Then F/N turns to Shinra as he looks like he had a traumatic flashback then puts his hand on his shoulder as Shinra looks back at him. Then F/N gives him a thumbs up, telling him that everything's gonna be okay then Shinra nods as he understood. Then Shinra sighed as the two went to their teammates.

Hinawa: Maki.

Maki: (Goes up to the flames) Right! Clearing a path!

Then Maki clears a path by using her pyrokinesis as her eyes glow purple to move the flames away. Then the flames go over the team. As a flaming vortex merged behind Shinra.

Obi: The flames are getting sucked in!

Then the Infernal appears.

F/N: Shinra!

Then the Infernal blasts him away with it's flame as he hits his head on some metal and passed out.

F/N: Everyone, get behind me!

Everyone does what he says as he put his hands together as you hear a loud clap as he closed his eyes. Then The Infernal blasts at him as he opens his eyes as they started to glow Icy blue, then he slams his hands on the ground as a big wall made of ice formed in front of him as the fire hits the wall. Then he runs towards Shinra and starts shaking him to try to wake him up.

F/N: Shinra! Shinra! Wake up damn-it! (Makes his hand ice cold and touches his face) Wake up!

Shinra: Holy shit that's cold!

F/N: About time you woke up.

Shinra: How long was I out?

F/N: About five seconds.

Hinawa: Good, you got him to wake up. We're gonna need you both in action soon.

Maki: How do you feel? Can you fight?

Shinra: Yeah.

Then the Infernal stop's blasting at them as Obi looks at it as it prepares to attack. Then Obi takes an ax.

Obi: Everyone, prepare for battle!

Hinawa loads up a gun as Maki adjusts her hat and Iris gets ready for prayer. Then we see Shinra takes his shoes off as F/N made Ice Claws on his arms and legs as his eyes glowed icy blue again.

Obi: Time is 2110. Commencing operation to put Infernal to rest.

Company Eight: Yes, sir!

Then the Infernal makes a vortex as Obi makes a plan.

Obi: Shinra, F/N, Maki, and I will draw her attention, then you two can end this with a good punch and a kick.

Shinra/F/N: Right./Got it.

Then the vortex disappeared as the Infernal revealed itself.

Obi: Let's do it!

Then Obi and Maki charged in as the Infernal charged at them. As this happened, Hinawa fires at the creature as it dodges all of the shots. Then Obi runs up to it and tried to hit it with his ax, but it jumps out of the way. Then Maki tried fighting it, through hand-to-hand combat but it jumps away, so she tries to knock it down with a kick, but it got behind her and kicks her away. Then the Infernal charged at Obi and jumps on to him and starts bursting into flames as he tries to struggle free. Then Maki comes in and uses her Pyrokinesis to get the flames off him.

Obi: Thanks. Improved Type Two Fire Ax thrust!

Then Obi hits the Infernal as it causes an explosion. Then we see Shinra and F/N watching this as the other two got knocked back from the explosion as the Infernal slides back, getting ready for another attack. Then we see our two heroes thinking to themselves.

Shinra/F/N: I've made two promises.

Shinra: That I'd be a hero-

F/N: That I'd protect everyone, including my family, with my abilities-

Shinra:- And that I'd protect my family.

F/N:- And I'd find the one responsible for these Infernals.

Then we see an image of the two as kids smiling. Then we see two houses on fire.

Shinra: Mom. Sho. I'm sorry.

F/N: Mother. Father. Forgive me.

Shinra: I couldn't keep that last promise.

F/N: I couldn't protect you.

Shinra/F/N: But I'll honor your memory- by being a hero/by protecting everyone.

Then everyone looks at Shinra and F/N as the two looks at each other as Shinra does his smile at F/N.

Shinra: Let's finish this, F/N.

F/N: (nods) Right.

Then all the flames went out as two blue striped uniforms started to glow.

Shinra/F/N: Hope you're watching.

Shinra: (eyes glow red) Here I go.

F/N: Let's do this.

Then a burst of power comes from the two. One's hot while the other is cold.

Shinra: I refuse to be what they say I am.

F/N: I was given these abilities for a reason.

Shinra: No matter what I have to do-

F/N: And no matter what challenges may lie ahead-

Then the screen shows half of the two's faces with Shinra's right side and F/N's left side as their eyes glowed.

Shinra/F/N: I will be a hero!

Then we see Shinra's mom on one side while we see F/N's parents on the other.

S/M / F/P: All set. Make me proud-/ You gonna do great, make us proud...

Hero!/ Our little Hero.
Shinra/F/N: (Smirks) Will do./ I will.

Then Shinra gets ready to blast off as F/N gets ready to skate through.

Hinawa: Sister! Start the prayer!

Iris: Right.

Maki: Captain Obi!

Obi: Good Luck, you two! Aim for the core!

As the two waited, the Infernal revealed itself once more as the two charged at it with full speed with Shinra blasting off and F/N Skating through.

Iris: The flame is the soul's breath.

Then we see images of the two's past going through their heads as they got closer and closer to the Infernal.

Iris: The black smoke is the soul's release. (Infernal fires at the two as F/N made a ramp of ice to launch him in the air as Shinra flew up in the air as the Infernal fires at them as they both got on the ground quickly and charged at it.) Ashes thou wert and art. (Then Shinra got in the air as F/N put his hands behind him) May they soul return...

Then The two gave themselves a boost with Shinra going full blast and F/N bursts a blizzard blast from his hands.

Shinra: We know you're in pain.

Then Shinra and F/N hit it's core with one final punch and kick.

F/N: Just let go!

Then the two blasts a hole into it's chest.

Maki: Oh, wow. The third generation's as strong as they say. Even the abnormals.

Then the two put their hands in the prayer sign.

Shinra/F/N: ...to the great flame of fire.

Then the Infernal turns into ashes as it is now at peace.

Iris: Látom.

Then everyone does a prayer too in respect.

Then the scene changes as we see the manager talk to Company Eight while the firefighters put out the fires.

Manager: Sister, is- is my wife...?

Iris: Her soul is safe. She's been returned to the Great Fire. Shinra and F/N put her to rest swiftly, so she wouldn't suffer.

Then the manager looks at the two as Shinra started to smile nervously and F/N had his cold expression but also felt nervous. Then the man took bother of their hands and started to cry.

Manager: Thank you, Shinra and F/N. I'm grateful. [Sob] You two set her free.

As the two were being thanked by the man. The crowd started to cheer and applaud the Devil and the Ice King.

Obi: Feels pretty good, right? You two will be receiving cheers like these from now on. I'd say you two have taken a pretty big step towards that goal of yours.

Then we see Shinra blush as F/N turns away and scratches his cheek in embarrassment with his cold look. As everything turned to black.

To be continued


A/N: So that's it for the first episode! So what did you guys think? What was your favorite part of this episode? Tell me in the comments and be sure to vote for this chapter so others can find this story too!

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