Chapter Two: At The Hospital

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The whole class is occupied by cleaning the classroom first thing in the morning.

Our building is a 4-story building and our classroom is located on the second floor, first room on the left near the stairs. Since we are near the stairs, its cleanliness became our liability as well. So, we have to clean the classroom, the lobby, and the stairs.

I gotta admit that it is arduous keeping the stairs clean for there are a lot of students going up and down.

"Min, wanna go shopping later?" Lia questioned me while wiping the railings of the stairs. "This is exhausting." She wiped the sweat from the side of her face.

"Sure. That will be amusing." I said.

I am sweeping the lobby near the stairs.

"Guys," Me and Lia both looked at Lainux who is watering the plants. My teacher loves real plants, not plastic ones. "I think I am gonna die."

Lainux's face looked so drowsy and fatigued.

"Seriously, Lainux?" Sam came out of the classroom. "You started watering the plants two minutes ago and now you claim that you are gonna die?" She put her hand around her waist.

"Is it wrong to feel so tired, Samantha?" Lainux sat on the floor. He was so tired.

"It is, you idiot!" Sam kicked Lainux's leg. But not too severe. Just a playful kick. "I have been cleaning inside the classroom for thirty whole minutes! So, you have no right to complain that you are gonna die because you are feeling exhausted!" She threw the broom she was holding at Lainux.


"Quit slacking, Suzuki!" After that, Sam left him alone.

I and Lia exchanged glances and she just shrugged off. I looked at our male friend again and walked towards him.

"Geez. That Samantha." I heard him scoffed as he stood up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He grasped the broom that Sam threw at him and the water sprinkler he used for watering the plants. "Did you hear everything?"

I nodded. "What is with her?"

"Dunno." He shrugged. "She has been like that since she arrived. Our classmate Abejar? She scolded him for entering the classroom with his shoes on."

Technically, we have this stringent rule in the classroom that we should take off our shoes. If we do not want our socks to get dirty, we can use foot mop or bring slippers of our own that are specifically used only inside the classroom.

"Today is presumably the first day of her monthly period."

"Jesus!" I jumped in surprise when suddenly out of nowhere, Neal appeared beside me and joined the conversation. He is carrying a bag of chips, by the way.

"Sorry if I scared the hell out of you, Min." Both him and Lainux laughed. It is not funny at all if you scare me like that. "Want some?" He handed the bag of chips to me.

"No thanks. I am good."

"If you say so."

"Guys," Lia walked towards us. Then she digs her hand in Neal's bag of chips and ate it. "Let us go to the classroom. Ma'am Osawa's gonna begin the class soon."

"Okay." We all nodded in agreement and placed back the cleaning tools to its rightful place.

The second day of class is still monotonous. Not all of our subject teachers came to us today. The serious class will prolly start next week.

It is already lunchtime and as usual, the pantry is full again. I and the squad decided that we should eat again in the garden. At first, I hesitated because of what I saw yesterday, but I agreed eventually since my friends wanted to eat there. Plus, I did not tell them about what I saw yesterday. It was just my imagination so I did not bother.

"Lainux, sorry about this morning. I just caught up in cleaning the classroom then you complained that you were tired even though you just cleaned for two minutes." I heard Sam spoke to Lainux right across me. "But I should not have thrown that broom at you. I am sorry, okay?"

I took a bite from my cheeseburger. I am sitting in the middle of Lia and Lainux. While Sam and Neal are right across us. By the way, Lainux is working on his laptop again. I do not know what he is doing, but his fingers work faster than my brain.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." he simply replied.

Neal and Lia chuckled. Sam just pouted. I did not say anything and just looked at them while enjoying my cheeseburger. I am so hungry and I just can not handle speaking anymore.


I looked at my watch and saw that it was still three p.m. Our teacher, Mrs. Jailene Osawa decided to dismiss the class early. It is still the second day of class so no wonder.

"MALL TIME!" I burst into laughter when Lia and Sam jumped up and down in enthusiasm as we stepped out from Magsville.

"And Min will be with us today!" Sam said in joy.

The boys burst into laughter as well. I am so lucky to have these people in my life.

"But before that," I took my cellphone from my pocket and showed it to my friends. "I have to call my mom."

"Okay, we will wait for you." Neal tapped my shoulder and I smiled at them.

I slowly walked a few steps away from them and dialed my mom's number. Hello?

"Mom? Are you home?"

Not yet, sweetie. Why? Is your class over? Want me to pick you up?

"No, no. Uhmm...My teacher dismissed the class early."

I see. So, what's up?

"My friends told me to go to the mall with them. Can I come? Besides, it is still early. I promise I will not be too late."

But you are still not used to the place. I will let you go shopping with your friends but I will pick you up right after I am done with here, okay?

I sighed because mom is being worried about me again. I understand her, though.

"Okay, mom. I love you."

Be safe, sweetie. Enjoy. I love you, too.

I smiled and ended the call. I turned to face my friends who were looking at me and smiled at them. They understood what I meant their reaction was ecstatic.

Since the mall is a little further, we chose to take Neal's car.

"That Francis," I heard Lia uttered, feeling so irritated. "Where the hell is he?"

She was tapping her foot impatiently inside the car floor while her arms crossed.

"Hey, Natalia Crawford, as if you are not used to our dear Francis," Sam responded with a spice of sarcasm in her voice. She can be sassy at times.

"Yes, I am used to it. But him still not meeting Lia is not okay."

Lia is desperate for me to meet Francis. She is always like that. She will not stay calm unless she can do or have what she wants.

When we arrived at the mall, Lia immediately forgot about Francis' absence and both her and Sam went straight to a clothing store while the boys just remained outside.

And of course, I followed the two girls inside the clothing store. Not because I am interested in buying clothes, but because they forced me to. Even if I am a girl in and out, I am still not fond of wearing girly stuff.

I just sat in a chair inside the store. I know Lia will not gonna force me to choose clothes because she knows fashion is not my forte at all.

I just sat there for nearly thirty minutes and when I finally got bored, I decided to stand up and asked permission to the two girls who are still so busy at picking elegant clothes.

"Lia, Sam, I will go to the bookstore. There is something I need to take a look at."

The two of them pouted, so, I just hugged them. It is the least I could do. But before I could go, Lia told me to text her if in case I will encounter a problem and also for them to easily locate where I am.

"Oh, Min! Where are you going?" Neal asked me when I got out of the store.

"Just in the bookstore," I answered.

Both him and Lainux just gave me a nod and told me to be careful. I gave them a hand-like sign and left.

When I arrived at the bookstore, I swiftly searched for the book I have been wanting to see.

A manga book...

I went to the manga book section. When I arrived there, my eyes immediately transformed from normal to sparkling eyes with heart. Gosh, so many books!

I chose various manga books while jumping in joy. But while I was staring at the manga books, something caught my attention.

It is just an ordinary book, though it looks so good.

"Does not look like a manga book to me," I whispered to myself.

I started to feel perplexed. Why is this here? The books are organized here. Geez! Whoever looked at this book without even returning it to its original place is so unforgivable. Some people do not know how to put things back to their original places.

I was about to give this to a staff or a manager when I suddenly heard somebody calling my name.

I looked at my surroundings...No one else is here. Maybe it was just my imagination. I was about to go when suddenly, I heard it again.


This time, it is very clear to me. And it is getting louder and louder by the minute. I looked at the surroundings again and saw that no one else is here except for me.

"How is this possible? There were still many people around here a few moments ago."

I turned to look at my back. I shrugged my shoulders when I saw that no one else is here which is very, very strange. However, when I turned to look in front again, my soul almost left my body when I saw what was standing in front of me.

I-Is this real? Because if it is, then kill me.

I can see a girl with blood on her face right now. Half of her face covered with her long black hair is seriously looking at me. Her expression is kind of unreadable. Is she...mad?

I slowly took a step back when she started walking towards me. I do not know why but there is no voice coming out in my mouth, and my whole body is shaking.

I stopped stepping back when my back touched the shelf. Holy crap! What the hell am I gonna do? I slapped my face many times as hard as I could just to see if I am dreaming or not.

"Holy shit! This is just a dream! Tell me this is just a dream!" I am so busy exclaiming in my mind because there is just no voice coming out in my mouth.

The girl stopped walking towards me. So, I looked at her. But it was not for long because I could not bear watching her for more than a minute. But I was shocked when she suddenly laughed.

"You are not dreaming, Minerva! You know, I feel so depressed because you could not even remember me," she said and smiled at me.

A devilish smile.

I tried to speak again and this time, I became successful.

"W-Who are you? H-How did you know me?" I faltered.

She took a step towards me again until she was only one step closer to me. So, I just closed my eyes as I felt her breath on my ear. One thing is for sure, I feel like I could die in anxiety and fear.

"I am your worst nightmare...Minerva Yoshida"


I slowly opened my eyes when I felt the cold air touching my skin. Slowly, I realized where I was. Everything was white. The ceiling, the wall, everything and it is so neat. I tried to sit down but my head is aching.

What the hell happened to me?

"Jesus, Minerva!" Someone hurriedly came to my aid.

The person's hand was warm as it touched my cold skin.

"It is me. Your mom."

"Mom?" I looked at the person properly. It is my mom.

"Goodness, Minerva! I am gonna call the docー"

"No, no, please!" I held mom's hand so tight that I do not want to let her go. "Do not leave me here alone, mom!"

"But I need to tell the docー"

"Mom, just please, don't!"

I do not have a single clue why I feel so terrified to be alone in here. The goosebumps are coming right at me without even knowing the reason why. I feel so clueless about everything right now.

"M-Minerva..." She sat on my hospital bed and held my hands.

"Sweetie, what is the matter with you? Why are you crying?"

My eyes widened in surprise when I heard what my mother said. I lifted my hand to touch my face and there I felt something cold streaming down on the side of my face.

Mom is right... Why am I crying?

"I-I do not k-know..." I know nothing at all. I do not even recognize who I was with last time. "Just...what happened to me, mom? Why am I in a hospital room?"

She sighed in front of me. After a minute, she spoke.

"Don't you remember anything? Like, nothing at all?" I nodded many times to her question.

Hopefully, she will not gonna ask me that question again.

"Seems like the doctor was right. You do not remember anything," she said. "After class, you called me in my office to ask my permission to go to the mall with your friends. Do you remember that?"

I shook my head.

"In the mall, you were with Lia and the other girl named Sam inside a clothing store. You told them that you will be going to the bookstore, so, you left." Mom gave me that 'do-you-remember-that' look. Still, without saying anything, I shook my head again. "Your friends do not know what happened next. The next thing they knew, you passed out at a dark corner in the bookstore. That is all I know, sweetie."

After mom told me everything, her worried voice did not escape my ears. However, I still do not quite get it. How did I end up in a dark corner in the bookstore? And how can't I remember anything at all?

"How did you know all of this, mom?"

"Lia and your friends told me," she answered. "They were so worried as well. They wanted to wait for you to wake up but since it is too late, I told them to go home. Their parents could already be concerned about them."

I was about to say something when mom suddenly stood up. Fear quickly covered my whole body again.

"Do not worry, sweetie. I will not leave you alone. I will just get my phone right over there," She pointed at a table near the sofa. "I will just call the doctor and tell him you are fine, okay?"

"O-Okay..." She planted first a kiss on my forehead before she walked towards to table to get her phone.

I felt down all of a sudden. My friends came and they were worried. They found me unconscious in a dark corner at the bookstore I visited. I woke up in a hospital bed without any memory of what happened at all.

My memory is blank. Again.

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