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My friends are having fun and they started singing Happy Birthday. The whole time I was just lip-syncing to the song since I do not feel like singing it aloud. Everyone is in cloud nine except me who is still bothered by everything that is eerily going on with my life.

Suddenly, a flash of something came into my mind. It was quick, but I knew right away that it was a red-leather book. I raised my hand to my head and I was lucky enough not to notice by my friends who are occupied by Lia's eighteenth birthday cake.

I looked at Francis and he was looking at our friends, too, from the distance. I slowly walked away from the group then ran back to our cottage.

Something is calling me. I have no idea what it is, however, it is calling me as it knows me very well.

I am sorry, Lia. I want to be happy on your special day but something is been bothering me and I can not let you guys get bothered by me.

When I reached our room, I paused for a minute to catch my breath before turning on the light. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw someone standing near my bed, its back facing towards me.

"Thief! How the hell did you get in here?!" I clenched my fists. As far as I remember, I locked it when Francis and Lainux were still talking. "I a-am calling theー"

"Minerva Yoshida," I could not continue to move a muscle when the stranger suddenly called me. She is a female with a familiar, eerie voice.

"Who are y-you? How did you know me?" I swigged a large amount of my saliva as she gradually turned to face me.

She was smiling, although, my guts are telling me that something is off about her.

"Oh. Look how big you have grown." She started taking a step towards me.

"D-Do not come near me!"

"Oops! Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself," She smiled again. But this uneasy feeling is still not going away. "My name is Midas. Midas Turneo."

Because of that, a bunch of memories came flashing into my mind like a slideshow all of a sudden. Little by little, I started to remember everything as the chills ran through my spine.

"Y-You are... the one who called me on the telephone that day," I tried to step back as she was walking towards me. "And that day on the bookstore... when I collapsed, it was you!"

A loud, ghastly laugh echoed inside the room. My legs were shaking and were about to give up but I am trying my best not to for I know this is not the right time for that.

To be honest, I was scared, and I prayed for someone to come and save me from this hell.

"This role play you are playing is amusing."

"What exactly do you mean by that?"


From the moment my back touched the wall, it was the end for me. There was no way to escape.

"W-What dーOh my God!" I gasped as I realized that she was not walking. She was floating and blood was oozing down on the floor. When I looked at her face, tears started to seep down on mine as I saw blood all over hers. Her eyes were like of the demon's and everything about her was terrifying. "You are a fucking ghost!"

She stopped not too far from me. I thought she was gonna do something to me, but she handed me a book; a book that I saw in just a glimpse. Without even thinking about it, my hands started moving on its own.

"You have no God, Minerva," I looked at her and there was something in her eyes that I could not discern. "That book belongs to you and you alone. That book will be your answer to everything once you will be yourself again. Even if you refuse to accept it, it will always come back to you."

What is she talking about? This is getting more and more complicated. If this was a dream, then I hope I will be awakened from it. I hope someone will wake me up.

"Minerva, the songs of mystery and horror will start to play in your life..." I felt dizzy and the next thing I saw was her devilish grin that can make your soul leave your body. "And you will be a singer."

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