Camp Comeoniwannascareya

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We see the gang at Shaggy and Scooby's house with Scooby not feeling so good as Ashton checked his temperature

Ashton: 100. Not good.

Dimitri: Scooby, did you eat old cheese again?

Scooby: Maybe. *sees Dimitri giving him a "really?" look* Yes.

Dimitri: Scooby, how many times do I have to tell you old cheese makes you sick!

Scooby: Sorry.

Ashton: Well we got what you need, Scoob.

Ashton then walked off and came back with a scrapbook

Ashton: A book of our summers where we were camp counselors.

Ashton then opened the book as the gang saw a picture of a glowing green monster

Dimitri: Hey the Toxic Terror! I remember that mystery.

Shaggy: Like that was when we were camp counselors for the first time.

Daphne: You guys solved a mystery without us? I'm impressed.

Fred: Details please.

Dimitri: Alright, we'll tell ya.

A flashback was seen as we see the scene start at a campfire as Dimitri, Ashton, Shaggy and Scooby were seen with a few campers along with a machine.

Ernie: And see, by using the wagner-casey method you can maximize the heat coefficient on the uh— the uh...

Ashton: Marshmallow?

Erni: Yes, Marshmallow, while not getting too close to the heat source.

Shaggy: Like, I don't know what that means but this is one squishy s'more. Thanks Ernie.

Ashton: Fire's getting low. Hey Scoob let's go find S'more firewood *chuckles* Get it? S'more firewood.

He then walked off.

Scooby: I don't get it

We then see the four walking through the woods.

Shaggy: man, this is my favorite time of the year, we get to be camp counselors while the rest of the gang is off looking for ghosts.

Dimitri: Hey guys, what's that?

They then looked and saw some melted construction equipment with glowing gunk on it

Ashton: Yuck! What is this junk?

Dimitri then looked at the substance.

Dimitri: It seems to be some sort of-

A loud gurgling growl is heard and a glowing green monster walks out from a melting truck

Ashton: Whoa!

They then saw the monster coming at them as they narrowly miss the creature's fist from smashing them

Shaggy: Scoob if we survive this I promise to not steal Scooby Snacks from the secret stash under your doggy bed.

Scooby: Raggy!

Ashton: Don't worry. Cuz I don't think we're gonna make it out of this!

The monster had them cornered when a rock hits him on the head

???: Hey Mr monster man!

The monster then turned and saw the campers.

Alex: Why don't you pick on someone your own size!

Jake: Like a dinosaur? Or a skyscraper?

Then Ernie and Alex threw pots at the monster as it grabbed them and melted them.

Ashton: Ok, does anyone have a plan b?

Dimitri then saw the truck with a water tank on it.

Dimitri: Ashton grab that hose. I have an idea.

Ashton then grabbed the hose as Dimitri turned the valve as they sprayed the monster with water making it run into the woods as more campers showed up

Dennis: Whoa what happened?

Jake: This glowing green monster attacked Dimitri, Ashton, Scooby and Shaggy.

Scooby: Reah. *imitates the monster*

Dennis: You are so lying Jake. You did not see the Toxic Terror.

Ashton: The Toxic Terror? What's that?

Dennis: The old ghost story. You've heard it.

Shaggy: No and we don't want to.

Dennis: The story goes like this. Many years ago when the camp was being built, the workers discovered a toxic waste dump but instead of telling the camp owner they decided to cover it up by building the cabin directly on top of the flesh rotting dump, when they finished they gave it unlucky number 13, one night the camp counselor was staying in the cabin with his cat the floor started to glow toxic green and the Toxic Terror formed right in front of the counselor's bunk. The Toxic Terror claimed its first victims on that dark night. And now they say that toxic terror returns every year, coming after any counselors who dare to sleep in cabin 13.

Shaggy: Like, I'm sure glad that we're in cabin 18 right guys?

Ashton: Yeah. Come on campers let's get to bed before-

???: Van Ghouls and Norville Rogers!

Ashton: Clyde shows up.

They then turned and saw a man walking to them.

Clyde: What is going on here?

Dimitri: Well you see, the Toxic Terror-

Clyde: Have you been telling these kids ghost stories?

Jake: Ashton, Dimitri, Shaggy, and Scooby tell ghost stories? Clyde, have you met these guys?

Clyde: Well, there's no such thing as ghosts, obviously this was vandalism and if it puts my new business center project behind I'm cutting off your S'more supply. Little cretins.

Shaggy: Like first a terrifying toxic monster, now a possible S'more shortage, this couldn't get any worse.

Ashton: That's enough frights for one night Shags. Let's get some sleep so we can go investigate this mystery in the morning.

Dimitri: Agreed.

The next day we see the campers were with the animals as Dimitri, Ashton, Shaggy were with a woman.

Grey: I'm sure it wasn't a monster, must be all this construction that Clyde is doing around camp. I swear he wants to turn this place into a resort just for adult staff

Shaggy: It's got me! The Toxic Terror's got me!

We then see Dimitri walk to Shaggy.

Dimitri: Uh. Shaggy, bug zapper.

Shaggy: *turns and sees the bug zapper* Oh, my bad.

Ashton: Ok campers, before we go on our nature hike, let's review some of the dangerous plants. *shows a book* Who can tell us what type of moss this is?

We then see Dennis place a spider on Alex's shoulder as she sees it.

Alex: Hey, cool spider. Thanks for showing me Dennis.

Dennis: What? But you were supposed to be scared. Aw man.

Ernie: By a common house spider? That's so... so...

Dimitri: Not scary?

Ernie: Yeah, not scary.

Then Alex showed Dennis a snake as he freaked out at the sight of it as we later see everyone in cabin 18 as Shaggy and Ashton were boarding up the door and windows as we later see them asleep in their beds as a green glow was seen.

Ashton: Man Scooby, your nightlight sure is bright. *get up* What kind of batteries do you- *sees the toxic terror* THE TOXIC TERROR!!!

Shaggy: Like everyone outside on the double!

Dimitri: Slight flaw, you and Ashton locked us in.

Ashton: Don't worry, we always have a plan b.

Ashton, Scooby, and Scooby then burst through a window as the others ran out of the cabin.

Shaggy: Like why does it keep coming for me, Scooby, Ashton and Dimitri?

Scooby: I don't know.

Dimitri: I think I might.

He then walked to the door and wiped his arm on the eight revealing the number was actually 13

Ashton: We're the counselors of cabin 13?!

Dimitri: They must have painted over it when Clyde rebuilt this place.

Ashton: I'm going back inside so grab a couple of portable tents and some sleeping bags. Just stay out here.

Then the toxic terror broke the door down.

Ashton: On second thought let's run to the barn! Run for it!

We then see Dimitri, Ashton, Scooby and Shaggy run to the barns.

Ashton: Let's take some horses.

They then saw that there were golf carts in the barn.

Dimitri: Clyde replaced the horses with golf carts?

Shaggy: Well when life gives you lemons.

We then see the four driving a golf cart.

Ashton: Drive those lemons the heck out of here!

The campers then got on the golf cart as the Toxic Terror chased them on a golf cart of his own as some of the campers almost fell out as Scooby grabbed them.

Ashton: Hold on kids.

They then made a turn making scooby fall out and fall into a bush.

Dimitri: Hold on Scoob, we'll come back for you. *looks at the power level on the cart* Maybe not.

They then saw the toxic terror coming but they then saw a monstrous shadow as they stopped as the monster then took a turn and drove away as they then saw it was actually Scooby.

Ashton: Scooby.

A splash is heard as the monster runs into the woods

Alex: The monster's getting away!

Ashton: Yeah, a real shame.

Dimitri then noticed a green substance on the tire.

Ernie: Why, this material is corrosive enough to alter the molecular structure of the uh... the.

Jake: Golf cart?

Ernie: Right.

Ashton: Well we know who's not gonna like this.

The next day came as we saw Clyde was giving some people a tour.

Clyde: We're building a world class day spa and you can see the tanning tower we constructed out on the lake. We even paved the trails and knocked down all the trees so you can enjoy nature from the comforts of your very own golf cart.

Man: What happened to that golf cart?

He then saw the golf cart being pulled out of the lake.

Clyde: Oh that, oh uh, one of those brates ran off with it. But don't worry, the little urchins will be long gone once we open the kichihaha resort and relaxation center.

We then see Scooby, Shaggy, Dimitri and Ashton as they were sitting on the lifeguard chairs as the campers were swimming.

Alex: Poor guys, if we're going to help them we gotta figure out what's going on here. If only we can find some clues

Then a shark fin was seen swimming to Alex.

Shaggy: Alex, look out!

Then Alex grabbed the shark which was revealed to be Dennis wearing a shark costume.

Alex: Gonna have to do better than that Dennis.

She then swam away

Dennis: Aw man.

We later see the campers doing activities like sack races, water balloon fights, and pie eating contests as Shaggy, Ashton, and Scooby had eaten their pies.

Shaggy: Like are you gonna finish those.

Grey then came to the three.

Grey: Shaggy aren't you excited?

Shaggy: No, we win this contest every year.

Grey: No, my cabin, your cabin, we're going on a camp out tonight.

Shaggy: You mean instead of sleeping in our terror trap of a cabin, we have to sleep outdoors in the creepy no light in sight darkness. The gang is somewhere creepier, the gang's somewhere creepier.

We later see everyone walking to the woods as they had flashlights.

Grey: Come on guys. we're almost at terror hill.

Shaggy: Terror hill? The gang is somewhere creepier, the gang is somewhere creepier.

Then a bear came and growled at them as Scooby and Shaggy ran behind Jack and Ernie as the bear was then revealed to be Dennis in a costume

Ashton: Nice try Dennis.

Jake: Where does he get all those cool costumes?

We then saw them arrive at the spot as they saw tennis courts were there.

Dimitri: Clyde is going to pay big time for this!

Ashton: That dude is ruining the camp!

Grey: This was the best place to camp out under the stars!

Dimitri: Clyde has gone too far.

Shaggy: Not for me this is like the best monster keep away night light ever.

Scooby: Reah.

We later see everyone sleeping on the court when Jake, Alex, and Ernie wake up and sneak off as they were walking in the woods.

Ernie: Here.

He then handed Alex and Jake pairs of sunglasses.

Jake: Sunglasses? Thanks Ernie but it's a little dark and I like not bumping into things.

Ernie: Modified sunglasses they've been changed to track the toxic fumes from the... the.

Jake: Monster?

Ernie: Right monster.

Alex: Ok these are cool.

They then put on the glasses as they saw fumes.

Jake: Ernie you may be weird but you sure are smart.

Ernie: Come on.

They then walked to where the fumes were coming from as they walked to a cabin and found a diving suit

Alex: Check it out. A diving suit and it's brand new.

Jake: What would it be doing in a dusty place like this?

We then go back to the others as Dimitri and Scooby woke up

Dimitri: Scooby the kids are missing.

They then shook Ashton and Shaggy to wake them up.

Ashton: What is it guys?

Dimitri: The kids are gone. We gotta go find them.

Ashton: Alright let me wake up a little first.

We later see them walking through the woods as they then notice a green glow.

Shaggy: Like there's a glowing green light from behind that tree, think they built an all night diner out there?

The Toxic Terror then walks out from behind a tree

Ashton: I don't think so Shaggy.

Dimitri: Run!

They then began to run with the monster after them as they ran to the rock climbing wall as the toxic terror followed them until the wall was knocked down as they ran to the archery spot and used the bows to launch themselves to the air as they crashed to a totem pole and slid down as they saw Alex, Jack and Ernie.

Alex: The Toxic Terror!

They then ran to the tanning tower as they climbed to the top as we see the monster melting part of the tower making it come falling down into the lake as they swam out of the lake.

Clyde: Hey, what's going on out there?

He then saw the destroyed tower in the lake.

Clyde: But, but this can't be. Not my tanning tower. How are all my guests gonna get deep dark tropic tans?

He then spotted the gang sneaking past him

Clyde: You! You kids did this!

Ashton: Hey it wasn't us, it was the toxic terror.

Clyde: Still blaming this on ghost stories? Still doesn't matter. I already made up my mind I'm shutting down the summer camp.

All: What?!

Dimitri: You can't do that!

Clyde: You have to admit it is pretty unsafe around here with all the accidents and all.

Ashton: Admit it you want to turn this into a resort for adults only!

Alex: You can't do this! Camp is our favorite place in the world.

Clyde: Really? I'm touched. Not! Now off to bed!

We then see them walking off as Alex, Jake and Ernie were sulking.

Jake: I can't believe Clyde is gonna shut down the camp.

Alex: I can't believe we let down the guys. I really thought we could help them out.

Ernie: Maybe in our haste to decipher this enigma uh... we uh...

Jake: Screwed up?

Ernie: Exactly.

Dimitri: Come on guys.

Alex: What are you guys doing?

Ashton: Solving this mystery, this camp is our favorite place too.

Jake: Alright!

Dimitri: We've seen a lot of mysteries being solved so that's gotta count for something.

Shaggy: And the first step to solving a mystery is to find the creepiest, spookiest place around.

Ashton: Which is cabin 13.

Shaggy: I liked this whole saving camp idea better when you didn't mention that.

Scooby: Me too.

We then see them going to Cabin 13.

Jack: Now what?

Shaggy: Is there a basement, Scoob and I are always chased down to basements.

They then saw a basement.

Alex: There is!

Scooby: Oh, lucky us.

We then see them going into the basement.

Dimitri: That's strange, why does this cabin have a basement when the story said that this was where the toxic waste dump was?

Ashton: Hey yeah. That means the Toxic Terror is a fake!

Dimitri: I think we almost have this mystery just about wrapped up.

Shaggy: Like, hey Dimitri, you sounded just like Velma.

Dimitri: Yeah, and if I'm thinking like Fred then it's time we all run into the monster again.

Shaggy: Like we don't have to, because it's already here!

They then saw the toxic terror was here as they ran and saw the monster grab the support beam.

Ashton: He's cutting through the support beam!

Shaggy: Is that bad? *sees the cabin crumbling down* Nevermind, I just answered my own question. Run!

They then began to run out of the cabin as it came down.

Alex: Made it!

Shaggy: So did the toxic terror!

They then saw it coming at them as they ran to a tree house as it saw them in it and left.

Shaggy: Like why is it always after us?

Dimitri: Well so far we know that it attacked places that Clyde built like the corral, the tanning tower and the new cabin 13.

Ashton: But not here in the old treehouse. D, you thinking what I'm thinking?

Dimitri: Sure am, it's trapping time.

We then see them making a trap.

Ernie: Are you sure this is gonna work?

Shaggy: Of course, as long as Scoob and I are live bait it can't miss, all we have to do is wait until he shows up.

Then he saw the toxic terror.

Shaggy: Like, hey it worked. We're good.

Scooby: Reah, too good.

They then began to run with the monster chasing them until a net was dropped on the monster.

Ashton: But what about our trap?

Jake: No offense, but it seemed a little crazy.

Then Alex unmasked the monster to reveal it was Dennis.

All: Dennis.

Dennis: Ha! I got you, I finally got you! You guys were so scared you should have seen the looks on your faces.

Ashton: If Dennis was the monster then who's that?

They then looked and saw a second toxic terror.

Shaggy: Like, two toxic terrors?!

They then began to run as Dimitri, Ashton, Shaggy and Scooby ran to the ladder as the monster followed them as they grabbed a trapeze as the monster slid down and slipped around a barrel and landed in the pool.

Dimitri: Never underestimate a crazy trap.

Ashton: Fred would be proud to see that.

Ernie: Who's Fred?

Jake: You got me.

Alex: Let's try this again.

They then removed the mask to reveal it was Grey.

All: Grey?!

Grey: I'm sorry guys, I wasn't after you four, I was just trying to destroy the new buildings around camp. But you four were always at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Shaggy: Man that's like the story of our lives.

Grey: And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids in your cabin.

Ashton: And that stuff on your suit was the toxic moss you were talking about.

Shaggy: So Dennis made his own toxic terror costume because he wanted to scare us. He saw the monster was the only thing that could do that

Dimitri: Which meant you were trying to scare away Clyde. *realizes* But he hasn't seen the toxic terror yet, has he?

Ashton: Then let's show him the monster.

We then go to Clyde's cabin as he was seen on a computer as he then saw the toxic terror at the window as he screamed and ran to a door but the monster was there as he then ran to the back door but saw the toxic terror was there too as he then looked to see multiple toxic terrors coming in the cabin as he then screamed in fear and ran out of the cabin as the door opened as the toxic terrors removed their masks and were revealed to be the gang as they started laughing as we then see the kids playing around at camp as Shaggy saw it.

Shaggy: Now this is more like it, right Scooby Doo? *looks and saw Scooby wasn't around* Scooby?

We then see Scooby swinging as he jumps to the water.

Scooby: Scooby-Dooby-Doo!

He then made a splash as we went back to the present as Ashton was seen closing the book.

Ashton: And that was how we solved the mystery of The Toxic Terror.

Daphne: That sounded like you guys had fun.

Fred: Not to mention that you guys created an excellent trap.

Ashton: Are traps all you think about Jones?

Dimitri: Apparently so.

Velma: But it was surprising that the culprit was doing something noble.

Ashton: It's not so crazy. Remember Penrod Stillwall?

Dimitri: Oh yeah, he was the guy who dressed up as the headless specter to find his family's treasure.

Daphne: But if you guys hadn't scared away Clyde.

Dimitri: The camp would be a resort for adults only.

Ashton: And that is just not right.

Shaggy: Like yeah.

Dimitri: So Scooby, how are you feeling now?

Scooby: A lot better thanks to the story.

Ashton: Well I'm happy that you're better now Scoob.

Velma: And it was a good story.

Shaggy: Like speaking of which!

He then pointed at a wall as a shadow of the toxic terror was seen.

Shaggy: The Toxic Terror! He's back again!

The shadow was revealed to be a shadow puppet as Dimitri was seen making it

Shaggy: Dimitri! That's not funny man!

Dimitri: You have to admit it was a little funny.

The gang then started to laugh.


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