The legend of Alice May

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We see a limo drive to a house as a boy walked out of a house in a tux with a bouquet of flowers as his mother kept taking pictures of him

Randy: Mom stop! I mean that is like your third memory card.

Randy's mom: Oh it's just that I remember my prom. so much joy, so much passion, right dear?

Randy's dad: You didn't go with me.

Randy's mom: Oh, right.

Randy: Ok I'm late. Now I gotta go.

He then entered the limo as it drives off

Alice: Thanks for coming with me Randy. And can I make a confession? This isn't my first prom.

Randy: Were you held back?

Alice: No, at my other schools I went to other proms with other boys.

Randy: Look I just want to party hardy, get my swerve on you know.

Alice: Randy I think you're the one. Are you the one Randy?

Alice rips off her face like a mask to reveal a truly hideous face underneath

Ghost Girl: Be my boyfriend Randy. Forever and ever and ever!

Then Randy was heard screaming as the limo drove off. We then see a movie playing showing Vincent van Ghoul slaying vampires

Vincent: Suck on that suckers! *laughs*

We then see it was on a tv as Shaggy and Scooby were under a blanket as Dimitri and Ashton were watching the movie.

Dimitri: That is still a lame line for dad to say.

Ashton: I mean come on it wasn't even that funny.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Vincent: But don't forget that this weekend is our annual Van-Ghoulathon. 405 vincent van ghoul classics without commercials.

Shaggy: Like oh boy, oh boy guys, this year's van ghoulathon sounds great.

Scooby: Yeah. Just eating and van ghoul. eating and van ghoul.

Shaggy and Scooby: For a whole week, Yippee!

Velma: Yeah, Yippee.

They looked and saw Velma on the couch next to Dimitri.

Ashton: You ok Velms?

Dimitri: Yeah, I mean you liked the marathon.

Velma: That was last year but this year is our one month anniversary and the prom.

Ashton: That's right.

Dimitri: And Velma has a way for this. She wants us to come out as a couple at the prom, then celebrate by watching the marathon.

Ashton makes a whip noise with his mouth

Ashton: Dude she totally wears the pants in your relationship! Hahahaha!

Then Ashton was hit by a blast of water soaking his face and hair

Ashton: Dude I was kidding! What was that for?

Dimitri: For telling that joke.

Ashton: Oh, guess there's an issue with comedy now these days, everyone's a Veldash Helgenjew. I'll see you guys later. I need to talk to your mom Velma about this old mask I found.

Velma: Alright.

Ashton then walked off as Dimitri looked at Velma.

Dimitri: Well I was surprised that your mom was ok with you dating me when she learned I'm royalty.

Velma: Tell me about it, ever since that mom's been calling me a princess since then.

Dimitri: Well you'll always be my princess Velma.

Velma: Thanks.

Dimitri: Anything for you Velma.

They kiss as we go to Ashton at the spook museum

Ashton: Hello! Mrs. Dinkley are you in here?! I'm here about the mask from last night.

Mrs. Dinkley: I'm in the snack shop!

Ashton then went to the snack shop and saw Angie at a table with the mask and with a book.

Ashton: Any luck on that mask?

Angie: Yes it says right here that this mask was the tool of the norse god of mischief Loki.

Ashton: You're saying that Loki made that thing?

Angie: Yes, how did you come across this piece anyway?

Ashton: I found it in the water last night in some garbage I thought was an unconscious body.

Angie: I see, well I think for now we should keep this mask here at the museum. So no one finds it.

Ashton: Alright. You're the boss Mrs. Dinkley.

Angie: And I hear that Dimitri is gonna be taking my Velma to the prom is that right?

Ashton: Yeah, Velma planned on coming out as a couple at the prom.

Angie: Oh that's lovely, I'm so happy for my little princess.

Ashton: I honestly don't know if I'm going myself. I've never been that good a dancer.

Angie: Well I'm sure someone could help you out with that.

Ashton: Thanks.

The next day we see the gang in the hallways of the school as we see them talking.

Ashton: So bro what else is on you and Velma's plan for prom?

Dimitri: Well I'm thinking of a romantic dinner at the tiki tub for Velma after prom.

Ashton: Thanks. Hey bro I have this friend and he is having some trouble with dancing and is-

Dimitri: Wait, are you saying you can't dance?

Ashton: What!? No! Yes.

Dimitri: So you want me to help you out with dancing?

Ashton: Maybe.

Dimitri: Hey I'll help you, we're brothers so I'll show you what you need to know about dancing.

???: Oh buttercups! Come on open!

Ashton: Let me help. These are G36 Keiser tumblers. Sometimes they stick.

He then turned the knob and pulls the locker open

Alice: Wow that's amazing. Thank you, my name's Alice. Alice May, I'm new.

Ashton: Well welcome to Crystal Cove high. I'm Ashton.

Dimitri: Dimitri, nice meeting you Alice but me and Ashton need to talk.

Ashton: This school can be like a maze, so I map out the entire school to know every room. *pulls out a map of the school and hands it to Alice* I make these in my spare time.

Alice: Oh, how sweet. Thank you Ashton. Well, I think I'm gonna like it here.

We later see the students at the auditorium as they were sitting down.

Velma: Just a few nights away Dimitri.

Dimitri: Maybe Ashton was right saying you wear the pants in our relationship. I'm kidding of course!

Velma: You better be.

Dimitri: Plus I got something special planned for after the prom.

Velma: What is it?

Dimitri: Ah, ah, ah, it's a surprise.

Daphne: Oh heck no!

Ashton: There you are guys!

We see Ashton as he was with Alice.

Ashton: This is Alice, she's new and I'm just showing her around.

Dimitri: *looks at Daphne* Daph, calm down, he's just being a nice person. There's no need to be mad.

Ashton and Alice then sat down as the mayor starts talking

Mayor Jones: alright, settle down. Sheriff Stone has a few words. Sheriff?

Sheriff: Thank you mayor. Thank you. Prom. Obviously we want a safe enjoyable evening. As some of you might be aware, there have been several reports of a phantom limousine with a ghost girl inside, stealing young men away in the night. It's probably for some arcane ritual. Because of this we are advising all students  not to get into phantom limousines on prom night if at all possible. That's all I got.

Velma: Jinkies, talk about a bad date.

Ashton: Sounds like a great mystery!

Alice: I gotta get going, I still got a lot of things to unpack at my house.

Ashton: Need a lift?

Alice: Thanks, but I like walking.

She then walked away

Ashton: She seems nice. *sees Daphne looking at him* What?

Dimitri: Maybe now would be a time to look for clues

Ashton: Daph you want to split up with me?

Daphne: *angrily* No, I'll be fine on my own!

She then walked off mad as Ashton watched her walking.

Dimitri: Yup, she's definitely mad at you dude.

Ashton: What did I even say?!

We later see Daphne going through a book as she saw it had some pages missing

Daphne: That's odd. *looks at some news papers and saw some buts were cut out* It's like someone has erased everything about the missing kids. *pulls out the locket* Who doesn't want you found?

Then the lights went out as Daphne looked around  trying to see who was around and noticed a figure as she went after her and noticed a shelf falling as she got out of the way and saw a door close and went in and looked around.

Daphne: Maybe it's my imagination.

She then started washing her face and saw her reflection and noticed a figure standing behind her scaring her as she saw it was Alice.

Alice: Daphne, it's only me.

Daphne: What are you doing here?

Alice: I was using the showers. They haven't turned the water on at my house yet. I didn't think anyone was still at school. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Daphne: No I'm sorry, I thought I was alone too. You must think I'm pretty silly.

Alice: What's silly about being scared?

Daphne then looked at her suspiciously.

Daphne: Well I better get going now, it's getting late. Bye.

She left the room and then came back to see Alice going to a basement. The next day we see the gang at the radio station.

Daphne: I'm telling you she's up to something.

Ashton: So Alice was using the showers and hanging out in the school basement at night. I've done the same thing when I was bonded to the rider.

Daphne: What if Alice is the ghost girl the sheriff mentioned? You could be in danger!

Ashton: Daph I see where you're coming from and if she is the ghost girl I'll carry a couple of holy objects with me.

Dimitri: When Daphne mentions it she could have a point, Alice does sound like a suspect.

Ashton: I guess. But she's new and doesn't have any friends. I'm trying to be a good person, that's all.

Daphne: Ashton, look I understand but you could be in danger.

Ashton: I know I'll meet you later.

He then walked off as we saw Cassidy on the computer.

Cassidy: You guys should take a look at this, that boy your ghost girl grabbed a couple of towns over? Baby he wasn't the first.

Dimitri: These attacks go back at the turn of the century.

Cassidy: Looks like your ghost girl is building herself a man posse.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, what if Ashton's her latest possum?

Daphne: Not on my watch.

We later see the gang driving the mystery machine as they were driving to Alice's home.

Velma: How did you get Alice May's address again?

Daphne: I found it in her locker. I noticed the combination while Ashton was helping her. Lucky, huh?

We then see the gang drive to a cemetery as they saw it

Dimitri: Uh Daphne? This is the cemetery.

Daphne: Let's look around. Cover more ground.

Velma: I don't think that's a good-

Daphne: Shaggy will go with Scooby, I'll go with Fred, and Velma will go with Dimitri.

Velma: Sounds good to me.

We then see Velma walk off with Dimitri as they were looking around.

Velma: So how's it going with the prom tickets?

Dimitri: Good, I managed to get them.

Velma: Along with the limo? And my Corsage. Your tux?

Dimitri: Relax Velma, I got all of that covered, not to sound nosy but why is it all important to you?

Velma: Look if you don't want to go to the prom with me just tell me. I'll understand.

Dimitri: Oh good because-

Velma: What?! Why?! I don't believe this! I knew it! *kicks a gravestone* I knew it!! *kicks a second gravestone* I knew it!!!

Dimitri: Velma, stop breaking the cemetery! I was trying to say I wanted to go with you

Velma: You do? *realizes* I did it again, didn't I?

Dimitri: It's ok. Besides, I love to go to the prom with you.

Velma: Dimitri! *hugs Dimitri* We're gonna have a wonderful evening together!

As they were hugging we see a figure run by the gravestones as we see Daphne and Fred walking through the cemetery.

Daphne: Keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious Fred.

Fred: Like this?

Daphne then looked and saw the ghost girl standing in front of her and Fred. They then screamed as Dimitri and Velma heard them.

Dimitri: That sounded like Fred.

Velma: And Daphne. Come on.

They then ran to where the scream came from and saw Daphne and Fred running

Velma: Daphne, why did you scream?

Daphne: That's why!

They saw the ghost girl running towards them laughing as Fred and Daphne bumped into Dimitri and Velma making them crash into Shaggy and Scooby as they saw the ghost girl as well

Shaggy: Like, Zoinks!

Dimitri: *sees a tomb* Everyone into that tomb!

They then ran into the tomb as they closed the door.

Shaggy: Like if that was Alice May, she needs some serious moisturizer.

Dimitri then looked at the name of the tomb.

Dimitri: Carswell. That's the Creeper.

Scooby: The creeper?

A flashback was seen with the gang jumping into a hay baler with a green man in old clothes chasing them

Daphne: *Voice over* Deacon Carswell, alias The Creeper. I remember him. He was robbing banks disguised as a phantom.

We see Scooby turning on the baler as the gang and creeper came out in bales of hay.

Daphne: But in reality he was really the bank manager.

We see Scooby unmasking the creeper which revealed to be a white haired man with glasses

Velma: Hold on, isn't Carswell still in jail? Alive?

Dimitri: Let's make sure.

They opened the tomb and looked to see that it only had a backpack, a sandwich, the creeper mask, bottles of water and other things.

Dimitri: Hey that's part of the Creeper costume. *picks up the paper* And a transfer slip to Crystal Cove High.

Then banging was heard at the door.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like she's back!

The banging kept going as it was opened to reveal it was Ashton.

Ashton: Hey guys.

Gang: Ashton!

Ashton: That's me. *looks around* Nice Mausoleum.

Daphne: Ashton, you're safe!

Daphne grabs Ashton and kisses him on the lips

Ashton: Of course I'm safe Daph. Why wouldn't I be?

Daphne: Ash, it's hard to say but Alice May is a ghost, and she wants to put you in her man posse! Tell him gang!

The gang looked at her.

Dimitri: Well thinking about it, it's a possibility that Alice May could be behind this.

Shaggy: But it could be Alice May's dried up grandma.

Daphne: Scooby? Velma?

Velma: I'm sorry but it's hard to say.

Scooby: Me too.

Ashton: I see what's going on.

Daphne: You do?

Ashton: You found out Alice asked me to the prom and think it's going to affect our relationship.

Daphne: You're... going to the prom with Alice?

Ashton: Don't worry you're still my girl. Nothing will change that.

Daphne: Oh Ashton.

She then hugged Ashton. The next night we see Velma as she was wearing a red dress as Angie and Dale came and Angie took a picture of Velma as she then put her normal orange sweater over the dress, we see fred as he was wearing a white suit as he adjusted his tie as he walked but got caught in his trap, we see Scooby as he got a sandwich and closed the fridge and walked by a signed picture of Vincent van Ghoul as he gave shaggy a thumbs up, we see Dimitri as he was putting on a aqua blue tuxedo as Ashton was putting on a red tuxedo as well as his trademark hat as we go to Daphne as she was wearing a purple dress as she was sitting on her bed with a photo of Ashton.

Daphne: This was supposed to be the greatest night of our lives.

As she was looking at the picture as we see one of Daphne's sisters Delilah.

Delilah: Hey baby sis. Something got you down.

Daphne: Hey Deliliah. It's ok, I'm fine.

Delilah: No. Now I can tell. The same way I can tell when I look into the eyes of the enemy and see their cold, gray heart. No, it's either me or them.

Daphne: Uh, ok.

Delilah notices the picture of Ashton

Delilah: Ah boy trouble. I've been fear's bunkmate before. Let me tell you a story. There was a beach the enemy dug in along the shore. They picked us up one by one, but I knew I had to get my men through. Understand?

Daphne: No.

Delilah: Alright, here's another story-

Daphne: Delilah really don't worry. I'm gonna figure it out.

Delilah: Roger that. Call if you need me.

Daphne: Wait a second, was she trying to tell me that Alice May is the enemy, and that Ashton is pinned down on the beach and that I can't get up until he's safe? I understand! I think.

We see Ashton leaving the Van Ghoul mansion as a limo pulls up

Alice: Ashton you ready?

Ashton then walked to the limo as Daphne tackles him

Daphne: Ashton, you can't go to the prom with Alice May.

Ashton: It's too late Daphne, I already hired the limo.

Daphne: Listen Ashton, I dreamt of this night my whole life and every time I had that dream, you were in it.

Ashton: Really?

Daphne: Yes.

Ashton then walked to the limo

Ashton: Hey Alice, I hope you don't mind but Daphne needs me right now I hope you understand and we can be friends.

The door closed as the limo drove off.

Ashton: Ok then, thanks for understanding!

Alice: Oh I understand. And so will you.

We then go to Velma's house as a different limo pulls up as Dimitri got out and walked to the door of her house and knocked on the door and saw Velma in her dress

Dimitri: You look incredible.

Velma: Thanks, and you clean up well.

Dimitri: I was raised by a clean freak actor. What do you expect? And I got you this.

He then held out a corsage as Velma grabbed him and ran to the limo as Shaggy and Scooby saw it

Scooby: Raggy the ghost girl has Dimitri!

Shaggy: Dimitri!

Shaggy and Scooby ran to the limo as it then drove off as Shaggy and Scooby ran after it as we went to Crystal Cove High and see the students coming as the limo Dimitri and Velma were in came.

Velma: This entrance is too crowded. Let's try around the back driver!

The limo then drove to the back as we then see a second limo drive up as Scooby and Shaggy see the ghost girl got out of it.

Scooby: *runs to the door of the limo* Dimitri!

Shaggy: Like, oh no he isn't in here!

We then see the students at the gym room as we see Ashton and Daphne dancing together.

Daphne: Ashton, this is exactly like my dream, us dancing, and after we take a walk in the moonlight and you whisper in my ear...

Ashton: Scooby and Shaggy!

Daphne: Yeah, what? No!

Scooby: Danger! Ghost girl!

Shaggy: Yeah like the ghost girl is here!

Ashton: Ghost girl? Here?

Then the lights went out as they all looked and saw the ghost girl on the band stage

Ghost Girl: I hope you saved a dance for me Ashton!

Ashton: Whoa!

The ghost girl then came at them as they got out of the way and then we see Dimitri and Velma came in and saw everyone running away

Dimitri: What's going on?

Gary: Someone's mom is trying to kill Ashton

Ethan: Yeah. Thanks mystery geeks for wrecking our prom.

Scooby: Dimitri, you're alright.

Dimitri: Why wouldn't I be?

Shaggy: Like, we-

Ashton: Run now, talk later!

They then ran out of the gym as the ghost girl was coming as they tried to open the doors.

Velma: They're locked.

Daphne: Wait, I got an idea.

She then walked to Alice's locker and went through it.

Ashton: Isn't that Alice's locker?

Daphne: Yep. *holds up a key* And this is the key to the basement.

They then went to the basement and Scooby looked through a keyhole and saw the ghost girl left.

Scooby: Phew, she's gone.

Velma: Hey you guys look at this.

Velma then opened a backpack and pulled out the creeper's mask

Dimitri: That's the same backpack at the carswell crypt.

Ashton: *pulls out Alice's clothes* These are Alice's clothes.

Shaggy: Like I don't get it, why would a ghost girl need to change clothes?

Ashton: Unless she isn't really a ghost

Dimitri: Which means we're getting closer to solving this mystery, only one thing to do.

We then go to the gym as the ghost girl came in and then saw the disco ball shine as the gang were playing instruments.

Ghost Girl: What is this?

Ashton: What you wanted, me, one last dance.

Ghost Girl: I'll destroy you all!

She then came to Ashton.

Ashton: Now!

The light came down with a rope as her hands got caught as the gang pulled a rope and she was pulled up.

Ghost Girl: Let me go!

Mayor: Hazy fantasie, Ashton I told you if you see a ghost girl do not go to the prom with her!

Ashton: Not to worry, she may look like one, but in reality she's...

He then pulled the mask to reveal...

Ashton: Alice May, or she's also known as...

Gang: Alice Carswell.

Sheriff: Carswell? As in Deacon Carswell, the Creeper?

Alice: That's right he was my father.

Ashton: So when he was taken to jail you swore revenge on us, so you used his old costume to make your own, and the best way to do it was get rid of me.

Alice: And I would have succeeded if it weren't for you meddling... Schoolmates of mine.

As we see the police take Alice away Velma noticed Dimitri on a laptop.

Velma: What are you doing Dimitri?

Dimitri: I was doing some research, I was searching up Alice Carswell and found nothing. Meaning Deacon Carswell has no daughter!

Velma: So that just means... Alice just made it up.

Ashton: Who are you really?

Dimitri: And why did you make up the Carswell story?

Alice: Like I'd tell you anything

Dimitri then noticed something in Alice's backpack and pulled out a yearbook.

Dimitri: It's an old Crystal Cove yearbook.

Ashton: And look there's a page marked.

They then looked at the page and saw a group of kids with a parrot with a caption reading

Ashton: "Crystal Cove High's mystery solvers club. Mystery Incorporated." Say that's catchy.

Dimitri: And look at their names. Brad Chiles.

Daphne: Judy Reeves.

Ashton: *sees Cassidy Williams' name* I'll be right back.

We see Ashton getting on his motorcycle and drives to the radio station

Ashton: Why didn't you tell me you used to be a mystery solver?!

Cassidy: Look Ashton, there are things I can't tell you

Ashton: Can't? Or won't? and one other thing in that book we found I saw a parrot, Professor Pericles, he was the same parrot as the one in my dream. Where is he?

Cassidy: He's in the institute for insane animals. But Ashton please don't go to him, he's dangerous!

Ashton: I know, but there are things I want to know, like he told me he has plans for Dimitri, what does he mean by that?

Cassidy: It's because of the cursed treasure underneath the town. Pericles figured that your brother was the key to get to it. Which was the reason I had to keep those files about Dimitri's species on his mom's side hidden. Please don't tell the others.

Ashton: That's your job to tell them. I better go.

Cassidy: Alright, but Ashton, if in any way Pericles gets out, promise that you'll make sure he doesn't get those files.

Ashton: I promise. That parrot has ruined my life for too long.

Ashton then walked out of the radio station drives to the animal asylum

Ashton: I want to see Pericles.

And Done!

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