A Call Out Tag

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Hello, my name is Crystal and I have completely forgot to post a one shot. Hopefully I'll remember to do that sometime this week. Any who I was tagged by DatDamFangrl thanks for tagging.

1: Type?

I don't really have a type. He just needs to be trustworthy and respectful. Ocean eyes would be a plus. But it doesn't really matter to me all that much.

2: Single or taken?

Single as can be.

3: Ever been in a relationship?

No. Sadly.

4: Preferred gender/s?

I'm a girl. I am straight. Therefore I like boys. No questions about it.

5: Do you ever want to be in a relationship?

Yes please.

6: Do you get jealous easily?

I've never had a crush so o wouldn't know. Other than that, I'm not a jealous at all.

7: Crush?

I just said I never had a crush.

8: Ever kissed someone?

Does my dog count??

Not tagging anyone cause I'm too lazy. Feel free to do this if you want.

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