OCs Signture

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This is what happens when I'm -

1: board
2: randomly decided to change my signature
3: then think, "hey, why not create my OCs signatures-ish."

Please note my handwriting, especially my cursive, is awful, so you have to use a bit of imagination to get passed the....awfulness. This is as close as I could mange for it to look from my head. (Also consider this a handwriting reveal of sorts, even though I never write like this)

Insight time. As you can see the font (I guess) is different.

I've always imagined Brooklyn's signature to be classic, simple flare and flows together flawlessly. The B took a bit to get just right and I'm well aware that the K sticks out like a sore thumb, so for the sake of this, pretend it's actually in cursive and everything else aside from the B isn't wonky.

Feister however is like me, cannot write cursive aside from her signature to save her life. Hers I've always imagined simple and sharp with a sort of broken flow. On a daily base she uses the printed version of her name, with only the F being the same as the cursive version. Hence why it's wonky-er.

Yeah so that wraps up this random installment. I might do their last names eventually, but since I find writing my
own last name harder than the first it may not be soon. Or it might since it's now in my head and my brain refuses to work on drafts. Eh who knows. You're all aware of how my track record  works. Maybe I'll try my luck at writing Mush's card to Feister from the one shot His Promise. The way I envisioned Mush's was I believe a mixture of print and cursive. And in case anyone was wondering, Albert's would probably be big and bold with very little cursive. Anyways that's all for now. See ya around.


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