Two for One Part 1

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Hello there. So I got tagged twice in the spam of two days. Both are completely different and I will be posting the next part right after this so stay tuned. Life update: I'm not sure if motivation to write is coming back, dying down, or is just in a "I'll let you do this but slowly". My process is weird and the fact I have different voices instead my head telling me what to do and eventually me not complying to anything. Though I was productive with life recently and I'm back in my Star Wars kick.....but if I'm being completely honest I'm back in the Clone Wars worm hole. I'm considering doing another one shot where Albert and Feister obsess over Star Wars again, but it's kind of iffy. Anyways I was tagged by -kingofbrooklyn- thanks for the tag!

1: Meaning behind username?

Well...I love newsies, and also doubles as a play on words in a way.

2: Favorite book?

Books or fanfic? I've listed both in the past multiple times....childhood wise I like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Black Beauty is another good one. I haven't read those books in a long time though.

3: What's your icon and background?

Icon is a pink and purple neon sigh and the background is looking out at some sort of city with the same pink and purple as the icon. Odd question when you could just look at my profile but alright.

4: What type of books do you write?

Newsies fanfic. Usually it stays within brotherly fluff, but most of the main focus is on a love story I've got going with some OCs. Along with a lot of chaotic moments since this is Newsies we're talking about here.

5: Recommend three books.

It's the same books I did last time, but here they are again.

Anything by PineapplesAndPapes her stories are amazing! Definitely give them a read if you haven't already.

Something Worth Winning by Perice Jean on FFN.

And Lost and Found (again) Mgsglacier. Also on FNN

There are more I enjoy reading on here as well, but these are stories I'm currently reading the most.

6: Secret about your Wattpad

Umm....there isn't any secrets since I'm pretty open about things. And we all know by now I only joined to read stuff without getting asked to sign up every five seconds.

And now to tag ten people. Easy enough. As always, no one has to do this if they don't want too.

PineapplesAndPapes (I know you did two already but I'm tagging you anyways)










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