Chapter Seven: The Genes

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One particularly contemplative excursion Keomi bought herself a small crimson notebook. She began to document each of the people she killed. Those she knew the names of she would write down. Those she didn't she would just write down when she had killed them. Many would probably argue that this was a way of leaving evidence. But she didn't care. She
kept it hidden in a secret location in her room, she had carved out a place in the floor.

She flipped through the pages looking at how many people had met their end because of her. Because of what she had become. There was that man in the Boss's office, her first kill and a nameless one. Then there was the nameless ability user who could talk to animals. She had been so exhausted, she refused to ever torture some like that again. They deserved a quick death. The first person she had ever killed and known their name was Yamika Shizi.

She had killed her right in front of her love and then left like a leaf in the wind.

Keomi flipped through the pages, there were nine people in her book now. That business owner right after Shizi. Then two parents who refused to give up their ability-user child to the mafia. Then another operative who was about to squeal on the mafia. A witness to the operative killing, some woman from the police who had been guarding the operative. Then, finally, another business men from the financial district... Yamika's lover.

Nine people.

Keomi slumped into her bed ready to write the tenth name in her book. Her latest killing, from today's mission. It had been a young ability user from America, who had been trying to cause a rebellion in the mafia. She had become an operative, but was defective. Mori, yes she called him Mori when she was alone now, had wanted her to kill the traitor.

She thinks he was sending a message.

Ten people.

"Oi! Sparks hurry up!" Chuuya and Aku were waiting outside the door, they were all going to go get drinks apparently. Victory for ridding a rat out of the den. But Keomi really wished she could just be left alone, instead she would have to pretend to be happy about ending a life.

"Shizuka, please hurry up so this can be over quicker." She heard Akutagawa's voice next, he had been drug along by Chuuya unwillingly.

She placed her book back into its hiding spot, making sure it was secure. She then threw on a t-shirt, it was becoming warmer now since it was nearing summer. It had been a month since she had killed Yamika and she had barely noticed the seasons changing. Still, she continued to wear her jacket that Mori had given her. As if it protected her from it all. She also still wore the gloves Aku had given her.

"Coming you morons!" Keomi called out opening her door and looking at the two port mafia operatives. She wore a smirk, "I know I'm awesome, but you really need to stop leaning on me Chuuya-San, Aku-kun!"

"Oi! What do you mea-" Akutagawa started up but Chuuya slapped him in the head, telling him silently to shut up.

"Lovely to have you with us Sparks, excellent job in putting down that rat." Chuuya congratulated her, for killing someone, Keomi smiled at him.

"Lovely to see you too, shortie." Chuuya's smile twitched angrily trying to keep his rage in. They did not need to get into a shouting match today.

"You have a lot of guts talking to an executive like that, Sparks." Chuuya's eyes twitched still trying to control his rage. Keomi simply smirked at him.

"Come on Aku! Let's go get shit-faced!" Keomi wrapped her arms around Akutagawa's left and began to drag him down the streets of Yokohama. He protested the entire way to the bar, Chuuya still pouting twenty paces behind them.

When they entered the bar they were not surprised to see that they were the only ones there. It wasn't even seven yet on a Thursday in June. June 2nd to be exact. It had been six months since that night at her family's home. So much had changed.

"What'll ya be having today, Sparks." The bartender had picked up on Chuuya's nickname for her and had begun using it. After almost every kill she had either celebrated her with Chuuya or Aku, rarely both.

"The usual, good Sir." She doubted the man would be as happy to see them if he knew it meant someone else was dead.

"Coming right up!" He whisked off not even taking the two boys' orders, probably assuming they all wanted their usual.

"Hey, what about us! He didn't even take our order, Sparks. What if we had wanted something different?" Chuuya retorted still fuming from the 'Shortie' comment.

"Calm down Shortie, you never get anything different why would that change today?" Akutagawa retorted smirking over at his young protege who still had her arms around his.

Keomi's face broke out into a large grin, her eyes sparkling with mirth. 'There we go.' Akutagawa thought seeing that spark returning to her eyes. He always say the way her eyes dulled after she had killed someone, it was worse when she wasn't sniping them like today.

Most of her kills were snipes nowadays and there had been whispers throughout the community about it. People were calling her The Ghost of the Port Mafia. All you saw was a shimmer in the distance before someone was killed, no weapon around. Just a flash. Those who were ability users themselves recognized that another ability user must be to blame for it.

"I am not Shor-"

"Here you three are, let me know if you need anything else. Okay, Sparks?" The Bartender cut off Chuuya asking Keomi who simply nodded her head with a smile.

"Thank you, Yashiro-San."

Keomi looked down at the flower the cup held, her face smiling down softly at it. She had kept every flower she had gotten from her in a mason jar, even the dried out ones. She plucked out the flower and swished her drink around in her hand. Her head shot back as she swallowed the bourbon. Finishing the glass quickly.

"Damn. Sparks you really need to learn to slow down." Chuuya exclaimed as both men looked at her in shock, not many could drink something like that so quickly.

"Oh shut up Chuuya, we're celebrating aren't we?" Keomi's eyes narrowed at the shorter man, the hairs falling down from her bun.

"You know what they're calling you now, don't you Sparks?" Chuuya asked his mouth raising into a smirk, he took a swig of his own drink savoring it.

"Of course." Keomi replied not going any further than that.

"You've become quite infamous, Ghosty." Chuuya was smiling, glad that Mori hadn't crushed her into dust. Instead she was becoming a diamond, she was still rough for now but... He wasn't worried about her passing out now.

Akutagawa's eyes flitted between the pair, worried about how Chuuya interacted with his Protege. He needed to come on these excursions more often. He still couldn't get out of his head what that file had said about her. There was one main question that continued to nag in his mind. Who had wanted her to be sealed away?

"Let's just drink Chuuya, all I care about is my job. If people want to name me something stupid then more power to them."

Word of The Ghost of the Port Mafia had reached even to the agency. In fact, many lower level ability users had come and asked them to deal with Ghost. Not knowing what else to do and not wanting to live in fear. The President turned them all away, he did not wish to get into the Mafia's business. They hadn't attacked the agency in awhile and that worked better for them.

"Dazai-San, do you think the Ghost is that girl we meet with Akutagawa?" Atsushi hadn't learned her name yet, unlike Dazai who had gotten her name through his sources.

"Oh, you mean Keomi-Chan? Yes, it's certainly her." Dazai continued to spin in his chair, bored out of his mind. What would be the best way to kill himself now, he wondered. Perhaps he could ask Keomi-Chan to kill him, she could probably make quick work of it. Too bad her ability didn't work on him.

"Dazai-San, don't you think that we should put a stop to her then?" Atsushi asked his face scrunched up all worried. He still couldn't imagine that such a smiley girl was with the mafia.

"Nah." Dazai's thoughts switched to the girl, he had been surprised to learn that she had asked the Boss for only assassination cases. She had killed seven more people since the last time he had seen her.

Still, she wasn't a hellhound like Akutagawa, like how Mori wanted. She would end up dead if she didn't switch sides soon.

His mind flashed the moment she and his ex-protege had shared. They were close, though the gaze had lacked any heat. Still, love was there, just a platonic kind. Why she would love Akutagawa made no sense to him. But he remembered what Akutagawa had said.

"You two would get along, I think." She seemed entirely too volatile to get along with him, but maybe that's just because she was trying to play the part of the dutiful operative. Either way, if Mori figured out she was just playing the part... The President would probably be interested to know the name of the Ghost.

It would be valuable information for the agency and he would be able to command them more on what to do. But- Dazai really didn't feel like telling him right now.

"What if we told President-San about her, maybe he would know what to do?" Atsushi questioned him and Dazai sighed sharply. How annoying.

"Fiiineeeee." He drew out the word rising up from his seat at his desk and walked towards the President's office. If he waited to speak to him about it the President would most likely get angry anyways. He might as well get this over with.

"President-San! Hi, Hi!" Dazai walked into the office not even knocking at the President's door. Just going on in without regard to the President's secretary who began to berate him.

"How many I help you Dazai." If the President was an annoyed he certainly didn't show an inkling of it. No, on the contrary it seemed as if the President had known Dazai would be coming in here today.

"I have some information about the Port Mafia's Ghost, I am sure you've heard of them by now." Dazai plopped down into the chair in front of President's desk and smiled playfully.

"I've have heard quite a lot about their exploits, yes, they have not come after us however." The President's tone stayed neutral although he did wonder why Dazai was bringing this up now. What did he know about the Port Mafia's newest faceless assassin.

"I know their name." Dazai replied his smile staying silly not really leading on and not telling the President the name just quite yet, "You know, if I hadn't already met her already I surely would have thought it was a man killing these people. She's like an artist cutting down her foes with such precis-"

"Dazai." The President's tone grew sharper demanding in one single word that Dazai would tell him the girl's name. Because while Dazai wasn't being very gracious when saying these words, he wasn't wrong. The President had believed that the Ghost was a man and not a woman.

"Shizuka, Keomi." Dazai spoke and his facial features changed when he saw what that name did to the President. The President's eyes sharpened and he straightened his back. He knew this girl.

"What did you say, Dazai." Dazai had never heard the President's voice like this before, it was filled with controlled rage. Seeping out from every pore of the President, out of his stance.

"Key-om-i-Chan!" Dazai drew out and watched as the President stood and began to walk towards the door to his office, "Sir?"

"Come out with me, Dazai." While it may have sounded like he was asking, the President wasn't. The pair walked outside and every eye in the room turned towards him.

"I am sure all of you are aware of the Port Mafia's newest assassin known as the Ghost." A few head bobs came throughout the room, Atsushi and Dazai's eyes locking. Atsushi tilted his head in a silent question, but Dazai simply raised his shoulders up in a shrug.

"Her name is Shizuka, Keomi and the next time you see her you must catch her and bring her here. Alive." The President practically growled out the word, Alive, "If she is killed by any of your hands you will meet your own end by my own."

If anyone hadn't been listening they certainly were now, to here the President speak about some from the Port Mafia like this was unheard of. Dazai continued to stare at the President trying to figure out how he knew Akutagawa's little Protege and why she was so important.

"President-San, do you know Shizuka-San?" Atsushi was the one to break the silence asking the question on everyone's mind. Everyone else was too afraid to ask, other than Dazai but he didn't care enough to bother with the question.

"She's my niece."

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