Alu-Hanz Interaction

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Situated on the idea of Hanzou being a complete stranger towards the Goth Punks, yet being friends with Cassandra.

Scenario–Hanzou and Alucard alone in the lunch break

Han– “You have nice lips”
Alu– “You're weird.”
Han– “I am”
Alu– “You aren't gonna deny it?”
Han– “Why bother to do so? trying to deny something doesn't assure that the opinion will change.”
Alu– “We'll that's an uncommon point of view...”
Han– “It Is?”
Alu– “Well, yes, not many people dont try deny things”
Han– “Hm, then I guess im not like many people”
Alu– “    ”
Han– “   ”
Alu– “...You're nice”
Han– “hmm?”
Alu– “Yeah, you're like the nicest of the Goth Punks”
Han– “Really?”
Alu– “Well yes... although I might be biased here”
Han– “Why's that?”
Alu– “You're the first one I have a normal conservation with”
Han– “Why?”
Alu– “You see, Cyclops makes jokes along the conversation and gets bored easily so he just replies with 'uhum’s' or repeat what you said”
Han– “So he doesn't pay attention?”
Alu– “Im not sure if he does, but I need reply so I know im being listened to”
Han– “Don't we all?”
Alu– “I guess so..then theres Pierre, he's quiet and calm but he doesn't do much talking so it's rare to start a conversation with him...unless Spike's Around”
Han– “Oh yeah, they're like a duo or at least they appear to be one”
Alu– “Yes, they do. Then there's Spikes, he'll only say that he isn't really able to do anything and change the subject”
Han– “Not everyone know how to say stuff without hurting others so they rather say nothing, that might be Spike's case”
Alu– “Maybe...then lastly there's Cassandra, she's hard to read and sometimes it only makes me sad to talk to her...she makes rude comments”
Han– “Really?”
Alu– “Yeah,  haven't you realize how mean she is?”
Han– “Not at all”
Alu– “But she treats you real poorly”
Han– “I haven't noticed”
Alu– “She called you a 'poor excuse of a human', Harold.”
Han– “I know she doesn't mean it!”
Alu– “Har- Hanzou, I don't want to be the one breaking it to you but Cassandra doesn't comprehends jokes nor sarcasm...she means everything she says”
Han– “  ”
Alu– “I-im not completely sure if she does mean it but she definitely isn't joking”
Han– “But what about how Cyclops treats you?”
Alu– “That's different!”
Han– “How so?”
Alu– “He's joking”
Han– “How do you know so?”
Alu– “By his eyes, actions and body language”
Han– “What?”
Alu– “When people are joking they tend to do something to let you know it's a joke and if they see you reacted awkwardly or uncomfortable they'll apologize, Cassandra has never done that, has she?”
Han– “Well she hasn't..! but she's my friend..!”
Alu– “She's using you Hanzou”
Han– “Excuse me?”
Alu– “She doesn't care about your feelings Hanzou, she's using you”
Han– “     ”
Alu– “     ”
Han– “Then by that logic she's also using you”
Alu– “Wh..”
Han– “Yeah, she treats everyone poorly, Cyclops, Spike, Pierre, you and me.”
Alu– “    ”
Han– “   ”
Alu– “Took us long enough to realize”
Han– “Yes”
Alu– “    ”
Han– “   ”
Alu– “Pfftt-”

They laughed together, sharing the feeling of misery and bonding over something so tragic as their feelings towards the red apple haired girl.

📦 At some point I remember before Alu saying hanzou is the nicest I pictured them having a conversation about gender and sexuality but im fucking tired to pull that together....

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