Cuddles first and only love

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My name is Cuddles I am a boy and a yellow bunny, I wear pink bunny slippers and I really like to skateboarding okay enough about me and let's just cut the chase okay dude? Anyway in my life since happy tree elementary school I've always had a huge crush on a certain pink chipmunk who is really beautiful to me with a cherry red bow. Her name is Giggles I wanted to tell her how I feel but I am not very strong to tell her my feelings. My buddy Toothy always tells me to be myself but how in the world am I supposed to do that? Giggles is the most adorable and most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on but I'm shy and nervous around her. I'm unlike all those other guys who have dates already I mean really check out Flippy for example he maybe a psychopath but he's our friend it's not his (fault that he had a split personality) and he has that shy and timid tomboy red porcupine Flaky by his side she loves him despite that insane side of his, Handy man I thought no one will date him because he's an armless freak but a friend of Giggles Petunia the skunk loves him and she doesn't care about him having no arms she loves him for who he is, don't get me started on Mister Popularity A.K.A. Splendid the town hero who had been saving Giggles but failed instantly in fact he fails every time and still all the ladies dig him but I'm completely surprised by two things: 1. He's been saving the days correctly lately and 2. That he's dating the youngest of the notorious raccoon thieves I know because he and I think his name is..Lifty...yeah Lifty are holding hands while walking together. I swear I can't believe Splendid would date guys and I'm surprised that he's dating a thief.....well one of them anyway...and only he's not a thief anymore and he even proved himself that he wasn't stealing anymore. This one time when I was walking from Toothy's house I saw Fliqpy I think that's what people call Flippys evil side on these days at least doing one of those classic perils I seen in the movies once. He captured Lifty and tied him to the tracks. But as soon as the train was coming closer Splendid freed Lifty on time and got him outta the way of the runaway train and as the train completely passed by Fliqpy turned back into Flippy he shrugged and walked away as if nothing ever happened. I saw Lifty in Splendids arms I thought there was going to be a fight but instead I saw them looking into each other's eyes. Lifty kissed Splendid on the cheek as if to say thank you for saving me. Splendid was speechless he didn't know what to say he just blushed and smiled. Geez those two have been dating for how long weeks months? And I don't want to imagine what his twin brother Shifty I think that was his name would say or think if he find out about this he would go so crazy that he would have steam blowing outta his ears and his hat. Well last but not least my best friend Toothy he maybe a crybaby but he's always there for me when I needed someone the most plus he has some female beaver with him she thought that men like him are very sensitive and very sweet. I don't remember her name she was a bright pink beaver that's the same age as him. I think I met her at the cafe once oh yeah I remember Toothys girlfriend's name was Star. She and Toothy have been together since they bumped into each other. All the times that I wish that I was brave enough to speak to Giggles about how I feel.

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