The chase

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It's all Giggles point of view in this chapter enjoy:

Giggles pov

As we started skateboarding away those crooks chased after us. I was holding on to Cuddles as he skateboarded as fast as the wind. I haft to admit one thing I never knew Cuddles was so brave. To be honest I love him...he's my sweet bunny crush. I whispered, hey...Cuddles?... he asked, what is it...*blushes*...Giggles? I whispered as I blushed a velvet red, thank you for saving me back there...I appreciate it I never knew you were so brave... he said in that adorable tone he makes, oh...uhh...well I...I was umm... he is so cute when he nervous. I had a huge crush on him since we first met. I said as I blushed once more, hey Cuddles...was there something you wanna...tell the party.. he said, yes...there is...Giggles...there's something I wanna tell you that I should've told you long ago... he was about to answered when we realized we weren't being chased anymore We skidded to a stop as we saw Splendid had somehow managed to get a hold of the cops and catches both raccoons as we saw Shifty struggling when the police handcuffed them both. Shifty was struggling hard...but that's when someone yelled out, HES RESISTING ARREST OFFICER!! Then as someone said it the cop tasered him.. he yelled as he got into the police car, I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!! WE HAVE BEEN DEFEATED BY THAT DUMB YELLOW RABBIT BOY!! CURSE YOU CUDDLES THE RABBIT WE WILL GET YOY FOR THIS!!! Shirley said, stupid bunny.... I walked towards her and slapped her in the face and yelled, CUDDLES IS NOT STUPID!!...NOT TO ME OR MY FRIENDS!!...YOUR THE ONES WHO ARE STUPID!!...CUDDLES IS VERY BRAVE AND OUTSMARTED YOUR BUTTS COMPLETELY SO YOU LEAVE ME SWEET BUNNY BOY ALONE!!! Shirley said, so you like that stupid bunny? I said coldly, oh yeah...*I hit her in the face hard enough to get a bruised cheek*...TRY GETTING A MAKEOVER SISTER!! Then as they closed the door on the crooks who were glaring at us and drove off. I blushed as I turn to Cuddles. I said as I blushed a dark red, Cuddles...I know you wanna tell me something but...I have something to say you go first...okay?... Cuddles answered, okay...

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