cụm academic

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1. Disadvantage: sth that causes problems.

Word family:

Noun: disadvantage – the disadvantaged

Adj: disadvantageous

Verb: disadvantage

Some useful collocations

Big/major/grave/serious disadvantage : eg: People who are looking for a job will find themselves with a 'grave disadvantage' if they do not have any skill in IT

Put/place/have someone at a disadvantage

The advantages/benefits outweigh the disadvantages (=there are more advantages than disadvantages )

Social/economic/educational … disadvantage

2, drawback: a disadv of a situation, plan …

Attack us is an absolute nightmare and a undoubted drawback to every enemies.

3, the downside: the negative side, the disadv of sth that almost people seems good or enjoyable.

It’s great plan. The only downside is that we must pure nearly almost national budget

4, Some other synonyms: push factor, limitation, negative, aspect.

useful words for writing:

Advantage and disadvantage

Convenient and drawbacks

Opportunities and challengs

Merits and demerits

Pull factor and push factor

Pros and cons

The birght/up side and the dark/down side

Cụm số 8 là "delay/postpone/suspend/pending/hold up/retard/detain/defer/procrastinate"

Từ suspend thuộc sublist 9 academic words.

Ví dụ:

“Haven't you sent the letter? Send it now without delay or you're fired.”

“Lack of evidence has led to the postponement of the trial.”

“His aggressive attitude earned the player a two-match suspension”

“Don't u feel thirsty? I'll go to buy some drinks. Read this pending my return.”

“The traffic was being hold up by an accident. We could hardly move”.

“Brain-drain has retarded the development of many poor countries”

“He has fallen behind because of his continual procrastination.”

“Sorry, I'm late. I was detained at the police station for questioning, just because I had witnessed a stupid fight on the street.”

“On no account should you defer the decision since nowhere else will you find a more wonderful job.”

Cụm số 7 là ""solve/handle/deal with/cope with/tackle/address/crack/Contend with

Ví dụ:Knowing how to handle yourself is of great importance for you to be successful in this field.

"I'm a fully-trained babysitter. I can assure you that I can handle everything this baby can dish out."

The crisis is being seriously tackled by the Government.

You know what, tackling inflation and corruption and bureaucracy and shit like that in this country is just impossible"

I admire her just because of her ability to deal with awkward situations in such a tactful way.

- At first I had to struggle to cope with several difficulties but then the job turned out to be much more interesting than I had imagined.

The Math problem was quite tough, but after hours of thinking, I finally got it successfully cracked

Cụm số 5 là "like/be keen on/be fond of/be enthusiatic about/be passionate about/be crazy about "

Cái nè cả nhà nên luyện tập dùng trong speaking đối với câu hỏi dạng "Do you like...". Khi đó nếu reply theo kiểu "yes, I like..." thì sẽ rất nhàm mà còn bị đánh lỗi over-use the word "like", như thế hãy cố gắng thay đổi đi chút bằng cách đặt câu dùng các cụm trên mọi người nhé^^

Ví dụ:

i like to play badminton

i could be keen on solving puzzle

i'm enthusiatic about Classic Russian Literature

I'm passonate about collecting stamps and postcards

"She likes reading literary books" "There are many kinds of books here in this library, such as: comics, adventures, linguistics, general sciences and the like"

"British people are keen on gardening"

I was really taken aback by his new enthusiasm about traveling by cars, which he'd hated a lot before" 

I'm keen on reading newspaper

I'm enthusiastic about meeting new people

I'm passionate about drawing and writtin

Cụm số 4: "estimate/predict/forecast/anticipate

(anticipate thuộc sublist 9)

Bổ sung thêm từ foresee

Ví dụ: "Back-up, I need back-up - Roger that! Where is your current location? - Right behind the west main building. - Roger! Estimated time of arrival (ETA) 5 mins"

"She had predicted that Obama would be the next President and It turned out to be true, which is to say, she has a real ability of pr


“Because of recovery of global economy, Viet Nam Economists predict that in 2011 growth rates of Viet Nam will increase by 2% more than in 2010”

thanks to utilizing the evolution of technology in prediction, scientists are likely/possible/feasible to anticipate future of Earth.

shipping forecast: a radio broadcast that says what the weather will be like at sea

No 1: "Change/shift/alter/modify/transform"

(transform là từ academic thuộc sublist 6)

Ex: Change: "Don't change the topic!" /climate change adversely affects numerous people in the world/

Shift: "Because of the recent large assaults in town, there is a great shift in public opinion about how the governors should run it”. /That teacher shifts in methodology teaching attributes considerably to kid

s’ success/

Alter: "Since his beloved's death, he's altered his way of living noticeably"

Modify: "They modified their concept of true friendship after having been betrayed"./ it is advisable that some companies modify their product in order to meet customer’s demands/

Transform: "The politician transformed his opponent's statement into another statement by using straw fallacy"/the innovations of scientist transform human’s life/


Cụm số 2 là: "achieve/succeed/accomplish/attain

(achieve thuộc sublist 2, attain sublist 9)

Bổ sung: get/gain/ obtain/

với cụm 2 nè thì bạn chỉ cần nhớ 1 số collocation của các từ khác nhau thui, chẳng hạn "mission accomplish" hay "attain the goal" là đc chứ về nghĩa thì ko khác nhau nhiều

Ví dụ: To achieve greatness, one should stay focused

She succeeds in defeating her foe"

That was one of the Admiral's greatest accomplishments

Most of us students attained the goals we'd set before"

Cụm số 3 là :"happy ending/last section/final version/eventual outcome/terminal station/ultimate responsiblity. 

Các từ ending, last... đều có nghĩa là 'cuối cùng" tuy nhiên nó lại đi kèm với những danh từ khác nhau như vậy. 2 từ eventually và ultimate đều là các từ academic thuộc sublist cao 8 và 7.

Ví dụ: "They are madly in love and thus, have a happy ending after having been through thick and t


"There are lots of similarities and differences between the sketch and the final version of a drawing"

"The disctintion of 'ass' and 'butt' is the last section of this chapter"

"They will ask you to show your ticket at each terminal station"

“One of the usual mistakes that many non-native speakers make is the eventual outcome of how they try to pronounce correctly some difficult words, like 'specific' or 'ghosts', manufacturing multiple endings, which is not neccessarily correct"

“it is undeniable that people's ultimate object/goal/aim/ target/ is discovery what their true love is”

“Manager always has ultimate responsibiliy for whatever happened.”

Cụm số 9 là các từ mang nghĩa "easy" nhé: 

By Khoai Lang:

- Easy: not difficult to do sth n not needing much effort.

Ex: IELTS test is very easy.

Phrase: easy to do sth, make it easier to do sth

Idiom: as easy as pie/ABC (alphabet)/falling of a log

- Straightforward (sublist 10): simple and easy (especial when talk about sth easy to understand)

Ex: Vietnam’s law is far from straightforward.

For someone who can’t read, shopping is by no means a straightforward matter.

Common Collocation: straightforward matter/task/process/method/approach

- Uncomplicated: not complicated and simple.

Ex: There is one cheap and uncomplicated way to increase study time: add more homework.

Therefore, this once uncomplicated question will certainly become anextremely complicated one.

- Painless: causing no pain, not difficult or unpleasant to do sth. (when talk about sth very easy and convenient to use)

Ex: The interview was realatively painless.

The train is a quick and painless way to travel.

- User-friendly: easy to use (especially talk about technology, computers or in a user guide)

Ex: The first requirement of a wap site is user-friendly.

- Cushy: (very informal, just for speaking), talk about a job, it is very easy

Ex: Driver taxi, it’s not a cushy job as everyone think that you just get on a nice car and drive around city.

- Some idiom mean easy:

+ be a piece of cake: use when compare with doing sth else

+ be child’s play: when u compare with sth very dangerous or difficult

+ be a breeze

+ be a dodle: easy to understand, not need intelligent to do it

Cụm số 6 là "ban/forbid/prohibit/not allow/not permit"

Thêm từ “prevent” và “Bar” nữa nha. 

Từ “prohibit” thuộc academic sublist 7

Ví dụ:

“with a view to preserving people’ health especially kids, government prohibits smoking in the public places.”

“by dint of steep development of technology, lack of vital skills including computerization, team-word, presentation… forbids some students to adhere to competitive labour market.”

“immunization assist infants in preventing hazardous diseases.”

“Both of them felt miserable because their love was forbidden.”

The law prohibiting student demonstrations has just been done away with.

- Smoking is completely banned in every area of this museum.

- My parents do not allow me to go out after 10p.m.

- The situation does not permit any mistakes, otherwise the whole plan will be totally ruined.

/ He was barred from the pub because of his unacceptable behaviour the previous night.

In China, drunk driver is banned from driving for 3 to 6 months; Smoking is banned in hospital

A banned substance is a drug that people competing in a sport are not allowed to take because it improves their performance

Tiếp tục cụm số 10 nhá:

- Claim: to state that sth is true.

Ex: the product claims that it can make you thin without dieting.

Phrase: claim that

Claim to do sth/ to be sth

Claim to have done sth (tell sth untrue)

Claim responsibility for sth (officially say that u r responsible for sth that has happened) 

+ Opposition leaders will claim victory if the turnout is lower than 50%.

+ The Al-queda claimed responsibility for the bombing attack to WTO building in 11/9

Idiom: claim the moral high ground: to feel confident coz u think ur opinion or decision is morally better than other people’s one – just use in business.

- Insist: to say very firmly that sth is true (very useful for writing)

Ex: We insist that Hoang Sa and Truong Sa is a part of Vietnam as an undoubted true.

Opponents insis that Vietnam must attack against the agression of China rather than only defense.

Phrase: Insist that/on

Idiom: if you insist (spoken) – argree to do sth that u really want to do.

Why don’t u call them up today ? – Oh, if you insist

- Assert: to state firmly that sth is true

Ex: I assert that Vietnamese cooking is the best in the world.

Useful Collocation:

Assert your right/ independence/superiority = state strongly

Assert yourself

- Contend (very formal): to argue or state that sth is true

Ex: Some scientists contend that the universe may be younger than previously thought.

Phrase: contend that

Content with = to have to deal with sth very difficult.

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