chapter 6

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(In hilda's room)

Mugman : so, why did you give your soul to the devil anyway?

Hilda :'s because I wanted to fly into the air and touch the star. Ever since my dad was a airliner. He left me and mom that dad to win a race. But then, he didn't make it. It crash into the ocean and My mom never came out of the house for days. I never give up on my dad's hope. So, decided to be like him but different. Then, I met....him. He said he'll help me be like my dad when he die of I give my soul away. So I did, I was the best weather women ever. But then, it was enough. I shouldn't made that deal with the devil. I'm so stupid. (Started crying)

Mugman : hey, don't cry. Wants we get all the contracts, You're all gonna be free from the devil.

Hilda : (sob) you two really are great people just elder kettle. (Standing up) well, better get some rest. You coming?

Mugman : oh yeah sure ok. (Turning off the lights)

(Next day)

Hilda : bye boys, good luck on cagney.

Mugman : we will. Hey Cuphead, do you feel better.

Cuphead : yeah, I'm ok.

Mugman : oh, I forgot something. Cuphead, do you think you can stay here. I gotta buy something.

Cuphead : ok.

Mugman : thanks bro. Be right back. (Running to the pork shop)

Cuphead : man, everything is so beautiful today maybe I take a nice little walk before we go. (Started taking a walk until) huh?

(Cuphead saw a little yellow cup girl walking)

Cuphead : *what In the world, Is that another cup? *she looks like us but different* maybe I should... (Step on a branch)

??? : ?

Cuphead :ah! (Hides behide the tree) wait, what am I even hiding from a kid? Come on cup, it's just a little cup girl. Just go ask her where she's going. (Whispering)

(Then Cuphead walk up the the Cup girl)

Cuphead :hey kid.

???? : ?

Cuphead : whoa, She even got a different cup from me and mugs and got the same straw like mugs. Hey kid, where are you going exactly?

???? : brother.

Cuphead : Sup, my name....what!!!!! (Blushing)

??? : brother?

Cuphead : .........hehehehe good one kiddo. You really got me this time. Anyway, Lets go find your parents.
*why she call me brother, we made look the same cup but different* ah!!

??? : brother! ^^

Cuphead : omg. When is she gonna stop. kid, why are you calling me that!

??? : brother.

Cuphead : yeah, that  word.

??? : brother! ^^


??? : No!!!

(Try to guess who calling him brother)

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