Can i paint?

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DD-*She walks up to Mr.Wheezy* h-have you seen m-my father Mr.wheezy?*she asked. Her dull blue/green eyes looking up at him*

Mr.Wheezy- The hell if I should know kid. He's probably out conning people.

DD-*She gave a soft sigh and nodded walking away as she looked around 'Dad...' She thought as her eyes gazed around* where is he-*She suddenly Bumps into someone familiar*

King Dice- hu- DD sweetheart,  what's wrong?*He asked in a Huff as he placed a gentle hand on his daughters head ruffling up her hoodie as she shoed his hands away*

DD- Nothing dad...*she glanced away* I was wondering if I can paint....My Face completely blac-

King Dice- No.*He stays sternly* it will make you look dull.  Besides. Your allergic to paint.*He flicks her forehead a bit and chuckled when she puffed out her cheeks*

DD-*Grumbles* But I like looking dull*She then walked next to his side as they walked threw the casino*

King Dice- Sorry sweetheart...*He gently pats her head* I won't allow you to paint your face. Now could you go get the guests?

DD-*She sighs and nods* alrighty*she walks towards the people he was going to con*

Random old person- Aren't you a little to young to be at a casino?

DD- aren't you a little to old to be alive.

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