Au Mashup!

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If you're in Inkwell Isle...

One day, you were on your way to the die house for a playdate with the princess and the cupbros, until suddenly, you hear a familiar yelp, a zip, and yell, then a thud!
You look toward the die house to see a girl who looks like Laney lying there! She wore a black dress the slit down the bottom withher bow ripped at one end. Her hair was black with red tips and then she also had a scratch across her cheek. She was currently unconscious... what do you do?

If you're in Inkhell Isle...

You were on your way to the casino, ready to meet up with the princess and the cupbros until you hear a yell, a zip, a yelp, then a thud!
You run over to see that a girl wason the ground, and she looked exactly like Laney Dice! She had a blue dress with a white apron and her bow was a baby blue tied in her hair like bunny ears.
What do you do?

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