August: Agape

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♡ Book Title: "Hard to Find"

Blurb: "Rough is a word Skylar Leighton is quite familiar with. Learning to navigate the real world with only her sister by her side, she's made the most out of what she has. But fresh out of college with a new job, Skylar's life is nothing more than vanilla.
Just when she believes she's hit a plateau, someone from her past coincidently shows up in her life, setting everything off balance. Something is lurking in his past that he cannot get away from.

Suddenly, her life is much more than vanilla. Will he choose her over his past? Or will the past control him?"

Author: annasteffey
Author's Note: "My name is Anna, I'm a Romance author and honored to be apart of the Cupid's Book Club. I hope you all enjoy the journey my story Hard To Find takes you on. I advise having a tissue box near."


♡ Book Title: When Angels Fall

Blurb: "A misstep during an altercation with her brother, finds Sofiel plummeting down from the heavens - alongside her wayward brother. The road to recovery is a long and treacherous one. But in her time spent in the mortal realm, Sofiel has borne witness to the many atrocities of humanity. Gradually, she loses faith. And an angel who has lost their faith has all but one fate - to succumb and fall.

Enter Abigail Hope. A blessed mortal who is more to her than meets the eye. It's not everyday one stumbles upon a battered celestial in a seedy alleyway, much less take them home and nurse them back to health like some injured animal. But for the first time in a long time, Sofiel dares allow herself to hope"

Author: frostybwitch
Author's Note: "When Angels Fall was first written in a time when I was in a particularly dark headspace. Hence, giving rise to the expression of desolation and helplessness seen in the early chapters. But despite the sombre introduction, When Angels Fall is a story I had written to encourage myself in those dark times. It's a story about hope and unconditional love — that no matter how hopeless it seems, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. That there is always going to be someone who cares. Much thanks to Cupid's Book Club for the feature, and I hope you enjoy the story!"


Book Title: "Love in the City of Angels"

Blurb: "Alex Miller moves to Los Angeles like thousands of aspiring actors to try and break into Hollywood leaving a girlfriend back home. Spilling Jordan's tea starts a friendship, but he is captivated by Jordan. Will he stay with Chloe due to family commitments? All he knows is that Jordan's presence in his life makes the City of Angels a little bit more spellbinding."

Author: DreamerGurl169
Author's Note: "I am extremely honored and grateful to be accepted onto this list. The story was a joy to write and holds special meaning to me. I hope you will all enjoy it and that it leaves you with a smile."

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