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I tried to act as cheerful as possible. Being a humble person, I had to say hello at least! "Hi, I guess you remember me." He looked at me and turned away immediately. What? Am I that ugly? "How are you Vaozi?" He mumbled something that I hope meant that he was fine. I can't believe I have to sit with him on the first day. 

I tried to look at some of my classmates and spot a few who I expected to be with me this year. Unfortunately, the class hadn't begun yet. I repeatedly found myself glancing at the clock, over and over even though I wasn't keeping track of the time. The options for entertainment were that slim.

I took out a pen and slid it in my pocket, uncapping and capping the pen every second. I took a few breaths and tried to stop my face from becoming redder. Calm down, I told myself. This is just another random day at school. No one's going to bully you or anything. It's going to be just another random day. 

The teacher stood up and introduced herself. I noticed a beautiful heart-shaped watch on her left hand and a diamond ring on her finger. Her blush-colored long-sleeved shirt and her pencil skirt that matched colors with her shoes made her look very simple, yet charming. She spoke words that my mind refused to pay attention to because I could feel my anxiety building up. 

I looked down to feel my fat belly. Sometimes, I wish I could ask my Google Assistant to delete it.

"Okay everyone, my name is Mrs. Rosy. I will be your English teacher for this year. I hope we can get along with each other. Forgive me if I mispronounce your names, I tend to forget them. Welcome to the New Year and let's begin with the introductions." 

I let out a deep exhale. Now is the time to look around and breathe. 

Do you know that you have a little voice in your head with which you talk to yourself and think aloud? As I was looking at everyone, my inner thoughts began to voice their opinions as usual, "Oh, I see you. Wassup. Oh, I know you. I saw you bullying a small kid before, and now you're the one being bullied. Oh hey, you hit puberty. Oh hello girl, long time no see".  

I like seeing old friends but some of them are a pain in the ass.

I paid attention to everyone passing by. The way a person walks reveals a lot about their identity. I noticed several pairs of legs walk past me, each person taking turns to do their introductions and my turn hadn't come yet.

 It was when I was deeply analyzing that I noticed someone just pass me. He was walking very confidently and held a proud and rich aura around him. The fragrance he left behind might probably be due to the excessive use of his manly perfumes. 

It's strange why feminine perfumes don't last long.

 "My name is Kevin and I ..."  I might have gone temporarily deaf, the moment I laid my eyes on him.  This guy looked like my next mistake.

Bitch, don't do this. You just saw him.

Of course. One mustn't lose their focus on someone so charming. Fuck that.

But, fuck me honestly.

He looks like every other male friend you have, Drashelle.

What if he's the one for me?

Girl, you just saw him a few seconds ago.

I know, but I am going to check him out anyway!

Are you seriously going to go on a date with him? How many guys more?

I lost count, but everyone is still a friend to me anyway.

Now, this guy was talking on and on and the class was looking at him with rapt attention. We had to actually stand in front of the whole class and give out our introductions, which is scary because I don't like giving out speeches. The most annoying thing is that you have to make eye contact with everyone in the audience and you can also see a lot of nervous faces when you do that. I hope my turn wouldn't come.


Drashelle, what is wrong with you? We can't do this again. We went through this. Stop acting like you are in love.

But I am in love with him.

No, you dumbhead. Listen to me, not your heart. Its only job is to supply blood. I am the brain; I am the one who is supposed to make you think.

You seem to be enjoying your vacation in Narnia when I need your help though. But, I promise it won't last long.

Nothing lasts with you.

I had to agree with my thoughts; nothing lasts long enough for me.

 But surely, one more guy couldn't hurt, right? 

Ever heard the saying butterflies in your stomach? I felt the whole zoo inside me. 

It took a great amount of willpower to stay calm and not cause an explosion. I kept looking sideways to see if anyone had noticed me checking him out. I glanced around one last time and looked at him again. 

Like any other guy, he was dressed up in a long-sleeved white shirt with nylon trousers that reached his ankles. A long navy blue tie playfully dangled in the middle of his shirt and his polished black shoes didn't seem to hide the fact that he went shopping at the last moment, maybe only yesterday. He wore a black watch that was designed with criss-cross neon green lines. 

He was so confident and kept his back straight the entire time he was talking eventually placing his hands in his pocket and bringing them out again. When he was done, he walked towards his seat and smiled at me. Not exactly sure if it was me or someone else, but I boldly assumed it was me. 

Seriously, how dumb are you? He could be smiling at anyone.

My heart commands so do not interrupt me, for I rarely listen to you. Just give up and stop telling me what to do.

Yup, and if anything embarrassing happens along the way, I am going to just block all your happy memories and keep reminding you of the embarrassing ones so you can breathe with a pillow forced on your face by yourself.

Yeah, whatever.

I like smiling at old strangers on the way. That's like a whole different thing. I do it so that they don't think that I am a sort of youth who doesn't abide by the rules. But the smile he gave me was stuck in my mind and I felt my cheeks going from tan to pink to red.



Did this grab your attention? ( ━☞' ◔‿◔')━☞

My favorite part is writing the BRAIN VS HEART conversations, I think they are just lovely. (Forgive me for bragging)

(๑ →‿←๑)

Is Kevin the one for her? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I hope this chapter didn't find you boring. (No, I am not mistaken, I Said What I Said. Re-Read it again if you didn't get it XD)

Nah, am just kidding, I love my readers. I am a pretty boring person in real life. Unless something gets spicy though, else I am a boring girl dating fictional characters. 



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