last part

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many many happy returns of the day. Happy birthday dear. 

Scene starts from a beautiful place.

Ragini was standing there admiring the place. She looked around with her big beautiful eyes being amazed and mesmerized by the place. The place itself has amazing view and top of that the decorations made the place more beautiful. Ragini just smiled beautifully looking around the place.

While she was busy in admiring the place some one was busy in admiring her and that was none other than laksh. He was staring her from behind. She was looking gorgeous in the dress which he has gifted her.

His heart flutters in happiness seeing her in the dress given by him and the dress was looking more beautiful on her.

he smiled looking at her smile and started going near her. Ragini felt some ones presence behind her and she turned around only to give laksh a heart attack by her beauty. he was just stunned looking at her. her big beautiful eyes in which he always gets lost...her chubby cheeks.. her rosy lips always attracting him...her baby like face and on that her long hairs dancing in air. some hair stands coming over her face making her look more and more beautiful.

he just stood their and staring her without even blinking his eyes. he was just spellbounded by her beauty. he kept on staring her being mesmerized by her. Ragini who found him staring her from long felt her cheeks turning red and her heart raced with his gaze. she looked down blushing while tucking her hair stand behind her ear while laksh kept on admiring her each and every act...her blush...her cute face..he was going crazy at her innocence.

Ragini finally looked up when she found him not moving a little bit also. she too now looked at him and she couldn't deny the fact how handsome he is. for some time she was lost in his handsome face and features suddenly she looked down biting her lip feeling embrassed at the way she stared him but then it isn't her fault if he looks so handsome that she can't take off her eyes from him and even his state was same. he wasn't to be blamed when she was looking breath takingly beautiful.

Ragini was looking down blushing while laksh kept on staring her but suddenly he got jerked with a loud voice near his ear. he got shock with sudden voice and placed his hand on his ear where he had worn a Bluetooth. very small one so ragini couldn't see it and she stared him confused when he suddenly placed his hand on his ear.


he heard the shout suddenly from other side of Bluetooth and they were his sisters. he got shock with their sudden shout and then relaxed a bit but then he got nervous thinking about why he is there..? he gulps.

laksh:no..No I can't do this. it's very difficult. What if she will get angry or if something wrong happen. I.. I can't do it. he said shaking his head in no like a kid who is scared to talk while other side his sisters and arjun who were sitting in a car as they were following raglak but they were standing far from them. they shakes their head in disbelief and made faces.

arjun:laksh plz don't be a scared kitten.  come on man go forward and talk to her. standing there won't help understand. he said actually ordered to laksh trying to help him in confessing his feelings but laksh was still feeling nervous.

other side ragini was looking at him confused at his acts and suddenly she too heard a voice and she placed her hand on her ear where she too has worn a bluetooth and it was Maya other side telling her to go and talk to him. can i talk.? he isn't saying anything and what he will think.? I'm.. I'm feeling so scared oh God.Oh no i can't do this. she said feeling the same like laksh was feeling. both of them were feeling very nervous and scared while the five of them shakes their head and made irritated faces while hitting their own heads.

khushmita:Bhai will you plz stop being scared.? it's not time to be scared kitten and you can't back off now. she ordered him and even other supported her while laksh sighed.

maya:ragu come on this is your chance. you won't get second chance if you will be quite being nervous. come on you can't back off now. go and talk to him. she too encouraged ragini and ragini also sighed.






the five of them started shouting and encouraging raglak through the Bluetooth while raglak finally started taking steps near each other. they both were taking very slow steps while staring each other and as they reached close their eyes met and they forgot the worry as their eyes spoke alot. both can see the feelings in each others eyes clearly. they both held pure love for each other in their eyes. both felt content just by the love they felt in their eyes. a small smile stared playing on their lips. they were again lost.


they shouted on raglak from other side on Bluetooth and raglak came in their sence and blinked their eyes. they looked at each other. both again felt nervous. they smiled at each other.

laksh:I..I  vo. .you.. he was fumbling and she too felt very nervous.

raglak:HI.. both said at the same time and smiled like they are meeting for the first time. they both looked away from each other.

gayu:Whattt... hiii... she said on the bluetooth with disbelief while others too supported her and sighed heavily.

maya:ragu hii.. are you meeting him for the first time. she scolded her.

arjun:yes laksh atleast you saw some courage man what are you doing..? hii like seriously. he said in disbelief.

sadia:yes this hi...hello won't work Bhai. speak up. she too said supporting arjun.

khushmita:yes plz now speak up. tell her. come on. she shouted.

maya:ragu tell him now. she too shouted.

raglak who were listening them with horror as they keep on talking and shouting gets irritated. they both throws the Bluetooth away from their ears being frustated with their continues blabbering.

both raglak looked at each other shocked when they both found the other one throwing Bluetooth. they stared each other for some seconds. both gulps thinking how the other one will react. both gave each other sheepish smile and suddenly seeing the both giving same reactions. they both brust out into laughter realising how crazy their praposal has become.

Laksh:so Maya..? He asked pointing on Bluetooth while ragini nodded smiling sheepishly and laksh laughed.

Laksh:seriously they are so crazy. He said and both of them started laughing again.

Other side the five of them who were blabbering got nothing in reply. They got silent and they couldnt hear anything. They got shock.

Arjun:arrey why no voice is coming. What happend to them.? He said worried other too got tensed and started coming out of the car.

They were running to go where raglak were but suddenly they heard a shout from behind them and turned back only to find sadia on floor holding her right leg as she fall over and was sitting on floor shouting in pain.

All looked at her shocked and ran back to her. Gayu got irritated as sadia falls on wrong timing while other hand sadia looked at arjun who was kneeling down besides her. She winked at him but actually tried as her both eyes got close when she tried to wink arjun chuckled but understood what she meant.

Actually she didn't fall but did it intentionally so that they takes more time to reach near raglak and in that time raglak could get time alone and can confess. Arjun understood it and started supporting her in her drama.

Arjun:hey guys what are you looking at. Look at her leg. Did she got any sprain or what. Sadia are you fine.? Are you feeling alot of pain.? He started shouting while doing excellent acting with sadia shaking her head in yes virgiously like a kid acting all innocent. Gayu was giving her glares while Maya and khushmita got tensed.

Scene shifts to raglak. They were still laughing but suddenly laksh looked at ragini and seeing her laughing made his heart flutter as she was looking beautiful while laughing and he was yet again mesmerized by her.

He suddenly held her hand and without thinking anything more he just goes with the flow and started speaking his heart out. while ragini stopped laughing at his act and stared him shocked and nervous.

laksh:ragini I don't know from where to start and what to say.? I... I just don't know when and how I started liking you.? your innocense.. your shy nature always attracted me. from starting in collage days I was feeling something for you. I always wait to get a glimpse of you. your beautiful smile always take away my breath. I always get lost in you ragini. your innocense.. your cuteness.. your shy nature it stoled my heart. I was falling for you head over heels but I never said as I felt may be you won't like me. I always hide my feelings but today I wanna confess. I LOVE YOU RAGINI. he said with all his love staring deeply in her eyes while ragini stood there numb for a second.

her heart beats raced with his confession. her eyes shined with tears hearing his lovely words and the love she could feel and see in his eyes was making her feel over whelmed. her lips has a small smile on her lips while her heart was fluttering in joy.
She just stared him with love and laksh smiled.

Laksh:I to confessed ragini but when will you..? And why always boys prapose girls first.? He said winking at her and teasing her while she smiled. 

suddenly laksh looked at her shocked as she kneled down before him and he was standing there shocked. she smiled at his expressions while laksh was just staring her.

ragini:laksh I... I.. love... she tried to speak but was feeling very nervous and shy so was fumbling.

she closed her eyes looking down and took deep breath. she was biting her lip and was scared how to prapose. laksh chuckled looking at her cute antics. ragini finally opend her eyes and slowly raised her head. he was already staring her. their eyes met and she felt herself getting lost in his love filled eyes.

ragini:LAKSH I... I LOVE YOU. she finally confessed with closed eyes and feeling very shy to even look at him while laksh was on cloud nine. he has big bright smile on his lips as he was waiting to hear this words from her.

ragini slowly opened her eyes as she heard nothing from him. she looked up at him and found him staring her with smile. she looked down. he smiled. he too bent down while staring her and hold her chin. he raised her head slowly. their eyes met. he held her hands in his.

laksh:I LOVE YOU TOO RAGINI. he said with all his love and smiled at her. a tear drop fell from her eye but laksh immediately wiped her tears and shaked his head in no. ragini gave him her beautiful smile beetween her tears. laksh immediatly hugged her in happiness and she too hugged him back smiling widely feeling peace in his embrance.

other side arjun made sadia sit in the car and she was shouting continuing her drama. khushmita sat besides her and was looking at her worriedly but suddenly she frown her eyebrows as she found her holding her left leg while before some time she was holding her right leg. she looked at her suspeciously.

khushmita:sonu you had hurt your right leg na then why holding left now. she whisperd and only sadia could hear her. she looked at her shocked and immediately held her right leg.

sadia:no.. no nothing like that.. she tried to avoid and smiled nervously at her while khushmita raised her eyebrow and sadia gulped as she knew she is caught now. finally she told her everything and khushmita was shocked and gave her unbelievable look while sadia smiled sheepishly.

their whisper session was broke by gayu who was very angry and started shouting.

gayu:why you have to fall now only.? What would have happend there.? did they even confessed or not.? What if some thing goes wrong. oh God we should check them also na but you.. she said while glaring sadia.

sadia suddenly realised that its been long she is acting and till now may be raglak would have confessed. she got excited and forgetting everything she came out of car and standing on her legs without any pain. Maya and gayu looked at her shocked while arjun hits his head and khushmita shaked her head in disbelief. sadia realised what just happend while khushmita who was standing behind her kicked her to make her realise what she did. she immediately held her leg and shouted. OWW MY LEG.. but Maya and gayu just glared her and stated going while arjun also started following them and khushmita gave her unbelievable look then started going behind them and sadia looked at them with open mouth and immediately started running behind them.

as they reached at the place they found raglak hugging each other. they Stood there shocked for some seconds but then smiled but gayu was angry.

gayu:damn what we missed because of you.? She scolded sadia while glaring her but she didn't gave heed to her and hifi with arjun and khushmita while Maya smiled understanding  but gayu was confused and asked them irritatedly what is it.? the four of them looked at her then at each other and smirked.


the four of them shouted together making gayu close her ears with her hands and she angrily looked at them but then realised what they said and jumped in happiness. sadia and khushmita started dancing even arjun joined them and maya looked at them in disbelief but then smiled.

other side raglak broke the hug and looked at each other smiling beautifully. their faces were shining in happiness. laksh cupped her face and slowly kissed her cheeks then started  Coming closer towards her lips. ragini got nervous. her heart started beating fast and she was breathing heavily. she closed her eyes tightly as he started coming more closer and she tightly held his shirt in her fist. laksh chuckled at her cute nervous face expressions and he slowly kissed her forehead making her surprise. she looked at him opening her eyes and he smiled.

laksh:it's ok I'll wait for the first kiss. hope you will take the fit step in this also. he said winking at her making her shock. she widen her eyes and immediately looked away blushing hard.

laksh:it's not done. It's crime you know. He said with serious expressions and ragini gave him confused look.

Laksh:arrey this much blushing. It's making me crazy. You will kill me one day with this. Isn't it crime.? He said winking at her and she looked at him with open mouth. She hides her face in his chest.

Ragini:laksh plz stop it. She said whining like a kid and laksh chuckled at her cuteness.

Laksh:awwww mera Bacha. He said hugging her back and admiring his cute blushing queen with a smile.

Other side the five of them were admiring raglak with big bright smiles and screen freezed on raglak.
Hope you liked the story and this part birthday girl. May God bless you. Stay happy keep smiling. 😘

120khushmita once again happy birthday ❤❤

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