|TWO| Wedding Invitations

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(A/N- Please don't mind the random hot beanie header. I'll have relevant cover pics for the headers in the next chapter!)

Sometimes, just sometimes I wish that I could see into the future and check if any of my enemies were gonna turn out hot or rich. Not to be materialistic or anything, but I'd just love to know.

There's nothing wrong with having a rich or hot or rich and hot friend. Knowing will make sure that I steer clear of these people and live my life in peace!!!

Lee Hong Bin, had turned out to be such a hottie and he's rich and I've already gotten noticed by him countless times when I was younger.

His type is always trouble I tell you. Trouble. Nothing but trouble.

I swear that time I went to the chief's office... my head sounded an alarm and went "HUNK ALERT HUNK ALERT".

I made up my mind to keep our relationship strictly private. No monkey business.

Speaking of which, I actually caught Hongbin's attention at middle school. During recess, I used to hang out with my friends and play around and the monkey bars were my favorite!

One day,
I fell off.
End of story.

Actually, Hongbin happened to be standing right under and I sorta avalanched on him. Oh god.

And the worst part was that he kept bugging me about it, until I left for Med school in China! WOOOOHOOOO!

And here he is again. As I said, strictly professional. No monkey business. Just two surgeons. That's it. But my friend, had other plans you know?

"Go out with him!", she shrieked.

"What! No! No no no! NO! I will not go anywhere near being that close to him! No!", I firmly said.

"Why not?", she whined, "He's hot, rich, awesome at his job AND he has a history with you! It's a perfect match!"

"Ji Na! No!", I lost my temper. "I'm not gonna go out with anyone, let alone get married or anything. You know I don't believe in there being a perfect person for anyone!"

"Hey... I thought you got over that..", she tried to calm me down.

"I am. But I took a lesson out of it."

What happened with my parents is the reason I decided to die alone. That was the day I lost all hope in love or dating or anything related to that. Sure I'm over it. But I will never get into any relationship.

"I gotta go Ji Na... sorry I snapped at you. Just don't bring the idea of me dating anyone again ok?"

"Sure thing. I'm sorry too.", she apologized and we hugged it out.

"Johanna?", I heard someone call my name from behind me.

I looked back and it was Hongbin... in all his gorgeousness. Honestly it should be illegal for anyone to look that good.

"Yes Dr.Lee?", I turned formal.

"Woah! No need to be so formal. We go way back right?", he lightly punched my shoulder.

"Please Dr.Lee... let's keep this relationship a bit professional huh?", I suggested.

"Sure Jo!", he acted friendly again and kept his hand on my shoulder, "Keep cool Dr.Calyx... I'll...", I cut him off.

"No you keep cool! Don't ever call me 'Jo' and don't act like you know me! You don't! We only knew each other for a little while and that was it ok?", I pushed his arm off my shoulder and walked away proudly.

This love usually works you see... like you sass someone or blast them and then walk away like a boss! Buuuut of course I had to bump into someone on my way.

"Oh I'm sorry miss", the tall and dark haired man apologized and just as I looked up to meet the eyes of the person who ruined my walk-away... my whole world came crashing down.

"Jo?", he said.

"MinHyun!", I gasped.

MinHyun is my ex. He's my ex because his pathetic ass cheated on me. But we were in high school, what did we know right?

"You look great Jo", he said.

"Oh please..", I scoffed.

"Baby... lets go eat lunch.", Hongbin came and put his arm around me.

"Who is he Jo?", MinHyun asked me, confused.

"Ummm",I stammered before Hongbin cut me off.

"I'm her boyfriend of course! Can't you see? Are you blind?", Hongbin said aggressively.

I couldn't get any words to come out of my mouth. The mention of "boyfriend" from Hongbin's lips made me freeze.

"Oh ok", MinHyun chuckled and handed a really intricately designed envelop. It had textured accents as a border and was a subtle ivory shade. It was pretty smooth to the touch. And we all know what it is.

"I'm getting married.", he said hesitantly.

"Are ya sure buddy? You seem a little doubtful there.", Hongbin joked and I elbowed him to shut up, "Ow!".

"I'm marrying...Seo Jin... you remember Seo Jin..", he said.

"Of course I remember her you jackass. She's the one you cheated with and lied to me about for a shit long time", I stated in my head.

"We'll be there.", I said and quickly took hold of Hongbin's arm as I strutted away with him without even looking back at MinHyun or even looking at the wedding details!

"Umm... you wanna let me know what just happened there?", Hongbin asked while still being forced to walk by me.

I stop and I froze. "Did I just say that I will attend a wedding of my ex boyfriend and ex best friend's?!", I screamed.

"Ya you kinda did", Hongbin said with a cheeky smile.

"What are YOU happy about?"

"Well... this way, I get to redo that first date that you ran away from", he said and slowly stepped towards me and left while ever so slightly brushing his lips against my cheek.

Oh gawd. No one can help me now! I'm done for! Done! I decided to stay away from rich hotties and now I'm going with one for another one's wedding. My life couldn't be any better.

And oh if you missed, I have a fake boyfriend now! Joy!

Hiiii!!! Ya this chapter was written in a hurry and I also, had a few sudden ideas that popped into my head. But I still hope you like it!

Like I mentioned before, chapters for this book are gonna be a bit short and not very elaborate as I'd like them to be. But I hope I make up for it with a decent story line!

Thanks for reading! See y'all in the next one!

Infinite Xs and Os,

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