1 | Choke

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Chapter One - Choke

"Woah! Hyung! Come take a look at this!" Lucas can be heard, yelling from the kitchen. Taeyong sighs as he pulls up his sweatpants before heading to the kitchen to see what all the fuss is about.

Lucas is pointing out the window, a look of confusion on his face. The older follows his gaze and at first he doesn't see it. The sun is too bright for him to look outside properly.

The sun.

It was meant to rain for most of the day. The sun wasn't supposed to make even a single appearance at all.

"The weather channel seems to be getting more inaccurate as the days go on" Taeyong mutters beneath his breath.

"This means it will be lovely weather for your shopping spree. I'll come" Lucas states with a bright expression.

"Sure, just hurry up and get ready, I want to leave before the weather suddenly changes again" The older tells him before heading back to his room, to finish getting ready.

He grabs a pair of white socks, slipping them onto his feet before grabbing his phone from the bedside table. Taeyong places it in his pocket and heads to the front door, putting in his shoes.

"Lucas! Hurry up!" He yells from the front door.

He hears heavy footsteps as the younger runs to the front door. He is quick to put his shoes on, just as Taeyong opens the front door.

The pair exit the apartment and make their way to the supermarket.

The sunshine is warm but not over the top, the gentle breeze makes the temperature comfortable for the two to be in.

Taeyong goes to walk into the shopping mall but is stopped when he hears Lucas apologising to someone.

He turns to see the younger with his arms up in a surrendering position as he talks to a blue haired man.

"I'm sorry man. I didn't see you" Lucas apologises, his tone apologetic.

"Maybe you should've been paying attention" The blue haired snaps harshly. Taeyong moves to step in between the two.

"He said sorry, let's just move on yeah?"

The blue haired makes eye contact with Taeyong, causing the older to feel strange. Something isn't right with this person. He doesn't know what though, and that scares him.

"Come on Lucas" Taeyong grabs the younger's arm and drags him into the shops.

"That was one angry person" The younger exclaims as Taeyong examines the apples, trying to pick the best ones out of the lot.

"People like that are stealing our air, it's as simple as that" the older remarks, causing Lucas to look slightly shocked.

"I didn't know you felt that way."

"What?" The older shrugs, placing the bag of three apples into the shopping basket. "There is no reason to be that rude. Everyone deserves to be respected no matter what's happened."

"It doesn't sound like you're being very respectful right now" Lucas speaks softly, hoping the older won't hear.

Taeyong sends him a deadly glare, he wishes he could throw something at the younger, but he would have to pay for it if he did, so he doesn't.

Yet somehow, an apple is sent flying into the side of Lucas' head. The younger scowls as he touches the soon to be bruised spot on his head.

He looks around and is confused beyond belief to see that no one else is in the same section as them.

Taeyong is also confused by this. He watched as the apple just launched itself from the pile. It's almost as if the apple had a mind of its own.

The pair make their way through the shops and manage to get everything they need before checking out. Lucas takes two bags and Taeyong takes the other two.

They leave the store and are on their way back to the apartment when the blue haired man from earlier steps into their path again.

"What do you want?" Taeyong asks, beginning to get annoyed with this stranger.

"I need a new pair of shoes" The strangers voice is soft, it has a delicate sense to it.

"Why would we care?" Lucas speaks up.

"Because of you, the leather got scratched. I want you to buy me another pair" The blue haired scowls at the man before him, even though he is significantly shorter.

"That's not our problem" Lucas states simply. He goes to walk away but is stopped when the stranger grabs his arm.

"You don't get to leave that easily."

"Let him go" Taeyong speaks as though it were an order which this stranger must follow.

The blue haired man looks to Taeyong and just smiles gently before turning to Lucas again.
"New shoes. Now."

Taeyong hopes the stranger will choke on his tongue one day. He is wasting precious air which could be used to keep some other idiot alive.

The strangers grip on Lucas loosens suddenly as he begins to cough. The blue haired man grabs his throat as he struggles to breathe.

Taeyong and Lucas watch in horror as the man falls onto the ground, loosing consciousness. Lucas crouches and feels for the man's pulse. He looks up at the older and shakes his head.

The older is quick to pull out his phone and calls for an ambulance. One arrives within 5 minutes, alongside a police vehicle.

The paramedics examine the blue haired man, they check his vitals as best as they can before announcing that he has passed away from choking on his tongue.

Taeyong is shocked by this. He hoped that would happen to the man but surely he didn't cause it. That's impossible.

"May we ask you some questions about what you witnessed?" The police officer asks as he walks over to the pair.

Lucas nods and does most of the talking as Taeyong is too horrified to speak. It doesn't take long for the questions to be finished, allowing the pair to return home.


"Jungwoo is dead" Jaehyun sounds annoyed as he tells this Doyoung. The dark haired male just sighs as he stands from his seat at the table.

"How did he die this time?" He questions the blond, who is preparing to go and visit this Taeyong guy.

"He choked on his tongue, he's currently stuck at the morgue. He'll be back within an hour I guess. I think he is a professional at escaping that place now" Jaehyun explains.

Doyoung nods slowly as he closes his eyes, resting his head on the palm of his hand. "Isn't he sick of dying all the time?"

"Considering it's his main ability, not being able to die, I think he'd be used to it" Jaehyun walks over to Doyoung and taps his shoulder. "Taeyong did it."

Doyoung's eyes widen in slight shock. This new warlock seems to be more powerful then what he first thought.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking right?" The dark haired male questions. Jaehyun doesn't have to peer inside his mind to know what the younger is referring to.

"Taeyong will be gaining the attention of my dearest brother. We must get to him before he does."

A/N - thoughts on the chapter?

and fakesamurai did you see that coming with your mans? you thought he was gonna die for good but he didn't so ha

thanks for reading!!

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