17 | Plan B

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Chapter Seventeen - Plan B

Someone could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The two people in the room just picked at their plates with their utensils. The third had locked himself in his room.

Doyoung's food was where he usually sat, yet tonight he refused to leave his room. Not even to eat, the raven haired male won't even talk to Jaehyun.

The blond haired male keeps his expression firm as he just stares at the food in front of him.

While no words are being shared, he can't help but see into Jungwoo's thoughts as the younger takes a small bite.

He is also angry with Jaehyun. The older decides to bring it up instead of just retrieving all the answers himself.

"You're also mad" His voice echoes through the mostly empty room. The blue haired male doesn't react to the sudden statement.

"What did you expect?"

"Considering you helped me with his trial, I would've assumed you wouldn't care" Jaehyun leans back in his chair, raising his gaze to look at the other.

"That was no trial Jaehyun and you know that. A trial is when you summon in the four main powers and hold a conference with the criminal present. You ask questions and as the council you decide whether being sent to the abyss is called for." Jungwoo speaks bitterly.

Jaehyun scoffs as he cracks his neck. He can't believe what he is hearing. Jungwoo has never spoken back to him like this before.

"He betrayed us—"

Jungwoo suddenly slams his fists on the table.

"I murdered children while they were sleeping. I made their parents watch and I still got a trial."

"Why did you help me then? You assisted me to send him there, Jungwoo your logic doesn't make sense" Jaehyun begins to raise his voice.

"Because I'm not stupid enough to get in your way. You are one of the strongest warlock's out there, you would've crushed me" The blue haired male explains.

"You are in my side, why would I kill you?" The blond haired is only growing angrier as time passes.

"You wouldn't have a few weeks ago. But Taeyong changes you. You have changed since he has joined us. Has he even joined us? He left with Yuta pretty easily the other day."

"What are you saying?" Jaehyun knows he isn't going to like what is said next.

"Taeyong makes you weaker. If he will only continue to cause you to make harmful decisions, then I don't see why we should get him back." Jungwoo speaks firmly.

"Get out" Is all Jaehyun says in response.

With no hesitation, Jungwoo stands from his seat and leaves the room.


The blue haired males feet led him down the wrong corridor. Sub consciously, instead of heading to his own room, he ended up at Doyoung's door.

He gently raises his hand and knocks twice.

"I want to be alone Jungwoo" Doyoung's voice wobbles as he calls out. It's evident that he is crying.

Jungwoo grabs the door handle and tries to turn it but be realised it's locked.

"Open the door, Doyoung" He calls out in a soft tone.
Surprisingly, the door swings open with no more convincing needed.

The raven haired male looks like a train wreck. His eyes are red and puffy from crying while his cheeks are glistening from the tears.

He has a photo frame in his left hand which is powered by his side. Jungwoo doesn't need to look to know that it's a picture of the older with his boyfriend.

"What do you want?" Doyoung mutters.

"I want to see if you're okay" The blue haired moves his gaze to meet the older's.

"Well I'm not okay, you can go now" Doyoung goes to shut the door but Jungwoo steps forwards, placing his foot in the way.

Doyoung looks up and at him, tears threatening to spill once more. "Go, Jungwoo. I don't want you to see me like this."

Instead of listening to him, Jungwoo steps forward, pulling the raven haired male into his embrace.

The older crumples in the embrace and just lets himself fall apart all over again.

Jungwoo closes the door behind them, to keep Jaehyun out.

"He's changed Jungwoo. Jaehyun he's...He isn't the same person who we used to love" Doyoung cries softly.

"I know" The blue haired male makes soothing sounds as he gently rubs circles on the older's back.

"I'm thinking about leaving, this place, Jaehyun. It isn't going to get any better" He says.

"What?" Jungwoo pulls away as he hears this.

"I don't know where I will go but I will find somewhere. I just can't be here anymore."

Jungwoo finds himself at a loss for words. He doesn't want the older to leave but what he's saying is correct. While Taeyong is around, nothing will ever change.

That's when he is struck with an idea, one that will be sure to turn Jaehyun against Taeyong.

"We should get rid of him. Get rid of Taeyong" The blue haired male begins to voice his idea.

"We can't kill him. Jaehyun wouldn't hesitate to send us to...He just sent Taeil there in a blink of an eye." Doyoung shoots him down.

"We won't kill him, he will kill me"

Doyoung quietens down to listen as he hears this idea.

"I'll get to Taeyong before Jaehyun does. I don't know how but I will get his other power to come out, and I'll get him to kill me. Just as this happens, you'll bring Jaehyun in. Then we will be able to convince the council to take Taeyong on trial. There they will decide whether he will be sent to the abyss, or whether he will be stripped of his power."

There is a brief moment of silence as Doyoung thinks through all the faults in this plan.

"No one has ever survived being stripped of their powers. Taeyong's are stronger then anything we've seen. He would certainly die."

Jungwoo smiles tightly.

"That would be a bonus for us."

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