19 | Hate

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Chapter Nineteen - Hate


2 years ago

{9th feb}


"Johnny!" Jaehyun calls as he wonders down the hallways of the house. He checked for the older in his room yet he was no where to be found.

Today was his birthday. To celebrate before the big party tonight, the blond haired warlock had made plans for the pair to go out for breakfast.

"I'm in here love" Johnny calls from the drawing room. Smiling, Jaehyun turns to make his way to the older.

He pushes open the door to the room and is confused as he sees Johnny seated on the floor with his legs crossed.

He holds a paintbrush and drags the bristles over his thumb as he sits there.

"What are you doing?" Jaehyun questions him.

"Painting" The older responds.

"I don't know what you're idea of painting is but mine certainly isn't that" The blond haired chuckles.

Johnny just nods, without verbally responding. This concerns Jaehyun slightly. The older isn't acting like his usual self.

Yuta wants me dead. He hates me for what I did...For what Jae did

The older's mind speaks to the younger whose eyes widen as he hears this thought.

"Are you thinking about how we took Ten away? How we saved him so he could be with you. You two love each other, why would Yuta want to come in between that?"

Johnny doesn't seem fussed by the fact that Jaehyun just read his mind. He would never expect anything less from him.

"Ten was one of his best men and also a close friend. I knew he wouldn't be happy if we took him away" Johnny explains.

"Surely he wouldn't go that far, we are the friends of his brother whom he cares about dearly" The younger assures him.

"Yuta adores Doyoung, but his love is the kind which is lethal. He will do what he thinks is right, even if he has to hurt others" The dark haired mutters.

"What do we do then?" Jaehyun lowers the tone of his voice.

Johnny goes to speak but is interrupted as the door to the room swings open once more. Yuta and Doyoung stand in the doorway.

At first glance, it looks as though Yuta holds his brother in a head lock, roughing up his hair as a brother would.

It isn't until the second glance that you realise he is restricting his brother's airway. Doyoung claws at his brother's arm as he tries to breathe.

"Why hello there Johnny. Jae, it's so nice to see you all again" Yuta grins.

Jaehyun raises his hands in surrender and tries to make his voice sound as soothing as possible.

"Hey Yuta, why don't you let Doyoung go and then we can chat."

Yuta shakes his head firmly. "You give Ten back, then we'll talk."

Jaehyun looks at Johnny who has moved to be standing, the paintbrush still in his left hand.

"Are you really that desperate to have people with you?" Johnny asks bitterly.

This only causes Yuta to look amused as he sees the man growing angered.

"It's not that I'm desperate. You crossed a line Youngho. I don't care if you date Ten, but he has to stay within the walls off my house or he will die. That's what you don't understand."

"What are you saying?! He's human! He doesn't need to be with you to live, hate to break it to you but he loves me not you" Johnny snaps harshly.

"Oh I don't love him." Yuta is quick to deny it. "He is dying Johnny. The only thing keeping him alive is a spell which I have on my house. You could attempt it but it only works once in a century. Your lover boy doesn't have that long."

Johnny looks to Jaehyun, silently asking for him to read his mind, to confirm that Yuta isn't lying.

The blond haired warlock closes his eyes for a brief moment as his powers wander. Yet he doesn't get a signal. He can't read anything.

"You put a block on your mind" Jaehyun mutters, stunned.

"I'm not stupid" Yuta retorts.

"Why would Ten leave with me if he knew he was dying?" Johnny continues to push for answers.

"Because he is a fool in love. Being in love is the worlds biggest weakness. It makes even the strongest of us weak" Yuta scowls at the idea.

"So you want to kill your brother?" Jaehyun gestures to the raven haired male who is still being held by his brother.

Yuta looks at him with a gaze which suggests he had forgotten how he was holding him.

He lets go of him and steps aside, "Of course not. I'd never hurt my brother."

Just as Jaehyun goes to say something else, he is cut off as Yuta sends a wave of water in his direction. Yet this water just pins him against the wall, pressing hard enough on his throat that he can hardly breathe.

"If I kill you then I get to make the orders around here. I can send Ten home" Yuta states simply, as though he really believed it were that simple.

"Let him go Yuta" Doyoung snarls.

"Or what?" His brother pushes him, testing how far he can push him.

"Or you will lose me forever."

This seems to get to Yuta as it causes him to falter in his thoughts. He hesitates, giving Jaehyun a chance to break out of his hold.

He takes the chance to throw a ball of flame at the older's head. Yuta ducks, easily dodging it.

"I don't want to hurt you" Jaehyun exclaims as Yuta begins to summon another wave.

"Nor do I" He speaks, stepping aside.

Jaehyun's eyes go wide as he sees a man in a white suit, wearing a white hat step into the room. The man grins a lopsided grin before shoving his hand in the blond haired's direction.

Jaehyun never feels the hit. Johnny steps before him, the ball of air engulfs his chest and he screams out silently as his life is sucked away from him.

There is a moment of silence as everyone watches on. Jaehyun calls out the older's name as he rushes to his side.

He crouches down and checks for a pulse, doing his best to not fall apart as he feels there is none.

"It didn't have to end this way" Yuta breaks the silence.

"Jaemin? Really?" Doyoung sounds disgusted as he speaks to the man in the white suit.

"Yuta has a good cause. I'm sorry" Is all he says to justify his actions to everyone.

Yuta makes a move to walk toward his brother but is stopped as the younger flicks his wrist. A blast of wind sends the older crashing through the wall behind him.

"Get away from me. You're a monster" Doyoung spits harshly before leaving the room.

Before the dark haired male has a chance to speak again, Jaehyun moves towards him.

"I suggest you leave before I snap your neck like a twig."

Yuta lowers his gaze before nudging Jaemin. The pair say nothing as they leave the house.


back to present


"I don't want to be here" Taeyong exclaims to Jaemin. The other seems to be intrigued by what the supposed prisoner has to say.

"I'm in love with Yuta's enemy and I want to be with him but this dark magic within me is going to hurt him. And that's the last thing I want to do."

Jaemin nods slowly as he tries to think of how he should respond. He is on Yuta's side, he can't exactly help this guy escape.

"Yuta wants to tap into your power, but obviously that didn't go very well. I wish I could help you but I can't."

"Please, you have to" Taeyong begs, grabbing the others hand.

"I don't have to do anything" Jaemin shrugs off the dark haired's grip before walking away on him.


Jaehyun leans against the wall opposite the doorway of Doyoung's room as he waits for the pair inside to emerge.

The door creaks as it finally swings open, revealing Jungwoo standing before him. The blue haired male immediately glares at the older.

"What do you want?" He moves to close the door behind him but Doyoung uses his power to blow it open once more.

"I heard your plans" Jaehyun straight up admits. "I understand where you are coming from. But we can't strip his powers. Or take him to the council. I can't lose him."

"You should've thought about that before sending Taeil to the abyss without a trial" Doyoung mutters, his tone laced with anger.

"Please, before making any decisions, let's bring Taeyong home. To safety, then we can fully assess his power. After that we can decide what is the necessary action" Jaehyun pleads.

Jungwoo doesn't seem to keen on the idea as he turns to glance at Doyoung once more.

"Just let the boy get his lover" Amethyst sounds highly irritated as she walks into sight.

Both of the other warlock's look confused as they see her approaching.

"You're dead" Jungwoo states.

"Indeed I am. I have been for a few days now. But now I have been called back to help Jaehyun's sorry ass. So I suggest you all listen to him and go through with this plan."

"What if it doesn't work? If Taeyong turns out to be too dangerous or we can't get past Yuta" Doyoung mentions.

"Then we will take Taeyong to trial" Amethyst speaks for Jaehyun. The blond haired male sends a glare her way.

"It's only fair if they have a part of the deal which they'll enjoy. I'd offer my services but they both swing the other way" Amethyst states simply.

"Jungwoo is straight" Jaehyun states under his breath which causes Amethyst to emit a loud burst of laughter.

"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Jungwoo saw Doyoung when we were all at the house of desires. A sad unrequited love."

Jaehyun's eyes widen as he turns to look at the blue haired male. Jungwoo immediately blushes as Doyoung just stares at the ground.

"Can we just agree with this plan already?" He says firmly.

"We will discuss how to bring him back tomorrow. Everyone should get some rest" Jaehyun informs before turning to walk down the hallway.

Amethyst mutters an apology to Jungwoo before following the blonde warlock.

"Did you really...See me?" Doyoung asks quietly.

Jungwoo pulls at his hair as he shifts his gaze uncomfortably to meet the raven haired's.

"What if I did?"

"You know my boyfriend just died" Doyoung drawls.

"I know. But I will wait. I've already been waiting 57 years" Jungwoo mutters before walking down the hallway, out of the older's sight.

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