3 | Cursed

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Chapter Three - Cursed

Taeyong's head was spinning as he slowly regained consciousness. He could hear people speaking around him before he opened his eyes. He recognised both of the voices.

"This is the man who killed me" One speaks bitterly. "It was really unpleasant. I mean I've had my stomach ripped out before but Jaehyun, choking on your own tongue is awful."

Taeyong slowly opens his eyes, blinking quickly to adjust to the bright light which is shining down on him. The light is immediately turned off as the others notice that he has woken up.

The older is quick to move into a seated position as he realises he doesn't recognise his surroundings.

The man who came to his apartment earlier hold his hands behind his back as he watches the older, an amused look upon his face. Beside him stands...

The blue haired male which Taeyong killed earlier.

"Where am I?" Taeyong exclaims, looking at these two people in pure horror.

"You're being experimented on, we are warlocks who are trying learn more about the anatomy of a powerful individual" The blue haired male explains as he gestures to the older's stomach.

Taeyong tilts his head and lets out a scream as he sees his stomach has been cut open. He can see his intestines, his blood is rapidly pouring out of his open wound.

"That's enough, Jungwoo" Jaehyun states harshly.

A huff in annoyance emits from the blue haired's mouth as he mutters something beneath his breath. Taeyong watches, horrified as he sees his stomach is in one piece again, his shirt hugging his small frame once more.

"He's angry about how you killed him, he can manipulate the mind into seeing things which aren't really there. So I suggest you be careful" Jaehyun states softly as he takes a couple steps towards the older who is still seated on the bed.

"Why am I here?" He asks.

"We are going to help you learn to control your powers, that way you won't hurt anyone" Jaehyun speaks, his tone is warm and comforting.

Much unlike the blue haired male who has only worked to scare Taeyong.

Taeyong wishes the man would just die for good. The blond haired male beside him chuckles as though he heard the older's thoughts.

"Wish as much as you want, but dear old Jungwoo can't die. That was his curse when he was born into this world." Jaehyun says.

Taeyong has so many questions he wants to ask, yet he doesn't know what to ask first. He settles for this, "What do you mean curse?"

Jungwoo answers, interrupting the light haired male.

"When a child is born, they are either cursed or normal. The cursed are more commonly known as witches and warlocks I guess. But we don't think we are lucky at all. We are cursed to an eternity of being different."

"Each person is cursed differently" Jaehyun speaks up again. "Some are born with it, others only come into their power once they reach a certain age."

"What's your curse?" Taeyong directs the question to Jaehyun.

The younger meets his gaze and seems to be slightly surprised by this question.

"I have a few different abilities, yet my biggest burden is that I can read others thoughts. Whether I want to or not, I always pry into other peoples heads."

"There is no lying or he will know" Jungwoo sounds as though he is speaking from experience.

Jaehyun turns his head to look at the blue haired male and smiles softly.

"Get Taeyong settled, I have things to attend to."

Jungwoo scowls at this, his expression similar to that of a moody teenagers. "He's your guest, why do I have to?"

"Taeyong is now part of this place and he will be here for a long time. I suggest you push aside your grudges and be nice to one another. I don't tolerate childish behaviour" Jaehyun speaks firmly.

Jungwoo just nods, the annoyed expression still visible on his features.

Jaehyun looks at Taeyong and smiles before leaving the room.


Jaehyun heads straight to Doyoung's chambers. The older was laying in bed, on top of the blankets while staring at the ceiling.

As soon as the blonde younger entered the room, he was quick to move into a seated position.

"Was Yuta there?" Is his first question.

"No, but he sent two of his own. Haechan and Sicheng. They are still as weak as ever" Jaehyun informs the other as he takes a seat beside him on the bed.

"What are we going to do with this new kid? His powers are unlike anything we have ever seen before" Doyoung questions softly.

"We will do what we and our ancestors have done for centuries. We will train him to become one of us. To become a warlock who is in control."

The dark haired male hesitated before speaking the next phrase.
"Are we training him to be a warlock who is in control or are we using him to defeat my brother?"

Jaehyun moves his gaze to meet the oldest as he responds.
"It will be a bonus if he can help us to get rid of that bastard."


Jungwoo was doing his best to be kind to the newbie. He is not usually one to hold a grudge but he did choke to death only 6 hours ago.

"This is where we eat" he states as he leads the older into the dining room.

Taeyong just nods, he hasn't said a word since Jaehyun left the pair alone. It seems that he is still scared about everything that's going on.

"Do you have anything you want to ask me? I know this is a huge change for you and it must be confusing as hell" Jungwoo says, trying to sound gentle.

"Is it true that you can't die? There's not even one thing that you can't survive?" The older asks straight away.

"Not that we know of. I've drowned, burned alive, been buried alive and I've even had my heart ripped out. Yet I keep coming back to life" The blue haired explains.

"Does it hurt to die?" Taeyong queries.

"Of course it does. It hurts like a bitch every single time" Jungwoo winces at the memory of the pain from each one of his deaths.

Taeyong nods, returning to silence once more. Jungwoo doesn't push for further conversation as he moves the tour along.

They are approaching the entry hall when the sound of a window shattering echoes through the building.

"What on Earth was that?" Jungwoo mutters as he runs towards the location of the sound.

Taeyong follows him as they arrive at the living room. Jaehyun is already there with someone who Taeyong doesn't recognise.

Jaehyun holds a box with a red ribbon wrapped around it in his left hand. Glass litters the floor from where it was thrown through the window

Everyone watches as Jaehyun gently unwraps the ribbon before opening the box. The dark haired male beside him lets out a cry of despair as he sees what's inside.

Jaehyun is quick to close the box once more, the colour drained from his face.

"What is it?" Jungwoo is confused as he takes the box from Jaehyun. Taeyong peers over his shoulder as the blue haired opens the box again.

Taeyong brings a hand to cover his mouth as he sees a finger placed inside, it has been cut off someone's hand.

The dark haired male has fallen to the ground in tears as Jaehyun crouches beside him, holding the sobbing male.

Jungwoo curses as he reads the small note which was inside the box. Taeyong looks to him in confusion, still having no idea who this finger belongs to.

"This is Taeil's. Yuta has killed Doyoung's boyfriend" Jungwoo explains, his voice quiet.

Taeyong frowns as he looks at the pure heartbreak on the dark haired male's face. Jaehyun just holds Doyoung as he feels his heart shattering.

"H-He's my brother, why would my brother do this?" Doyoung sobs.

"He is a monster, Doyoung. He isn't your brother" Is all Jaehyun says as he tries to comfort the older.

A/N - i said this was going to be angsty didn't i? bahahahaha

thanks for reading!!

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