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Chapter Twenty-Nine 

Friday afternoon, twenty-eight days since being admitted to the hospital, Alec was out of 

bed and attempting to regain some strength in his body. With Jordan’s arm firmly around 

his waist, and his hand wrapped in Jordan’s, they walked the room in five-minute blocks 

every hour. Alec’s talking hadn’t broached the subject of Leanne, Jamie, or Frank. Jordan 

hadn’t broached it either, he was waiting until Alec was ready.  

Their five minutes came to an end and while Alec settled in against the pillows, Jordan 

opened the laptop.  

“Move aside, my love, let’s look at our house again.” 

Jordan opened a web page bookmarked in favorites. A historically listed, eight bedroom, 

eighteenth century gothic manor. They hadn’t intended to go gothic but once seen, it stole 

their hearts. A private road led to the main gates, tall hedges edged the property, far 

enough from the main village to keep them secluded without being isolated. Beautifully 

manicured gardens surrounded the home before it opened up into unspoiled woodland. 

One bedroom would be converted into Jordan’s office, another into a dance studio, and 

another transformed into a recording studio. Prepared to go only by agent photographs, 

they’d purchased the house that morning. As Alec pointed out, if anything needed fixing 

they could afford to spend the money.  

Talk of their purchase came to a halt when Alec’s neurologist entered the room with a 

medical file under his arm. Alec could only keep up an unstrained conversation with 

Jordan, with everyone else, including his doctors, his attempts were listless. He’d made 

steady progress, however one only had to look at him to see the battle he fought. 

Nevertheless, Dr Shelton believed the time had come to discuss Alec’s discharge. When 

Jordan mentioned a new house, and a moving in date of Wednesday should Alec be out 

of hospital, it sealed the deal. To settle into a home with his partner, in a quiet village 

outside of London, seemed the ideal setting for Alec’s continued recovery. Regular 

appointments with Dr Shelton would need to be attended and Alec’s epilepsy routinely 

monitored from now on. Dr Fielding would visit Alec at home twice a week to help with 

his emotional recovery. With everything organized and agreed to, Alec’s discharge was 

set for the following morning.  


Rather than try and keep the time and exit a secret, Alec thought it best to have Taylor  

make the announcement. She also informed the press he would make no comments and 

answer no questions. It wouldn’t stop them trying and requests aside, the paparazzi would 

clamor for the first pictures of Tyler Curtis since that fateful Saturday night.  

Alec’s hand rested on Jordan’s shoulder. his head on Jordan’s chest. From outside in the 

hall he could hear the occasional footsteps of staff.  

 “There hasn’t been a word from Frank.” 

The topic was finally brought up.  

“I doubt there’s much he can say. He can’t deny the truth.” 

“It’s weird though, don’t you think? No one’s even spotted him leaving the hotel. I 

wonder what he’s doing.” 

“Probably wallowing in self pity.” 

When Alec moved into a sitting position, Jordan mirrored him. Once Jordan settled, 

Alec’s arms went around his neck, one leg went over Jordan’s, and he sat astride to gaze 

into blue eyes. Jordan bent his knees, providing a comfortable seat with a built in 


“Do you think Leanne’s left Australia?” 

“I do, honey, yeah. I think she’s long gone.” 

Alec nodded slowly. “I’ll press charges as soon as we move into our house.” 

It was a surprising and welcomed thing to hear Alec say. 

“You feel ready to do that?” 

Alec shrugged, shook his head, and shrugged again. “I don’t think I ever will be ready. I 

have to. For me and for Jamie. It might take a while for the police to track her down, but 

when they do I want her in jail. I’m not going to be kicked around anymore, Jordan. No 


“What about Frank?” 

Despite detectives wanting to question Alec, doctors had obeyed his wish to be left in 

peace and access to him for questioning had been denied. 

“I have to think about that a little more.”  


Every slight sound from outside his hotel suite resulted in panicked anxiety and nervous 

perspiration. One momentary lapse of guard and Frank’s debts would be repaid with his 

life. When the door shook beneath pummeled hammering, the highball glass in his hand 

bounced ice over the rim. He sat without a word, praying silently the unknown person in 

the hall would vanish. His prayers went unanswered. A voice called through the wooden 

door and into the empty space of Frank’s quickly evaporating life.  

“Mr Brooks, this is Gary Phelps, the hotel concierge. Please open the door or I will take 

the liberty of using the master key for entrance.” 

Frank’s double chin landed on his chest. If Gary wanted access to the room he wasn’t 

going to invite the man in willingly. He could let himself in and that was exactly what 

Gary did, surrounded by four security guards. 

From the door Gary walked purposefully into the lounge area. His grey eyes swept over 

the untidy mess and his nostrils flared with the stale stench hanging in the space like a 


“Mr Brooks, please pack up your belongings and vacate the premises.” 

Reddened piggy brown eyes refused to acknowledge the concierge.  “I’ll pay the account 

next Friday.” 

Gary wasn’t deterred in the slightest.  

“I’m sure you’re aware Mr Curtis will be returning to the hotel early tomorrow afternoon. 

As Mr Curtis is our most valued guest his comfort is of the utmost importance to me. 

Therefore, even if you do pay your account, which I highly doubt, Mr Curtis certainly 

will not feel comfortable with you remaining here. Please pack your belongings, I would 

prefer you leave on your own accord rather than have you forcefully removed from the 

premises. I also would like to inform you that if the balance of your account is not settled 

within a week, I will be pursuing legal action.” 

From within his fear, hopelessness, and angry frustration, Frank spoke more to the glass 

of scotch than to Gary. “Give me until tomorrow to find somewhere else.” 

Gary shook his head, pointed security toward the bedroom, and replied curtly. “My hotel 

is not a half-way house, Mr Brooks.” He took the scotch from Frank’s hand. “I believe 

that glass, and its contents, belongs to me.” 


Tyler Curtis’ was discharge from the hospital, and the exact exit he’d be using, was 

something all members of the press had been told. Who leaked the news of Frank Brooks 

leaving the hotel wasn’t as cut and dried. More than likely a hotel staff member had 

confided the details. His unceremonious ousting literally landed him on the London 

streets pavement with forty-three pounds in his pocket and a suitcase at his side. Fighting 

off the dogs of reporters biting at his heels and forced to climb into a cab in an effort to 

shake them, he vanished from the most decadent hotel in England to the cheapest pub 

willing to give him a room for the night. If Frank believed things couldn’t have gotten 

worse, he was horribly mistaken.  

 People sat reading or watching the demise of a manager who had almost been the demise 

of his young star. Seeing him lurching into a cab, fighting off cameras and microphones, 

sickly and unshaven, brought a smile to the faces of the public and the entertainment 

industry alike. Seeing Tyler Curtis for the first time when he left the hospital brought 

about mixed emotions. He was a diluted version of their idol dressed in black jeans, a 

black shirt, and a basic black jacket. No pagan jewelry adorned his ears, hands, or wrists. 

He wore only his engagement ring on his left hand. Bombarded by flashes and reporters 

yelling questions, the people watched footage of him being helped into the limousine 

without saying a word or lifting his face. No one wanted to wish ill on him but paparazzi 

wanted the dramatic shots. It sold papers and gained ratings. All wanted pictures of the 

once infamous womanizer in close contact with his male fiancé. None were disappointed. 

From the hospital exit to the door of the car, Jordan Braxton and Tyler Curtis were hand 

in hand.  

Frank watched what everyone else watched; only he watched it on a portable television 

with poor reception in a cramped room above a pub. He knew there wouldn’t be a 

manager alive not clamoring to be the one with Alec’s signature on a contract. He also 

knew whatever contract was offered to Alec now would offer complete creative control 

on a road paved with diamonds. After hearing and seeing Alec performing one of his own 

numbers at the charity show, Frank became aware of another missed opportunity. He’d 

always known Alec wrote his own material and always refused to let him perform it. If he 

had allowed Alec that much input, it would have given Curtis too much power. In his 

hands Frank had one of the very few true superstars of the entertainment world, but had 

only let Alec show a mere fraction of his capabilities. There was nothing Alec couldn’t 

do when it came to entertaining and Frank had blown it all by hemming him in. Alec 

encapsulated the word genius in every conceivable sense. Frank knew it. He’d always 

known it. He’d never learned that true genius couldn’t be caged because true genius 

could never be contained.  

He left the television with its fuzzy reception on, if only for the sake of filling in the 

silence. The stench coming off his skin passed the point where even he could not tolerate 

it. From a suitcase he took out a change of clothes and headed for the cramped bathroom 

where the shower, sink, and toilet crammed so closely together they were practically 

melded. He let the hot water wash away the smell,  wishing it could also wash away his 

unrest. The higher they were, the harder they fell. A saying Frank knew well. The bigger 

the bank account the bigger the debt. Another saying set aside for those who had lost it 

all. A compulsive gambler long before he met Alec, Frank’s penchant for losing money 

on the horses had turned into an insatiable penchant for losing money in casinos across 

the world. With the ease of Internet betting he never needed to physically be at a poker 

table to lose his cash. All Alec had ever been to him was a reliable source of income to 

then fritter away. It escalated until even his forty percent coming in, much more than any 

other manager would dare ask, couldn’t cover the amount going out. Debt interest 

increased on a daily basis. As did Frank’s ruin. 

He turned the taps off and stood in the small tiled space on the floor. He dried off with a 

towel reeking of mothballs and dressed in clothes reeking of cigarettes. He left his discarded clothes where they were, turned out the light, and opened to door into the stuffy 

little room. 

 “Hello Frank.” 

All the strength evaporated from Frank’s body and he fell against the doorjamb. Dressed 

in a black tailored suit, sitting on the one armchair in the room, was the man Frank had 

been hiding from. Tall, handsome, middle-aged, he could easily have been mistaken as a 

professional businessman who obeyed all the rules. On his lap sat a gun.  

He pointed to the bed. “Have a seat. Nice place you’ve got here. I’m especially impressed 

with the retro nineteen eighties décor.” 

No amount of pretending could hide Frank’s fear. His legs took him to the bed without 

him feeling it. He sat down, his eyes glued to the gun fitted with a silencer.  

The man smiled, showing off a set of perfectly aligned white teeth. “I know what you’re 

thinking, Frank. How on earth did I find you in this Godforsaken dump?” Stretching out 

long legs, the shine off his leather shoes reflected the dull overhanging light bulb. “It was 

easy actually. Almost too easy because I must admit the thrill of the chase has always 

been something I’ve been partial to.” His right hand rested over the gun. 

“Pesky paparazzi! Always taking photos and always filming things. Good footage, Frank. 

Not that you looked happy, but the cab driver was extremely photogenic. There was a 

lovely shot of him the cameras managed to get, while you hauled your fat arse into the 

back of the car. A bit of investigation, the cab drivers picture matched with a name, a bit 

of dollar persuasion, and Bob’s your uncle, here I am.” 

As he rose to his feet, Frank flinch noticeably. Smiling, the man ambled to the flimsy 

curtain covering an equally feeble window. He lowered a rolled Venetian blind. His eyes 

took in the water marks on the walls, the dusty cheap pictures, the pathetic television, and 

the threadbare carpet. When he sighed his pale blue eyes settle onto Frank.  

“Another thing you might be wondering is why I’m here personally and how did I get 

into your room. First, I got into your room because it seems there aren’t too many people 

left in this country, or any other I might add, who have much loyalty to you. Fifty quid 

and they’ll sell you out in the blink of an eye.” From his tailored black jacket he removed 

a key and held it up. “Not a bad investment! One hundred quid and apparently everyone 

here’s blind, deaf, and mute!” 

When he laughed, Frank’s blood ran cold. 

“Second, I’m here because some things I like to tend to on a personal level.” He stepped 

nearer and Frank shrank away. “I don’t often admit I’m wrong about anything, Frank, 

generally because I never am. However, there are times, like now, when I will admit I 

was wrong.” He dusted the armchair with his left hand and sat down. “That fucked up 

psychopathic little son of a bitch you managed turns out to be not a fucked up psychopathic little son of a bitch after all.” He widened his eyes and nodded decisively. 

“And if there’s one thing that really, really pisses me off, Franklin, it’s when another 

person takes advantage of someone who isn’t in the position to fight back.” 

He raised his hand, the gun in his grip, and Frank flinched dramatically 

“I know what you’re going to say again and let me stop you before you do. No, I am not 

one of those people. For example, I would never loan one million pounds to a waitress 

with five pounds in her bank account. That would be poor sportsmanship. That would 

lower me to your level. I only lend money to those who have the assets to pay it back. 

Whether or not that person then blows those assets on other things, well, as you can see, 

that isn’t my doing.” Resting his elbow on the arm of the chair, and his chin in his hand, 

he tapped his left index finger on the gun handle. “But Alec Tyler? Frank! Come on, 

now! A seventeen year old orphan a quarter of your size? That moves taking advantage to 

a whole new and dismal level.” 

He paused and, when Frank refused to look up, cleared his throat to demand his attention. 

Another wide smile flashed those straight white teeth. 

“For that reason, Frank, I’m not going to kill you.” 

Tears of relief welled in Frank’s eyes. He made a grab for the man’s arm and held on to it 

with both his hands. “Thank you! Somehow, I’ll pay you the money.” 

He removed his arm from beneath Frank’s hands. “I’ll never see that money again and 

you know very well I won’t. It seems you’ve jumped the gun. Excuse the pun.” 

Short lived relief was rapidly replaced with his earlier horror. The man lifted himself out 

of the armchair with the gun firmly in his left hand. With the barrel he gestured  for Frank 

to sit on the corner edge of the bed. Obeying, Frank slipped to the spot indicated, 

dragging his body over the mattress as though dragging a six foot one lump of lead. He 

stood to Frank’s side, his right hand rested on Frank’s shoulder, and his left hand pushed 

the barrel of the gun into the centre of Frank’s lower back. 

“For a man to take advantage of a kid, and let’s face it seventeen is legally a child, is an 

incredibly spineless thing to do. If I pull the trigger now the bullet will shatter one of your 

lumbar vertebrae, sever your spinal cord, and you’ll never walk again. For someone 

who’s displayed spineless behavior I think it’s a fitting punishment. You could bleed to 

death if no one finds you in time. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” 

His hand squeezed Frank’s shoulder and the barrel tapped on his backbone. “Then 

again...” Sweat tracked down Frank’s spine. “...what I really think is this. For someone to 

take advantage of a child with no parents and a serious medical condition, well, that 

consummately pisses me off! Frank, that is the lowest form of cowardice you could’ve 

stooped to. Like I said, I’m a philanthropist. I believe in giving the underdog a break. I 

believe in fair match ups. Alec Tyler was not a fair match up. You may argue he wasn’t legally a child for long and was eighteen before he signed on with you. Was coerced into 

signing on with you, might I add. It’s all a matter of geography really, isn’t it? In several 

parts of the world, including where I come from, legal adulthood isn’t acknowledged 

until the age of twenty-one. Consequently, in my eyes, Alec Tyler is still a kid. A kid you 

nearly killed because you couldn’t even give to him the courtesy of making sure his 

medication was right. The more I think about it the angrier I get. I don’t like child abusers 

and that’s what you are. Put you in jail, Franklin, and you’d soon see just how despised 

your type is. Even hardened criminals believe a crime against children is worthy of a 

beating in the exercise yard... or worse.”  

He leaned over, never once easing the pressure of the barrel against Frank’s back. 

“I’m a businessman and I never do anything for free. If I lend money it’s paid back or 

there are consequences. If I, or one of my employees, put a bullet through someone’s 

head or work them over on behalf of someone else, it costs a lot of money. I didn’t 

become wealthy by handing out free services. Still, I find myself prepared to step away 

from tradition tonight. On behalf of Alec Tyler, who doesn’t even know about this free 

service, I’m dropping the fee. Fixing two birds with one stone, so to speak. I’ll feel my 

debts have been met and justice for Alec Tyler served.” 

The barrel pressed in hard against Frank’s spine.  

“Yes, to take advantage of kid like that was a spineless thing to do, Frank. But even more 

than spineless it showed a complete lack of balls.” Chapter Thirty 

Privacy at last. No doctors or nightly interruptions from nurses checking vitals and 

wandering around the ward, the bedroom was a sanctuary with the warm gold glow of the 

fireplace and the idyllic comfort of each other. The fire filled the space with enough light 

for Alec and Jordan to see, while still bathing the room in soothing darkness. Their hands 

and fingers tracked over the lines of each other’s bodies, as they faced one another, 

speaking in whispers.  

Jordan’s hand pressed in against the small of Alec’s back and they pushed in closely 

against one another. The feeling of skin against skin, denied them in the confines of the 

hospital, was even more exquisite than it had felt before. It was a feeling Jordan wasn’t 

sure he’d ever experience again. He had an urgent need to be as close to Alec as he could 

be, wanting to spend this time making slow, gentle love to Alec and savor every second 

of it.  

He found Alec’s mouth, brushing his lips over Alec’s and his fingertips over Alec’s 

thigh. Alec opened his mouth slightly, inviting Jordan’s tongue in with a sigh and rolling 

onto his back. Jordan adjusted his position. One of Alec’s hands caressed the nape of his 

neck and the other hand ran down the length of his arm. Jordan’s hand travelled from 

Alec’s thigh, over his stomach, and then back again. He felt Alec shift beneath him, 

arcing slightly, and his hips rose up with subtle pressure against Jordan’s body. His legs 

parted, bent at the knees, and wrapped around Jordan’s legs. Things picked up from slow, 

subtle caresses into heavier stroking and heavier breathing.  

Using all his willpower to lift his lips off Alec’s, Jordan peered down into the questioning 

golden amber eyes gazing up. “Are you sure you’re well enough for this?” 

Alec’s hand ran over Jordan’s jaw, over his cheek, then combed through his hair. “I’m 

fine, babe. I’m not going to break.” 


Jolting them from the first drowsy stages of sleep, Alec’s mobile phone shrilled. 

Squinting at the clock, Alec reached blindly for the bedside table, his fingers locating the 


He stared at the screen with a sleepy frown. “It’s Taylor.” He shuffled to a sitting position 

and answered the call. “Hello?” 

“Alec, sorry love, did I wake you?” 

From the sound of her voice she already knew she had. 

“Yeah. Kind of.” 

 “It’s only just hitting the news now, I wanted to tell you before you saw it on TV.” 

Considering the last time Taylor had revealed inside information, and the consequential 

landing in a coma that ensued, Alec took a shuddering breath in. 

“Oh no, what now? Is it about me?” 

“No, it’s about Frank.” 

When Taylor quit speaking, Alec’s hand clamped firmly over his mouth. He threw the 

covers off, dropped the phone next to Jordan, and hastily left the bedroom.  


Jordan snatched the phone, was the next informed and the next out of bed. Alec sat on the 

sofa with his hands on his face and curled over his legs. Ending the call with a promise to 

phone back, Jordan shook his head, his stomach churning. The news of Frank Brooks, 

and what had happened to him in a cheap pub room, was both bizarre and shocking. 

Jordan worried only about the affect it would have on Alec. 

He sat down beside Alec on the sofa and placed his hands between Alec’s shoulders. This 

resulted in shaking which Jordan concluded to be crying. 

“Are you okay?” 

The shaking beneath his hand increased, followed by sound, and Alec dropped his hands 

to reveal tears streaming down his cheeks. 

“Why am I laughing? It’s not funny! I shouldn’t be laughing!” 

Alec cracked into giggling hysterics. His laughter sent Jordan into his own. Both of them 

stark naked after rushing from the bed, Alec stared at his lap before covering his crotch 

with his hands and rocking with giggles. 

“Oh God! Jordan! That’s gotta hurt!  


Alec gnawed on a slice of toast and watched the nine o’clock morning news telecast 

without any feelings of empathy for the man who’d nearly killed him.  

Alec broke into another round of giggles and called toward the kitchen. “Hey, babe? 

Guess what?” 

Jordan emerged, carrying two mugs of coffee and wearing a wide grin. Alec hadn’t 

stopped laughing and smiling since he woke.  


“They were talking to a detective and he says...” Putting on a serious police face, Alec 

repeated what he’d heard. “‘We’re treating this as suspicious’.” He crumbled into giggles 

again, waving his slice of toast at the screen. “As opposed to what exactly? The every day 

chance you’re thingy gets blown off by three bullets that came from nowhere?” Another 

mouthful of toast went in and he laughed with a snort.  

“I should send him flowers and a sympathy card saying I’m sorry for his loss!”  

After weeks of stress and tears, the brutal destruction of Frank’s anatomy became a tonic, 

doing Alec and Jordan the world of good. Neither felt guilty in finding amusement in 

something both would normally think horrific. Who shot Frank Brooks remained a 

mystery. Police reports were sketchy; staff working in the pub at the time reported seeing 

and hearing nothing unusual. Enduring hours of emergency surgery, and now in a stable 

condition, Frank refused to share the information they sought. The name of the man who 

pulled the trigger would be taken to Frank’s grave.  

Police were certain of one thing. The hit was professional and underworld.  

Frank’s untimely encounter with three bullets even served to increase Alec’s mediocre 

appetite. A phone call placed to Isaac, now fondly referred to with Uncle as a prefix, 

heightened Alec’s mood to jubilant. An offer to quit his job with the hotel, and take a 

cushy position as Alec’s personal driver, was accepted quickly and gratefully. Isaac’s 

resignation landed on Gary’s desk within half an hour.  

Due to her association with Tyler Curtis, Bec had little choice than to resign from her job 

as a sales assistant at the same time Jordan resigned his job. Paparazzi hounded the 

Braxtons with as much fervor as they hounded Alec. Temporarily housed in the same 

hotel, two floors under Alec’s level, the accommodation suited Bec’s love of the high 

life. In a room beside hers were Veronica and Nick. The London terrace house was 

deserted. Furball and the fish tank had moved into the suite prior to Alec’s discharge and 

furniture was placed into storage.  

Long talks centering on Bec’s future accommodation problems were settled only when 

Alec agreed to a compromise. He wanted to buy Bec a home of her own and foot all the 

bills, but Jordan wasn’t willing to encourage Alec to be quite so generous. Knowing his 

sister’s inability to handle finances, and taking into consideration Alec’s tendency toward 

over-giving, they finally settled on a happy medium. Alec would purchase the property so 

long as the deeds remained in his name and not Bec’s. The property would be in the 

village near to their home or nowhere at all. Bec’s excitement over a rent free home 

turned into a lackluster reception once she was given the rules.  

However, when Alec informed her a bedroom inside their new home would soon be 

converted into a recording studio, and went on to explain he wanted her to try her hand at recording some of his material, Bec suddenly decided becoming a pop diva deserved the 


Aside from Alec’s musical instruments and his clothes, nothing else in the suite belonged 

to him. First thing Wednesday morning the piano removers would take it, and the rest of 

the instruments, to their new home. Every piece of Curtis’ clothing was boxed up. Hours 

searching online antique stores had filled the gothic mansion with furniture without them 

ever having to set foot in a store. Like the piano and instruments, all would be delivered 

on Wednesday and their home ready. Weeks of mayhem shifted into days of everything 

running smoothly. By Wednesday evening they’d finally have the peace and quiet they 



Tuesday afternoon found Alec standing in a small room next to where paparazzi waited. 

A press conference was the last thing Alec wanted or needed, however he knew the 

statement had to be made in person. Too many people had kept vigils and said prayers for 

his recovery. Alec felt it was the least he could do to repay them as personally as he 


He peered into the mirror and narrowed his eyes. “I still look terrible, Taylor.” 

“You look tired, not terrible.” She smiled and petted his cheek. “You’re the only person I 

know who could look gorgeous in a coma!” 

Jordan reached for his hand and laughed. “She’s right, you did look beautiful!” 

He stopped glaring at his reflection. “This is it, babe. Wish me luck.” 

A firm hug of reassurance followed a kiss and Alec took Taylor’s hand. She’d 

accompany him while Jordan remained behind and out of sight of the paparazzi. 

In the instant he stepped into the conference room the familiar bombardment of camera 

flashes hit. He dipped his head to avert his eyes, walked to the table, waited until Taylor 

sat, and then took his own chair. He laid a sheet of paper on the surface in front of him.  

Taylor spoke first. “I ask you all to please let Tyler give his statement without 

interruption. Once the statement has been read there will be no further questions.” 

There were murmurs of disappointment.  

Taylor raised a hand to quiet them. “As a fellow journalist, and a friend of Tyler’s, I ask 

you to accept his wishes.” 

It couldn’t be denied that Tyler Curtis looked a long way from fit and healthy. Silence 

fell over the room when he cleared his throat and began reading in a tired, quiet voice. Simply having to prepare for the conference drained Alec of the strength he hadn’t fully 

regained. Emotional burdens exhausted him more easily and quickly than anything else. 

“First, I want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. I’ve seen footage of the 

candlelight vigils and I am truly touched by the kindness and concern for me. Truly 

touched. My record company will be releasing the live CD and DVD as planned. The 

scheduled single has been cancelled. I have not resigned with another manager and do not 

intend to any time soon. As far as Frank Brooks goes, my association with him is over. 

I’m sure from now on he’ll notice something missing from his life.” 

The entire room erupted into laughter and camera’s snapped photographs of the sly smirk 

on Tyler Curtis’ face. They reveled in the fact the sense of humor they’d been introduced 

to the week before his hospitalization hadn’t faded.  

Alec cast a quick glance at Taylor, exchanged smiles, and read on. “As far as my career 

goes, I’m bowing out for a while.” 

It was what they all expected, but was hard to believe. 

“It all depends on my health and how long it takes me to recover. By the way, isn’t it 

ironic I had a nervous breakdown while wearing a straight jacket?” 

Pens raced across pages with admiration and laughter. To be able to joke about what 

happened gained Alec even more respect.  

“As I don’t wander around dressed in straight jackets and leather pants when I’m not 

performing, all my outfits have been boxed up and will be going for auction. The 

proceeds of this will be donated to epilepsy research. The exact date of the auction I don’t 

know as yet. You’ll be kept informed. I want to step away and live life in the slow lane. I 

want to know when I face you again, when I perform again, when I record again, that I 

can do it to the very best of my ability. I can’t offer anyone that at the moment. I’m 

twenty years old and I’m burnt out. I know the entertainment industry is fickle, I hope 

you won’t forget me.” 

“I’ll be leaving London but remaining in the UK. Jordan and I will tie the knot in a 

ceremony including a civil partnership. When and where this will happen is personal.  

 Once again, I thank everyone for their support and well wishes. Take care of yourselves, 

life’s too short not to. Please, give me my space to get well and to rest. Please. I’ll see 

you in a year or so.” 

 Chapter Thirty-One 

Two months later 

“Will you keep still and stop squirming?” 

Taylor stood in front of Alec, who stood in front of a full length mirror, not prepared to 

step away until she had his tie positioned perfectly.  

“I’m nervous!” 

Dressed in a beautifully tailored black single breasted suit, black shirt, royal purple satin 

vest, and a matching royal purple fat boy tie, Alec looked immaculate and gorgeous. 

Getting ready separately from Jordan who was dressing in the room his mother and father 

had been using. Since first thing that morning everyone had  made sure they’d been kept 


“What are you nervous about? You’re marrying the man of your dreams.” 

“I’m not nervous about marrying Jordan, I’m nervous about the fifty-three people turning 

up to watch us! Where’s Bec?” 

Standing by Jordan would be his best childhood friend from Australia and a cousin he’d 

grown up with. At Alec’s side were Taylor and Bec, dressed beautifully in simple, 

elegant royal purple gowns. 

“I think she’s staring at herself in the bathroom mirror.” 

“She’s supposed to be in here giving me moral support not staring at herself!” 

Taylor shrugged. “You know Bec! There you go, tie’s perfect.” 

“Thank you.” 

He moved away from the mirror, wringing his hands together and went to sit on the bed.  

When he bent at the knees Taylor yelled, hands flapping. “No sitting down, you’ll get cat 

hairs all over you!” 

“There’s another hour until the ceremony! I have to stand up for an hour?” 


The bedroom door opened and Bec swanned in looking as beautiful as she thought she 

did. Her red hair was in an up style complemented by simple hair accessories, exactly the same as Taylor wore. She’d left before Alec changed into his suit and now she halted in 

her tracks. 

“Oh, my God! You look shit hot! Alec, you look so fucking horny-making it’s not funny! 

Jordan’s gonna want to take you right there in front of everyone!” 

Alec gave Taylor a shrug. “You can dress her up like a lady, but you can’t make her act 

like one.” 


Being just as fussed over by his mother and an Aunt, Jordan wore exactly the same outfit 

as Alec. His best man and groomsman were dressed in matching black suits with purple 

shirts, black vests and black ties. Champagne filled glasses made the rounds, Jordan the 

only one not indulging.  

Veronica stepped back and admired her son, her hands over her mouth. “You look so 


Tears rose in her eyes and both Jordan and Nick exchanged glances, eyebrows raised . 

After two months of getting to know his future son-in-law personally, Nick’s doubts had 


“Thanks, Mum. Stop crying!” 

She waved a hand at him. “I can’t help it! My baby’s getting married!” 

Veronica pounced on him in the same manner Taylor had pounced on Alec when’d he 

attempted to sit down on the bed.  

“No, no, no! Cat hair!” 

A large marquee set up for the reception remained closed off from prying eyes, not to be 

revealed until the vows had been taken. It looked beautiful enough in the daylight, but its 

real beauty would shine through when the lighting set the mood and ambiance. White 

chairs were set up in rows on a perfectly manicured lawn, facing a plain white lectern, 

simple, elegant, without a central aisle, and free of wedding fluff and finery. It had a 

masculine feel without being too strong. Jordan and Alec wanted everything to do with 

the ceremony to be as simple as it could be, with the all the focus on the taking of vows 

and each other. Inside the marquee was where the decadence resided. Each guest had 

been asked to keep the date, time, and venue secret and each one had. All professional 

companies and people putting the event together had signed a privacy contract. There’d 

been no hint and the media none the wiser. Five o’clock, at dusk, as the sun was 

beginning to fade, Jordan and Alec would marry.  

 Excited gossip from the younger members of the congregation teamed with curiosity 

from the older. From guests flown in from Australia, to others who lived in the UK, all 

had airfares and accommodation paid for. Alec footed the bill for everyone. Aunts, 

uncles, friends, and grandparents of Jordan’s made up the majority of the guest list. The 

only people invited from Alec’s side were Taylor, Isaac, and Bryan Silverton. Invites had 

also been given to their new housekeeper and gardener.  

Veronica checked the time and made some final adjustments to her son’s attire. Minutes 

before the ceremony both he and Alec would see each other for the first time since the 

morning and would walk to the grounds together. They would be preceded by Damien, 

Jordan’s best man, and Brendan, his groomsman, side by side with their partners Taylor 

and Bec. Once they had all reached their positions by the lectern, Jordan and Alec would 


“Poor Alec, I bet he’s nervous. He’ll feel like he’s being scrutinized.” 

She looped her arm through his. “As soon as he sees you he’ll forget all about the 


Jordan’s side of the wedding party gathered around a lower level door opening out into 

the grounds. Chitchat to ease building nerves came to a halt when Damien spotted Alec 

turn into the hall with Bec and Taylor. Jordan spun around, Alec stopped short, and they 

both stared with mutual appreciation. Jordan stepped forward and held out his hand. Alec 

took it, his own hand trembling slightly. 

“You look divine, Alec Tyler.” 

Seeing Jordan dressed formally and elegantly, had obviously taken Alec’s breath  away. 

“You... look... incredible!” 

Jordan bend his head, Alec raised his chin, and Bec intercepted the kiss by shoving 

between them and pushing them apart.  

“No kissing until the celebrant says you can! It’s bad luck!” 

A round of hellos and handshakes followed and then it was time to move out. Veronica 

and Nick left first, making their way to seats in the front row. When enough time had 

passed to see them in their places, Damien and Bec followed with Brendan and Taylor 

behind, leaving Jordan and Alec standing alone in the doorway. They peered sideways at 

each other, refraining from indulging in the kiss they both desperately wanted.  

Jordan spoke first. “Nervous?” 

Their fingers entwined and held tightly. 

 “Yes. In a good way. Are you nervous?” 

“Yes. In a good way.” Jordan kissed the back of Alec’s hand. “Let’s get married!” 


Standing facing one another, holding each other’s hands, the several gasps and whispers 

from the guests went unheard. Jordan and Alec only saw one another and only heard the 

celebrant, Sonia. Not long after she started speaking the murmurs died down and 

everyone zoned in on the ceremony. Sonia read out a poem Alec and Jordan had chosen 

and began to announce they’d written their own vows when laughter from the guests 

interrupted. Unaware of what had Jordan and Sonia sniggering along with everyone else, 

Alec looked around and located the answer. Standing at his side was the four-year-old 

daughter of Jordan’s English cousin; dressed in a pink dress, white shoes a white ribbon 

in her long dark hair. She’d set her sights on Alec and wasn’t prepared to sit at a distance.  

 Obviously her mother chose to remain seated rather than disturb the ceremony, hoping 

Tamara wouldn’t get as close as she had. Tamara stared up at Alec with huge brown eyes 

and waved when he looked down at her. Everyone laughed a little louder and waited to 

see how Alec would deal with his young admirer. He mouthed a silent ‘hello’. Tamara 

gustily returned his salutations. Bec reached for Tamara’s hand and nearly set off a 

nuclear tantrum.  

Thinking quickly, Alec took Jordan’s wedding ring from his pocket and held it out to her. 

“Can you stay here next to me and hold this? It’s a very important job.” 

She took the ring and gripped it inside one chubby hand, smiling widely. The other 

chubby hand took hold of the back of Alec’s black jacket and held tight. She wasn’t 

going anywhere. 

With peace restored, and everyone mentally applauding Alec’s handling of the situation, 

the ceremony continued. The mistiness in Alec’s eyes started before Jordan began 

reciting his vows. Seeing Alec tear up set Jordan off as well. 

“Alec, for the rest of your life I promise to stand beside you with love, friendship, 

encouragement, and to give you the safety and the happiness you deserve. You are, 

without a doubt, the most beautiful person. One of those rare types God made beautiful to 

look at and also blessed with a soul of equal beauty. I’m humbled He made such an 

exquisite human being and then gave me the honor of being the one to cherish you.” 

Alec disengaged one of his hands to wipe away the tears with shaking fingers.  

“For that honor, I’ll always be grateful. I’ll always thank Him for every night I sleep 

beside you, every morning I wake up with you, and every day I spend with you.”  

 Jordan took Alec’s wedding ring from his pocket, Alec held out his trembling left hand, 

and the ring was slipped onto his finger.  

“I will always love you, Alec. Eternally.” 

Sonia smiled and gestured to Alec. He cleared his throat to find his voice. 

“Jordan, for the rest of your life I promise to stand beside you with love, friendship, 

encouragement, and to give you the safety and the happiness you deserve. You walked 

into my life and you swept me off my feet. In a million dreams I never could have 

imagined meeting a man as amazing as you. You are the beat in my heart that keeps me 

alive and the strength in my step that keeps me moving in the right direction. No matter 

what direction our lives take, it’ll always be the right one because we’ll take those steps 


While Jordan wiped away his tears, Alec held out his hand to Tamara and she promptly 

handed the wedding ring over. Alec slipped the ring onto Jordan’s finger. 

“I will always love you, Jordan. Eternally.” 

Sonia signaled for the civil partnership forms. A man walked to the lectern, and Alec and 

Jordan stood beside him as he laid the forms out. Jordan signed first, Alec signed next, 

and then Damien and Taylor signed as witnesses. With the signatures on the paper, Alec 

and Jordan returned to their place in front of the lectern.  

Sonia gave them a wide smile. “Through the exchanging of vows and wedding rings, and 

the signing of the civil partnership act, you are now partners for life. You may kiss!” 

They didn’t need to be told twice and the gathering of guests broke into applause. 

Applause turned to cheers and catcalls when Jordan dipped Alec backward.  

Inside the marquee, guests were spellbound. Great swathes of fabric gathered to form the 

ceiling and the walls. Lighting cast a royal purple hue over the interior. Crystal 

chandeliers reflected shades of lavender. Purple candles in candelabras sat in the middle 

of circular tables. Purple napkins, purple cushioned chairs, white china plates, crystal 

ware, and silver cutlery, decadent and sublime without ever being over the top rounded 

out the decor. A photographer roamed around, taking wedding snaps while food was 

served and eaten. There were no formal speeches and as soon as the plates were cleared, 

the music started and the party began. In each other’s arms, Jordan and Alec shared the 

first dance alone and then everyone hit the floor. Bec and Taylor joined them and before 

Alec knew it a string of younger women and girls not so subtly pushed in for their chance 

to dance with Tyler Curtis.  

The DJ interrupted the music. “Sorry guys! I have to ask you all to return to your seats 

for the next one.” 

 Everyone started heading toward their tables.  

“Except for you, Alec. You have to stay here.” 

Alec sheepishly turned around and saw the smirk on the DJ’s face. All eyes were on him. 

Belinda rushed forward to remove Tamara with a promise she could return to his side in a 

few minutes. Jordan positioned a chair in the middle of the dance floor, and sat Alec 

down before taking the microphone from the DJ’s hand. Alec felt his face burning scarlet 

while Jordan addressed the guests.  

“For some reason my husband is under the impression he’s a bit of an entertainer.”  

There were sniggers and laughter. 

“I don’t know what’s given him that idea.”  

The laughter increased, as did Alec’s blushing. Jordan remained straight faced. 

“What he hasn’t realized yet, and he’s about to, is my extraordinary talent in the field of 

song writing and singing. I’ve kept it hidden until now. I thought he might not marry me 

if he knew I was more talented than he is.”  

Alec buried his face behind his hands.  

Jordan put an arm around Alec’s shoulders and pulled him close. “Don’t cry, my love, 

I’m sure a few people will still buy your CDs.” 

Laughter rolled through the marquee.  

“I thought what better time to sing Alec one of my opuses than on our wedding day? An 

expression of love for my new husband through the beauty of song.” He peeled away one 

of Alec’s hands. “Ready?” 

Alec shook his head, blushing and giggling.  

“You can’t cover your eyes! I went to a lot of effort to write this song for you!” 

Alec dropped his hands to his lap and clasped them together. Jordan nodded at the DJ and 

the music, if you could call it that, started up. A horrendous mismatch of noises, put 

together on his computer, which had everyone in hysterics before Jordan even started on 

the lyrics. When he did, the laughter grew tenfold. Jordan couldn’t hold a note to save his 

life and it almost made ears bleed. 

“I used to think your eyes were fake, I used to think you sucked.” 

Alec’s laughter was partnered with clutching of his stomach and rocking on the chair.  

“But then I fell in love with you, especially after we fff...” 

Jordan paused on the ‘F’, Alec’s jaw dropped open, his gold eyes wide.  

“...fffound out we had a lot in common.” 

The marquee shook with laughter. 

“Now I think you’re gorgeous, which came as quite a shock, I’d cross the seven seas, for 

your hand around my...” He paused again, sent Alec a wink, reveling in the way Alec’s 

cheeks were flaming. “...heart and soul. You look so hot in leather pants, I had to make a 

pass. And I’m very glad I did, ‘cos I get to stick it up...” 

Alec very nearly fell off the chair and his face shone as red it could possibly be. The 

entire marquee quaked with laughter. 

“...all those who wish they were me!” 

Through the entire thing, Jordan kept a deadpan and serious expression.  

“I adore your sexy lisp, I adore the way you say...Velother Raptorths!” 

No matter how tragic or how embarrassing, to Alec it was the best love song ever.  

“Nothing is going to rhyme with Velother Raptorths now...” 

Jordan got down on one knee and took hold of Alec’s hand. “So I have to end my song 

here with...” He signaled for the DJ to end the music and he spoke the last line. 

“I love you, Alec Tyler.” 

Alec threw his arms around Jordan and kissed him passionately,their guests whooping.  

As it edged near midnight  no one was tired except Tamara. Sitting at a table with Jordan, 

Isaac, Bryan, Bec, Taylor, and Belinda, Tamara fell asleep with her arms around Alec’s 

neck and her head resting on his chest. Jordan whispered in Alec’s ear, Alec nodded, and 

they stood. Hand in hand they approached the DJ. Jordan took the microphone again, 

asked for everyone’s attention, and all eyes were on them. 

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to sing again!” He waited for the chuckles and sniggers to 

stop. “We’d like to thank you all for sharing our wedding day with us. It’s been perfect in 

every way and feel free to party into the wee hours of the morning. As for us, we’re 

departing for the night.” 

There were more catcalls and Alec dropped his face, smirking. 

 “Thank you for helping us make our day as special as it has been. Goodnight!”  


The bedroom door closed, the noise from the marquee evaporating.  

Jordan took Alec’s face in his hands. “Hello husband!” 

A huge smile swept over Alec’s lips. “Hello husband!” 

Jordan reached for Alec’s hand, led him to the bed and invited Alec onto his lap. “Is it 

just me or is this the most overwhelmingly amazing feeling in the world?” 

With his left hand, Alec’s fingers worked to loosen Jordan’s tie. “It’s not just you. I can’t 

even begin to tell you how happy I am, Jordan. Everything feels peaceful and right. How 

it should be.” 

The tie worked loose, was discarded onto the floor, and Alec began unbuttoning the 

purple waistcoat.  

“Everything is peaceful and right, baby. From now on it always will be.” 

Standing up, with Alec in his arms, Jordan turned and laid Alec down on the bed,  head 

on the pillows. He removed Alec’s shoes and socks and then his own and his jacket.  

He lay down beside Alec and this time it was his fingers that loosened Alec’s tie. “You 

look incredibly beautiful tonight. You always do, but tonight you’re even more 

breathtaking. I am, without question, the luckiest man alive.” 

Alec’s tie joined Jordan’s on the floor and their mouths found each other in a slow, 

sensual kiss. Fingers roamed over buttons and clothes. Bodies adjusted positions to get 

their clothing peeled away and discarded. Alec’s hands followed the line of Jordan’s 

shoulders, along his arms and past his elbows. The weight of Jordan’s body against him 

always gave Alec safety along with passion. That sense was magnified now, was deeper 

with the union of vows, giving them a different sense of freedom with each other that was 

all-powerful. A sense of never holding back in any way and wanting only to keep 

discovering the tactile pleasures they shared. They allowed their hands and fingers to find 

places they’d found before in this new light of exquisite harmony.  

They didn’t allow themselves to move too quickly or too feverishly. Instead, they gave 

free reign to light strokes and gentle caresses, letting lips play fingertips, communicating 

without words, saying all that needed to be said in a way words could never truly convey. 

It was a manipulation of body, heart, and soul into one divine creation breathing with one 

life. They craved each other with a yearning that was always with them and was gratified 

in these moments. Beginning again in a never ending and rapturous cycle, nothing could 

displace them. Nothing proved stronger than the emotional melding and nothing proved stronger than the physical unity. Strength both could feed off and grow as a couple and as 

individuals. Together they were one with the power of two. Inseparable and invincible.  

 Chapter Thirty-Two 

Eleven months later 

“I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous in my life, Jordan.” 

Releasing his arms from Alec’s waist, Jordan placed his hands on his husband’s  

shoulders and turned him away from the mirror. “Here, let me do that.” 

Shaking fingers refused to comply with the fastening of an eyebrow bar and Jordan took 

the task on himself. 

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more nervous than this. Deep breaths or you’ll pass out 

before the limo gets here!”  

“Do I look okay?” 

In the mirror reflected Tyler Curtis with a different flavor. Gone was the solid black attire 

Frank Brooks had always insisted he wear. Instead there were splashes of color in the 

new wardrobe that had been prepared for his debut back into the limelight. His pants 

showed off exactly the same assets tight leather did, however they were wide with bold 

vertical stripes in grey and black, gothic rock styling edging into retro. They hugged his 

rear and snug around his legs, bunching slightly around his ankles and a pair of shiny 

buckled shoes. The slim fitting shirt in dark grey sported a feature panel in red down the 

centre where it zipped up and its collar and cuffs were black. A tailored jacket with 

strategically placed zippers on the pockets to compliment the shirt would finish the look 

along with a studded belt.  

Curtis’ signature hair was no longer short and spiked as it had been. It was grown out to 

the point where it gave the spikes a new lease on life. Segmented sections of blue black 

hair were styled in different directions and had movement without the immovable 

formation Curtis’ hair had been famous for. Alec’s image remained gothic, but also 

screamed quirky and individual. His typically artistic eye would no longer allow Curtis to 

step out in public unless he stepped out with an eccentric style. Over the past year Alec’s 

growing self-confidence showed in everything. In his work and in himself. Alec had 

settled into a comfort zone and wasn’t afraid to let it show. The quirky lilt to his attire 

didn’t stop with Tyler Curtis. From basic jeans and shirts, his creativity with fashion 

extended into every day wear for Alec Tyler. His taste in clothes was bold and perfectly 

suited to the assured artist and young man he’d morphed into. 

With the eyebrow bar fastened, Jordan placed his hands on either side of Alec’s face and 

bent down to once again attempt to kiss away Alec’s nerves. Dressed far more formally, 

Jordan wore a tailored black single breasted suit with a red tie which matched perfectly 

with the red in Alec’s shirt.  

“You know, there’s not much difference anymore between what you wear normally to 

what you’re wearing now.”  

He took Alec’s hand and led him away from the bathroom mirror and into the hotel 


“Is that a bad thing?” Alec smirked wryly.  

Jordan shook his head, eyes wide. “Hell, no! You in tight pants is never a bad thing, 

honey! I encourage it! The highlight of my day is waiting for you to emerge from the 

bathroom every morning with something else on I can spend the day fantasizing about 

peeling off you!” 

Pressing his finger to his lips and giggling, Alec pointed with his right hand toward the 

lounge area of the suite. “Shh! She’ll hear you!” 

Leaving Jordan behind in the bedroom to put on his shoes, Alec wandered into the lounge 

area and began gathering books together and placing them into a small carry bag. Along 

with the books, he put a small bag of sweets and two small cartons of juice.  

He put the bag onto the sofa and his hands on his hips. “What did I say about using 

markers while sitting on the furniture?” 

Tamara glanced up and shrugged. “Not to.” 

“That’s right! Come on, quick, put them away, we’ll be leaving soon.” 


The markers were taken from her hands and zipped into a pencil case.  “Tamara?” 

The pencil case joined the other items already in the bag. 

“My shoes hurt.” 

“Beauty is pain, you’ll realize that when you get older. Hurry up, go to the toilet.” 

A knock on the door momentarily distracted Alec and he watched Jordan emerge from 

the bedroom to answer it. Snapping his attention back to Tamara, he caught her bouncing 

off the sofa to greet Bec.  

Alec grabbed her hand. “Tamara! Toilet! Go! Now!” 

“I don’t need to!” 

Escorting her toward the bathroom, he waved a rushed hello to Bec, and continued on his 

quest. “Try! I’m not having you whining when we get in the car about needing to pee.” 

 A typical five year old, Tamara had an answer for everything but generally knew arguing 

with Alec never went her way. 

“I can’t ‘cos I can’t pull my stockings up by myself.” 

He rolled his eyes and shuffled her into the bathroom. “Oh, good Lord! Get in there, do 

your business, and then come out and I’ll fix your stockings. Just hurry up!” 

Since her first meeting with Alec on the day of the wedding, Tamara’s adulation of him 

hadn’t faltered. Every second weekend he and Jordan took her into their home to stay and 

she’d turned into an almost adopted daughter. A pony given to her as a Christmas present 

was kept on their property and weekends spent with them were marked in her calendar as 

times she fervently looked forward to. School holidays allowed her more time and never 

did she pine for her mother when she stayed. Now she was in Los Angeles, in a grand 

hotel suite, and about to make her red carpet debut. Although she loved Jordan, it was 

Alec she idolized. 

He heard the toilet flush and Tamara shuffled out with stockings around her ankles. Alec 

immediately went to work getting her clothes fixed. 

“Did you go?” 


Mission stockings accomplished, he took her hand. 

“Now, when we get there and we get out of the car, do not let go of my hand. There’ll be 

a lot of people and I won’t have time to go looking for you if you wander off. Stick to me 

like glue!” 

Despite the rigors of part time parenthood, Tamara was the distraction Alec needed to 

keep his mind somewhat off the award night and the two categories he’d been nominated 

for. Win or lose it would be the first time he set foot on a stage and faced an audience in 

over a year. Even though he wasn’t the one singing, he’d be seated behind a grand piano 

and playing in front of A-list celebrities. Tyler Curtis burst back onto the scene in a way 

no-one expected and in a way no-one disputed. Hot favorite to walk away with the two 

awards and the industry buzzed with acclamations and awe. The youngest to ever be 

nominated in those two categories, everyone wanted to see him walk away with the 

prizes and reaffirm what they already believed.  

Looking stunning in a chili red gown draping over her curves and accentuating hair now 

redder than ever, it looked like Bec’s nerves were on a par with his own. Checking her 

appearance over in a massive mirror attached to the wall, she caught Alec’s eye in the 


“You look gorgeous! Do I look gorgeous?”  

Answering on Alec’s behalf, Tamara piped up. Out of the four she remained the only one 

without the slightest sign of anxiety. 

“You look very pretty. Do I look pretty?” 

Bec bent down and straightened her hair. Dressed in a pale purple dress with matching 

ribbons in her curls, she looked every bit the five year old celebrity. 

“Lovely! We’ll be the best looking girls there.” 

There was another knock at the door and this time Alec startled noticeably.  

Gripping Jordan’s arm with his left hand, and covering his mouth with his right hand, 

Alec mumbled through his fingers. “I think I’m going to be sick!” 

Tamara raced to the door and opened it wide to a man dressed in a hotel chauffeurs 


He returned her smile cordially and raised his eyes upward. “Whenever you’re ready, Mr 


Rather than endure press and fans hoarding around the hotel entrance, the limousine had 

been parked toward the rear of the hotel and near a small staff entrance. Holding the car 

door open, Bec climbed in first followed by Tamara. Alec got in next and Jordan last. 

The door closed behind them, the driver took his spot behind the wheel, and they drove 

away toward to the awards venue.  

The closer they got, the higher Alec’s anxiety rose. According to industry talk and public 

gossip, Tyler Curtis couldn’t have been a hotter favorite to win if he’d cast the votes 

himself. Others nominated in the same categories had thrown their hands up in defeat 

long ago. Along with media and industry all wanting to see Tyler Curtis up on stage 

making his acceptance speech, they were also were desperate to see him personally. They 

each wanted to be the one to get those first sought after photographs of Curtis since he’d 

made the statement informing the public of his decision to take a year off and to be the 

one lucky enough to catch him on the red carpet for an interview.  

After a fifteen minute drive, the limousine slowed to a halt beside a long line of slowly 

moving black cars. If Alec gripped Jordan’s thigh any tighter he was sure the circulation 

would be cut off.  

“Oh God, we’re here! I want to go home!” 

Slipping an arm around his shoulders, Jordan edged him closer. “If it makes you feel any 

better I’m shitting myself as well!” 

 Stuffing one chocolate in her mouth after the other, legs swinging happily, Tamara piped 

up. “Don’t swear, Jordan!” 

Alec removed the box of chocolates from her hand and shoved them back inside the 

fridge. “You look like a truffle pig!” He ripped a tissue from a nearby box and set about 

wiping her mouth. “Show me your teeth.” 

She grinned wide to show brown teeth coated with chocolate. They were the next things 

scrubbed with the tissue. 

“Just because the fridge is full of food doesn’t mean you have to eat it all!” 

He tossed the tissue into a small bin, replaced his hand on Jordan’s thigh, and rolled his 

eyes. “Remind me again why we decided to have kids.” 

Eying Tamara, Jordan shrugged. “You stopped taking the pill.” 

Jordan nuzzled his face into Alec’s neck, and a succession of quick kisses smothered the 

skin below Alec’s ear. The uncharacteristic quiet from Bec gave away  her nerves. She’d 

spent in the hands of top stylists and make-up artists. Her excitement of earlier rapidly 

switched to dread the nearer late afternoon drew. Even Tamara had been given the star 

treatment with her long dark brown hair styled professionally for the occasion. With 

every inch the limousine edged closer to the red carpet, the higher everyone, except 

Tamara’s, anxiety rose. From a speaker inside the passenger section of the limousine, the 

driver’s voice interrupted them with the announcement that they were next in line.  

Alec’s fingers dug ruthlessly into Jordan’s thigh. “Oh, no!” 

“You’ll do fine, baby.” 

The limousine ahead of them dropped off its celebrities and promptly moved away to 

allow the next. They drew to a slow halt beside a red carpet, and someone rushed forward 

to open the door. From the instant Bec stepped out, the press and crowd exploded with 

excitement. If Bec Braxton was in the limo it also meant that Tyler Curtis was. Tamara 

stepped out next, waving like it was her they’d come to see. Jordan appeared next and the 

excitement reached fever pitch. Alec only needed to place one leg out the car door for = 

fever pitch to turn into hysteria. Exiting the limousine completely, he slipped into Tyler 

Curtis mode,  despite his nerves and despite the one year off. It was crazed insanity. Press 

fought for their chance to speak to him and fans in the temporary stands lurched for the 

best view possible. Everyone wanted to know how their idol looked and they all wanted 

to be reassured his health was back to normal. Not a single person anticipated the new 

quirky, retro, gothic, rock image and their appreciation sounded raucously. Tyler Curtis 

looked hot, sexy, and above all, glowing.  

Out of the bustle of press one female reporter managed to snare the hottest interview in 

town. Separated from Jordan momentarily, Alec took a deep breath and approached the microphone with Tamara’s hand held fast in his. Barely able to hear over the screams and 

applause, Alec leaned in closer to catch every word.  

A massive smile went from one side of the reporter’s face to the other. “Tyler Curtis! 

Listen to that crowd!” 

He nodded, waved to the fans in the stand, and caused another thunder of cheering. 

“I know! They’re rambunctious, aren’t they?” 

“You look fabulous! Love the new image! Who dressed you tonight?” 

“Me! Tied my own shoelaces and everything! Oh, hang on, they’re buckles.” 

From the side, above, and at knee level, photographers scrambled for pictures.  

“And who’s this lovely young lady on your arm?” 

She crouched and held the microphone lower.  


“Hello, Tamara! Who dressed you for tonight?” 

She pointed at Alec. “He did!” 

Laughing, she straightened and turned her attention back to Alec. “Two nominations, 

everyone believes you have it sown up, how are you feeling about it?” 

Reaching for Jordan’s hand the moment he was near enough, Alec waited until Jordan 

stood beside him before answering. “I’m extremely nervous and to be honest I don’t 

believe any one person can be guaranteed of winning an award like this. I guess I’ll have 

to wait and see.” 

The reporter flashed a white smile at Jordan. “Jordan, good to see you! You’re looking 

fabulously handsome!” 

Smirking, he glanced at Alec, one of his  eyebrows rising. Arse kissing celebrities and 

their partners was the order of the day in Hollywood.  


“Married life seems to be agreeing with you both!” 

Jordan’s smirk changed to a subdued chuckle. “It certainly does.” 

“Do you believe Tyler will win?”  

“Of course.”  

She dared to broach a more personal question. “How are you health wise?” 

“I’m doing fine, thank you.” 

Alec took a step away to subtlety indicate the interview was over, and she took the hint, 

nodding graciously. She obviously knew she’d crossed the line and was silently admitting 


“Thank you, Tyler. You look gorgeous and I wish you the very best of luck.” 

“Thanks. Take care.” 

Waving one last time to the crowd, all four moved toward the entrance and away from 

the mayhem. 

Politely saying hello to several celebrities he’d never met and who all appeared to behave 

as thought they were close friends, Alec kept Jordan’s hand firmly in his and followed the 

usher to their seats. 

“Oh, no! Right in the front! How embarrassing!” 

Sitting down, Tamara decided the chair wasn’t where she wanted to be and climbed onto 

Alec’s lap. Jordan sat to his right and Bec took the seat to the left of the one Tamara had 

snubbed. There were famous faces, however instead of being star-struck it seemed to 

throw fuel onto Bec’s already flaming fire of apprehension.  

She seized Alec’s arm and whispered into his ear. “I’m going to screw it up, I know I 


He whispered in reply. “They’ll have the footlights up. You won’t see the crowd until the 

end of the number. Best thing is to try and pretend you’re singing into an empty room. 

Trust me, I feel just as scared as you do.” 

The venue filled to capacity. Noisy chatter fell into a blanket of hush as the lights went 

down and the voice over announced the beginning of the Academy Awards. 

 Chapter Thirty-Three 

A single microphone stand, a grand piano, Bec and Alec. Raucous applause greeted them, 

and then all fell silent and waited. Alec could feel and see his fingers shaking above the 

keys. Accompanying them was an orchestra, out of the spotlight and hidden in darkness.  

A solo piano introduction preceded Bec’s vocals. The moment Alec’s fingers struck the 

keys his performance nerves vanished and he was soon immersed in the moment. With 

his eyes closed, and the habitual gentle rocking he always displayed when playing, the 

music he created swallowed the audience whole with its haunting simplicity. Bec missed 

not a note and her voice matched perfectly with the melody. She lacked the grit Alec sang 

with, she lacked the force, yet she sang with a spellbinding femininity as bewitching as 

the music. Midway through the chorus  the orchestra began their accompaniment, 

captivating the audience with a dance of woodwind and violins, whispering into all five 

senses, blanketing the listener, feeding the soul with music and emotion. Notch by notch 

the piano intensified, the orchestra intensified, the singing intensified, and the crowd 

willingly allowed themselves to be trapped and enthralled. It ended with a crescendo of 

power, beauty, and a screaming standing ovation.  

Remaining on the piano stool, Alec let the limelight remain on Bec. As much as it was 

his moment, it was hers. Her first public performance, in front of the finest artists in the 

world, and she’d nailed it. After two courteous bows, she approached the piano stool, 

took Alec hand, and held it high in the air. The screams were deafening. 

Doing their best to return to their seats with the minimum of fuss, Alec sat down beside 

Jordan and their arms wrapped around one another as they shared hugs and kisses. Jordan 

leaned over to congratulate his sister with a tight embrace while Tamara hung off Alec’s 

neck. chattering excitedly. Once all the congratulations were doled out, Jordan’s arm 

remained tight around Alec’s shoulders and he leaned to whisper into Alec’s ear. “You’re 

incredible. I love you so much.” 

Alec shifted to whisper his reply. “I love you.” 

Two of the biggest names in Hollywood walked side by side down the stage steps and 

approached the small glass lectern. Alec took a sharp breath in, trembling from his head 

to the tips of his shoes.. Bec reached over Tamara and took hold of Alec’s free hand.  

It seemed everyone in the audience held their breaths along with them.  

“The nominations for Best Movie Score for a dramatic film are...” 

Three names were read before Alec’s, each of the artist’s faces flashed up on the massive 

screens. Along with everyone else, Alec clapped politely. His name was said next and he 

felt his heart stop beating inside his chest. 

 “Tyler Curtis for...” Needing to wait until the crowd quieted their eruption of applause, 

the woman at the lectern smiled to the man beside her and continued. “...Passion and 


The opening of the envelope sounded like the slamming of a door. Alec felt weak and 

dizzy; Jordan felt smothered by a mix of excitement and nerves.  

The card slipped from the envelope, she read the name in print, peered into the camera 

and said with a wide grin, “...looks like someone’s made history!” 

Alec lurched forward and slammed his hands over his face. 

“Tyler Curtis for Passion and Retribution!” 

Inside his ears Alec heard the thunderous standing ovation, around him he felt Jordan’s 

arms, and the overwhelming build up of emotion overflowed. At twenty-one he was the 

youngest composer to win an Oscar for a dramatic movie score. He didn’t know whether 

to laugh, cry, scream, or stay silent. Digging deep to pull himself together enough to rise 

to his feet, Alec walked the short distance to the stage in shoes that resembled leaden 

weights, taking one step after the other toward the waiting prize and waiting 


The golden statue was passed to him by the women who’d made the announcement, there 

was an exchange of kisses and handshakes, and the microphone stood, beckoning. 

Waiting until the crowd hushed was akin to waiting for a thunderstorm in the midst of 

summer heat. Finally he had to raise a hand and gesture for quiet. The crowd obeyed and 

silence fell like a blanket.  

Alec shook his head and stared at the Oscar. He could feel the tears welling in his eyes 

and obscuring his vision, and he cleared his throat nervously. “There’s so many things 

going through my mind right now and I’m not sure I can put any of it into words. I wrote 

this symphony over a period of about two years, never expecting it to be used in a movie 

and certainly never expecting to win an Oscar for it. I’m truly overwhelmed. I’m not 

going to bore you with a long-winded speech so I’ll just thank a few important people. 

My new manager, Richard White, who doesn’t believe in keeping me on a leash!”  

No one had returned to their seats – they were all standing, listening to every word he 


“To everyone who’s supported me during the time I took to recuperate, thank you so very 

much. To my lovely sister in law, Rebecca Braxton, who’s haunting vocals on this 

soundtrack are a stark contrast to the crazy woman she is!” 

Laughter smattered through the people and all eyes momentarily turned to Bec.  

 “My mother and father in law, thank you for everything. Uncle Isaac, thank you for 

everything. Tamara...” He waved and she waved back. “...thank you for behaving 


The laughter grew louder. 

“It was Jordan who encouraged me to show this symphony to Richard and convinced me 

it was good enough to part with. When Richard suggested submitting it anonymously for 

the soundtrack of Passion and Retribution, again Jordan encouraged me to do so. Thank 

you, baby, for being my rock, my safe place to land, my inspiration, and my heart. No 

matter what, snaring you as a husband will always remain my greatest achievement. I 

love you.” He lifted his hands in the air toward the fans in the stands. “And I love all of 

you and I thank all of you!” 

He walked off the stage to a thundering ovation. 

Caught up behind the stage with winner interviews and cameras, Alec answered 

questions and obliged photographers, all the while only wanting to return to his seat 

beside Jordan before the presentation for best song. The longer he remained caught up in 

media attention, the more his hopes faded of making it to his seat on time. From every 

direction hands reached to pull him toward another microphone, celebrities he knew only 

by reputation posed alongside him for pictures in a whirlwind of attention as 

overwhelming for Alec as the award itself. It had been a long time since he’d been forced 

to front grappling press and fans, doing his best to smile and oblige while never letting on 

that the familiar anxiety always associated with so many people so close was running 


To his left a man with a clipboard and an earpiece took a gentle hold of his elbow. 

“You’re nomination is up next, Tyler, please stand in the wings.” 

Disappointed he wasn’t where he wanted to be, Alec did as he was told and stood off 

stage. Two more presenters walked down the stairs and toward the glass lectern.  

“The nominations for Best Song are...” 

Three nominees were announced and their faces splashed on the screen. Alec took several 

calming breaths and rocked back and forth on his shoes. Polite applause followed each 

one in precisely the same way it had done earlier.  

“Tyler Curtis for ‘Reckoning’.” 

In response to the ear splitting roar, Alec waved at a camera thrust into his face. The 

envelope opened, a hush fell over the crowd, and the name printed on the card revealed. 

“He’s done it again! Tyler Curtis for ‘Reckoning’!” 

 Feeling like a fish out of water walking the breadth of the stage to another standing 

ovation, Alec accepted the Oscar with more handshakes and kisses.  

When he approached the lectern he blew a kiss to Jordan and waved Bec to her feet.  

“Come up here with me, Beccy.” 

Not needing to be asked twice, she carefully climbed the few stairs. She held out her arms 

and both hugged each other firmly.  

Alec handed the Oscar to her and spoke into the microphone. “I’ll simply say thank you 

and leave this one to Beccy.” 

Bec stepped up the lectern,  the Oscar held in her hand and a wide grin on her face. Her 

words weren’t the typical acceptance speech.  

“About a year ago I won a radio competition to see this one...” She pointed a finger at 

Alec. “ concert and go to his wrap party. I was absolutely certain all my dreams were 

about to come true and I’d end up in his hotel room and in his bed!” 

Alec hung his head to hide the blush coloring his cheeks while everyone else, including 

Jordan, broke into laughter. 

 “Unfortunately, in a cruel twist of fate for me, he ended up in bed with my brother! I 

should probably point out, before he smacks me over the head, he does have high morals 

and they didn’t actually do anything that night other than...” She made inverted commas 

with her fingers. “...kiss. He made sure I knew that because he didn’t want me to think he 

was easy! Hell! I wanted him to be easy, but I wanted him easy with me!”  

By this stage Alec’s hands were over his face and Bec had every person cracking up. 

“Oh, I have so many wonderful memories of recording this song. Memories like, ‘Do it 

again, that was flat. One more time, you’re too pitchy. No you’re not allowed to sleep 

until we get this right!” She sighed and nodded. “But I think my favorite memory was 

when Tyler and I listened to the finished product and I realized his annoying 

professionalism had resulted in perfection.” 

Reaching behind her she took Alec’s arm and pulled him nearer to the lectern. “A year 

ago I won tickets to see Tyler Curtis in concert and I was filled with hope of getting 

naked with him. That didn’t happen. I ended up with something a whole lot better. Tyler 

and I couldn’t be more different, but it doesn’t matter, he’s my best friend in the whole 

world and...” She held Alec’s chin in her hand. “I love you snookums!” Her hand left his 

chin and raised his arm in the air. “Look out world, Tyler Curtis is back and I dare say, 

you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!” 


In a cheap rental flat on the outskirts of Melbourne’s inner suburbs, Frank Brooks 

watched Alec walk away with two Oscars and his name in the history books. Frank had 

been spared a sentence in prison, but was serving time in a solitary confinement he’d 

never be released from. His ignorance had been both his savior from jail and his 

condemner in life. Too ill, and unprepared to drag Frank through a court case that would 

have thrown him into the spotlight long before he’d recovered enough to endure it, Alec 

had dropped the charges.  

It wasn’t a blessing, which Frank knew Alec to be completely aware of. By allowing 

Frank to stay out of jail, he’d also made the entire world Frank’s furious and unforgiving 

cellmates. What the public believed to be a result of exhaustion on Tyler Curtis’ behalf to 

let Frank walk, was in actual fact a premeditated choice. Frank’s life out of prison doled 

out a punishment far worse than prison ever could and there wasn’t a chance of 

probation. At twenty-one Alec’s future shone so brightly it blinded. At fifty-four, Frank’s 

future held loneliness and ruination.  

In a shared prison cell Leanne Silverton learned exactly the same harsh lesson Frank had. 

To try and pin Alec down, in any form, never ended in anyone else’s success other than 

Alec’s. Her dogged fight to stay out of jail ended only two weeks after the law tracked 

her down. Without a leg to stand on she plead guilty after a plea bargain to lower the 


All along the two things she and Frank never took into consideration were Alec’s will to 

fight and his capacity to love. Alone, he battled with determination and hope, no matter 

how it nearly destroyed him he never quit trying to keep his head above the raging 

waters. With Jordan he trusted love to allow all his hurt, frustration, and anger to be 

stripped bare. He allowed himself the time to grieve and the time to heal, knowing Jordan 

would not walk away and would not let him drown. Above all else, this certainty of love 

and trust energized his soul to the point Alec Tyler could step back onto the world’s 

surface and claim it. Claim it and own it. 


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