Airport Au Klance pt 1

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So in this, they are older, not defenders. Just Modern adults. Keith is a businessman, late for a flight. Lance is escaping from his normal life and traveling.


     The tall man with messy dark hair hurried his way through a crowd of people, away from the way too long security line that just made him late for his flight. He hang his carry on baggage slung around his shoulders, resting at his waist. It bumped against his, every long stride he took, making him agitated. He looked down to move it to his other hip and ran smack into a really hot cup of Starbuck coffee.

The shorter guy had been hurrying too, not only was he late, he forgot his phone at security. Which means he had to turn around and to away from his flight, back to security. He was practically running, only his heavy backpack and steaming coffee slowed him down. He went to look down to the airport map to see how close he was, when he slammed into a lanky figure, spilling his hot mocha.

'AaUggGhh!" The guy took a step back and hunched over, pulling the hot fabic away from his stomach. He looked up,

"OmigoshImsososorryplease!" He closed his eyes and picked up his cup, hoping they wouldn't kill him.

"Uugh- its.. its fine." He shoved a hand in his black hair and hurried on.

Lance threw away his cup and continued to run to security, red in the face.



The older man stood in front by the enterance to the plane, waiting for the singal to go. He wiped his now sticky button up and sighed. Fantastic.

The doors opened and he made his way onto the freezing plane, taking his window seat, he had bought two seats so he didn't crowd anyone with his massive work load. A man with light brown hair and warm skin sat next to him. He smiled then suddenly realized that was the same idiot who spilled coffee all over his brand new shirt.


     Lance was running down the platforms, hurrying to his flight. He had just taken back his phone and heard the announcement.

     He made his way onto the plane and face froze. His seat. Next to a man with dark hair, busy with his face buried in a book. And his shirt coffee stained. Lances face blushed as he sat down and tried to hide his face from the probably infuriated guy.

"Hey, Im Keith." He tapped his shoulder

"Lance," he turned to face the chiseled man, Keith. "Look, Im so sorry I spilled coffee on you.."

     Keith had a sudden look of realization, so thats why he looked familiar..

"Oh, its fine I guess. I mean we have seven hours together. Its gonna have to be fine."

     His voice had a slight shrill sound, like he was irritated or hasn't hit puberty hard enough. Probably the first one.. I mean he certainly looks like he hit puberty. Super hard. Like Hulk Smash hard. His whole body screamed, "Im a man, not a boy."

     Meanwhile Lance had a slightly less manly body. Okay maybe a lot less but, he was at least half a head shorter and had rounded cheeks and a skinny frame, not muscular. And his voice, I mean, It was normal, sweet, silky, with a little bit of an accent.

     He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Yea, I guess so," He scratched his head, "So uh, what brings you to Los Angeles?"

Keith looks up from his book, "Buisness relocation."

"Oh, wow thats... big." Lance tried to keep the impossible conversation going.

"How bout you" Keith kept reading his paper.

"Just, living the life. Having a vacay." Lance said and forcefully laughed.

"Well I'd really better read this.." Keith said and pointed to his book.

"Oh-ye- yea you do that, sorr, sorry." Lance hid his face.

Huh huh? Whatcha think? Good so far? Vote!!

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