Kidge Angst

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Note: -This may have language, and this is set place in the castle of lions, before Pidge found Matt or commander Holt. In this story, the Galra sent out a fake signal to lure the paladins, including a cry for help from Mr. Holt. Of course, Pidge grasps at any sense that her father is alive and demands a mission to retrieve them. The idea is shot down instantly. This is what happens-
Pidge's POV:

When I heard my dads voice over the speaker, my heart stopped. At the time, I had interfered with some Galra radio chatter and picked up on some strange signals. I reached for the headphones to listen in,

"This is Commander Holt of the Kerberos mission, The Galra empire will not stop, they have me and my son captive, Please, if anyone can hear this, reach Voltron. They are my last hope of escaping this place, please find-"

The message faded out into static as I sat in my lion, shocked. I quickly came to my senses, I jumped up and took the recorded bit of the cry for help and sprinted into the main hall. The first person I layed my eyes on was Shiro.

"Shiro! SHIRO!!"

I was running full speed, teary eyed and butterflies in my stomach. What if my family is alive? What is I could see them? What if they're in danger? I thought to myself.

"Pidge? Whats wrong? Are you Okay?"

He rested his hands on my shoulders, peering down at me, with a conserned look.

"Its- Its Matt! And my dad!"

By this time, everyone was gathered around, wondering what this commotion was all about.

"Matt... and your dad?" Hunk repeated

"How?" Shiro asked

"I heard it on the radio chatter"

I sat down and played the clip, repeating the message so everyone could hear.

"Guys this could be our only chance to get my family back!"

Hunk and Lance nodded in agreement, Shiro looked in the opposite direction. Like he was thinking about the message.

"Are you sure that's your dad Pidge?" He furrowed his brow

"Yes Shiro! Its him its-" I paused for a second,

I look around, "Guys, I want to see my family. We have to go through with this mission."

"There's no way" Keith starts torward the group, his arms crossed.

"Its fake. It's a trap." He knitted his brow, mimicking shiro.

"You're just saying that because you dont know what its like to have a family."
Lance muttered, loud enough so everyone could hear.

"What did you just-" Keith started

"Enough." Shiro broke them up

"We are calling it off, its too risky"

"Shiro!" I shouted in protest

"Thats final Pidge, sorry."

He left the room, along with Lance. Hunk patted me on the back,

"Its alright Pidge, Ill investigate the signals"

He left Keith and I together.


I strided to him and yelled,


Tears flodded my eyes and my throat closed.

"Do you have AnY iDEa what its like to be told you can't be with your family?"

I jabbed my finger in his face,

"They were so close Keith!"

"No. They weren't!" He yelled back, his face turning pink.

"If you think its worth putting the team at risk by just walking into a prison we don't even know about to, MAYBE just maybe, get your family?"

"Then your selfish Pidge." He glared at me and turned his back to leave.

"SelFisH?" I ball my fists at my side, shaking with anger.

"Yea, and a fool if you think that clip was real."

In hindsight, this probably is where I went wrong.

I swung at Keith with all my force in the shoulder and managed to knock him down, probably because I suprised him. When he got up, he was beet faced and breathing heavy.

"I suggest you dont try that again," Was all he said before he stormed off to red.

--- time skip ---

That night, Keiths POV:

I know that Pidge is going to try to face this problem on her own. And I know Ill have to stop her. It was 12:33 when I saw a flash of green dart to the matching lion.
I climb out of my lion soundlessly and hear pidge order

"Set coordinate file saved escape013" she whisped to her lion.

"No need to be quiet Pidge the walls are soundproof." I stand tall behind her as she jumps and spinds around, drawing her bayard.

"Ah ah ah. I come in peace" I hold my hands up in surrender

"Let me find them Keith. Please,"

"Pidge, I know how important family is, trust me. When I was your age, anything I could keep for a week was family to me."

I tried to soothe her ridgid stance and steely glare with calming words.

"Your family had- has a strong, strong connection. Its unlike any other." Her body started to rest,

"Please Pidge, I understand you miss your family-"

"I just want to see that they're- they're okay-" She chokes up and puts her bayard away, now using her hands to hug her sides.

"I know- I know, but going out alone on a mission like this is suiside." I sit down by her and she follows suit, lying her head in her hands, sobbing.

"I realize now that I may have said some unreasonable accusations, and Im sorry."

I dont expect an answer. I scoot near her and remember what Shiro said about comforting sad people. I lay my arm around a shaking pideon and rub her shoulder,

"Shhhh its okay..."

We spent the night together.

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