Kuron attack pt 2

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Yay! Part two!!

Lance POV:

"Well see, cooking it for 350° would-" Hunk was cut off, midsentence

"LANCE!!" I grab my bayard off the counter and sprint to the sound of Pidges voice.

     See, Keith had been acting weird all morning, laughing, smiling, blushing. Not the usual Keith motto. Under these circumstances I was prepared for anything. I was in full armor, bayard always within reach.

     Hunk was teaching me how to make sugar cookies without eggs. Little did he know, I wasn't paying attention one bit. Why? I cant cook. Or bake.

     I ran down the halls, Hunk following close behind. I reach the training deck, Pidge is cowering next to the door. I shove past her,

"Keith what are you doing?" He had Shiro pinned to the ground.

     That's when Shiro seemed to attack Keith. Like not fake, or practice. He claws at Keiths face, cutting deep into his cheek. I step back, confused. Keith stumbles and his hand findschis oozing face.

"Shiro, its me Keith!" Keith stupidly reaches for him but he scratches him again, this time of his hand.

"Keith get away!" I order and panic.

Why is Shiro attacking Keith?

Are they practicing ?

Should I help?

"Listen to me!" Keith begs

He snickers and my heart drops.

I'd know that from anywhere, that evil snicker that makes all the girls woo. Lotor. He almost tore Voltron apart.

     I load my gun at my friend. My hero. My role model. Shiro.

"No, please!" Keith was crying now, his body sprawled in front of the man trying to kill him.

"Keith get out the way." My voice wavers and a frog forms in my throat.

"He's still Shiro!" He balls out, wiping his red eyes with stained hands.

     He grabs Shiro's face, pleading.

"KEITH!" Pidges screams nezt to me, I start towards them slowly.

"Listen to me Shiro, I know your there. Its me Keith, your brother. Look around you, you're hurting your friends." He ruffles his hair

I was half way there when my spine tingled

"I have no friends here."

     He then stabbed Keith between the ribs. I race to them amd shoot Shiro twice in the arm and leg. Pidge screams, Allura cries, Coran and Hunk help me drag Keith to the pods. We seal the door and focus our attention on my partner bleeding out.

"C'mon buddy, stay with us!" I drag him up stairs and down halls them to the pods.

     Allura sets him in and sets it up.  Pidge collaspes and Coran ensures it's stress, and brings her to her room. He comes back and we all sit by his pod. Waiting hopelessly.

My hero. He did this.

I could have stopped him.

I shot Shiro

It isn't Shiro

He'd never do this...

he'd never...


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