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[Four Months Later]

I had never seen anyone so into The Wizard of Oz. As we snuggled together on the couch, Anara watched the movie with rapt attention. When Judy Garland sang 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow,' tears traced her cheeks. But then when Judy Garland's character Dorothy clicked her ruby slipper heals three times and repeated, 'there's no place like home,' Anara nearly bawled, and she gripped my arm tight enough to leave marks. By the end of the movie, she was emotionally exhausted.

After I clicked off the TV, I asked, "Did you enjoy the movie?"

"Very much so," she answered, wiping moisture from her eyes. "Never had I realized Kansas had such a wonderful tale."

Anara leaned back against me, nuzzling her head against my shoulder, and I wrapped an arm around her. Warm contentment flowed through me like a summer breeze. Not to be left out, Targon hopped up on the couch and curled up in Anara's lap, emitting a low rumble.

I bent my head down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Do you miss your home?"

"My home is where we are together."

That was a wonderful sentiment, but even with all the new things in Kansas, I think she missed Elysium. She was the counterpart to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Even with all the social advances since the persecuted witches fled to Elysium, Earth was still not ready for them to return. Mom kept her secret for two decades, but I feared eventually we would be found out.

An illusion spell cast on Targon made the little wyvern appear like a gray cat to other eyes. But Targon could fly, and a flying cat might be problematic.

Despite ending the Stone Curse on Elysium, we remained wanted criminals there, at least to the Council. Thus, on Ferina's suggestion, we returned to Kansas. Leveraging the Symbio Magique, we easily passed through the barrier separating our worlds.

Before we left, Ferina established a magical mind-link with my mother, sort of like inter-dimensional messaging, to update us on Elysium happenings. Apparently, news of our exploits had spread across the world, triggering waves of political upheavals. The political capital of the Council plummeted while that of the Circulus Libertus rose. Ferina expected a regime change.

Earth technology and social customs perplexed Anara — and I must admit, they sometimes perplexed me, too — but she was surprisingly adaptive and learned quickly. The new sights, sounds, and tastes fascinated her, especially all the different foods, and she shared my ice cream addiction. If we go back to Elysium, that Earth treat was coming with us. With available ingredients and the power of cryokinesis, it was easy for a witch to make ice cream.

We almost created a social incident at a local public swimming hole, where I had to remind Anara that in Kansas, we wore clothing while swimming. Although she rightly pointed out that with the miniscule coverage of some swimwear, why did they bother?

Witchcraft was quite useful. Freed from her oath to the Council, my mother used magic to completely remodel the inside of our trailer house. Also, Anara cast a space warping spell to make it bigger on the inside than on the outside, much like Dr. Who's Tardus, which was another Earth production that Anara enjoyed.

Anara interrupted my retrospection when she gazed into my eyes, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. Her eyes were so stunningly aluring. Cliché perhaps, but I really could get lost in those deep lavender eyes.

She took up my hand. "Micah, much do I love you. Would you share a life covenant with me?"

My jaw dropped and butterflies took flight in my gut. Our courtship had been going wonderfully well, but I had not expected this so soon. "Anara, are you asking me to marry you?"

Fingers went to her lips as she pulled in a sharp breath. "Was I improper to ask?"

"Not at all," I responded with a smile. "Anara, I am deeply in love with you, and I answer yes. I would very much like to share a life covenant with you." As a room-brightening smile grew on her face, I asked, "What happens now?"

"We kiss."

I was good with that. Anara straddled me on the couch, folding her body against me and pressing those luscious lips against mine. I responded in kind, holding her tightly. Her kisses were always more than lips and lust — they were a spiritual connection. And they always left me wanting more.

Oh God, I've fallen so far for her.

The squeal of front door hinges interrupted our make-out session. Living with a parent had distinct disadvantages.

Mom came into the living room carrying two grocery bags. Lifting an eyebrow, she said, "Well?"

Anara jumped up from the couch with the glee of a cheerleader. "He said yes!" All smiles, the two women in my life shared a happy embrace.

"Wait. What?" I said, jaw dropping. "Mom, you knew she would ask?"

"Umm, yes," my mother responded. "It was so sweet — Anara asked me permission. It is customary in Elysium."

I sighed. "I still have much to learn about Elysium customs."

Bounding to my side, Anara grasped my arm. "And I hope we have many children."

Mom covered her mouth to suppress a chortle while the specter of parenthood induced dizziness within me. Likely my face paled. Regaining my composure with a deep breath, I wrapped an arm around Anara and said, "Perhaps we should wait a bit before starting a family?"

"Very well," she answered. "But I wish not to wait long."

"Speaking of Elysium," my mother said, thankfully changing the subject, "Ferina informed me that the time to return may come soon. Many changes are happening."

"For me, too," I said with a sigh. This was happening so fast, but then, I wanted it to happen.

Anara took up my hand, interlacing fingers. "Perhaps, we may have the covenant bonding ceremony in my home village?"

A blankness came to my face. This was the woman who took me from Kansas to an alternate world of witches, got us thrown in jail, put us up against a world eating curse, battled an ancient tyrant, and along the way, stole my heart.

"Are you well, Micah? Anara said, wrinkling her forehead.

"Yes, I am quite well." She purred as I wrapped both arms around her. "Anara, you make my life interesting."

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