Day 0

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Jack's POV

It was a cold night tonight. I was bored out of my mind. It was sad how bored I get when there's nothing to do. You'd think with me being such a popular youtuber I'd be busy busy busy. But nope not now at least. I was just laying on my couch. I wasn't even tired enough to sleep.

Hey Jack let's go have some fun yeah? Just the two of us.

I knew that voice. It sounds like Anti's trying to get to me again. I sighed but didn't respond. I wasn't in the mood to babysit.

Come on sourpuss let's go. Its a full moon tonight we should get wild!

I rolled my eyes. I never knew why but Anti always become most active during a full moon. I really shouldn't leave my house he wouldn't shut up about going to a pub. Thank God he still doesn't know how to take control on his own. He always needs to beg me for control for a few minutes. He usually just walks around and what not. I never do anything "fun" for certain reasons.

Oh Jackaboy let me out please. This night is young come on we have to play.

I could only groan. If anti didn't shut up he was going to give me a headache. I signed and grabbed my hoodie. As long as anti wasn't gonna bother me anymore then I'll be fine.

Anti's POV

God I hate it in here. Its to small. I want to be in control. I know jack thinks I don't know how to take control truth is I do. But I just have been doing it in secret. Recently its while he was asleep or whatever. I've studied dark magic and learned a way to get out of this damn prison. All I needed to do was get jack out of the house which I did. Now I just have to get him to where I want him.

Jack's POV

This is weird anti hasn't spoken for awhile now. It's actually worrying me. Something is telling me to go back home but I can't seem to stop moving forward. I guess I'm subconsciously walking forward. I sighed again.

Stop complaining you so called boss!

I heard anti's voice practically scream at me. It scared me a bit. I growled

How dare you say I'm not a boss! I'm the one who's in control. I can easily turn around!

Oh you're so scary. Come on then let's go home.

He said those last words as if he was challenging me. I growled

No We're staying out tonight. I'll show you I'm a real boss!

Anti's POV

Jack is such a fool. All it takes is me to say he's no boss and I have him right where I want him. Now I can trick him to go where I want. Soon it'll be my happily ever after.

Jack's POV

Why does anti have to be so damn annoying. He always thinks I'm not boss. I'll show him! I wasn't actually paying attention to where I was going. I found myself in a strange area. I never this place before. I looked around confused.

Hey moron we're in a field. Can't you recognize it. So called Irishman.

Shut up Anti! For your information this doesn't look like any Irish field I've seen.

I heard some twisted laughter in the back of my mind and growled. He's such a dick.

OK Mr. "Boss" you want to be cool go to that cave over there. Deep in there should be some forbidden treasure. Only a real boss could get it.

I rolled my eyes. Anti thinks I'm not boss enough to take on his challenge. I'm gonna show him.

Shut up Anti I'll show you I'm a true boss!

I said that to him as I stormed to the cave and marched in. It was a little dark but the light of the full moon kept it lighten up. As I gotten deeper the cave seemed to sparkle. It was the most beautiful thing I ever seen. There seemed to be painting of roses on the cave walls and sparkle of stars everywhere. I was memorized by the beautiful surroundings I didn't realize the danger ahead.

Anti's POV

Its so close. I can feel freedom already. I know it. I see it. This moron Jack is to preoccupied with the beauty of the cave to see those snakes ahead. I sighed if jack gets bitten then my plan is off. I need to keep him safe......for now at least.

Jack's POV

I stopped for a second to look at a very cool looking painting it was a snake around a rose. The snake had its mouth open and the rose seemed to have blood on it.

Hey moron look behind you!

I turned around and something made me duck. There was a black snake that almost bite me.

Did ....did you just take control anti?

I did what I had too.

I was flabbergasted I couldn't believe it. Anti did know how to take full control on his own. I was terrified was has he been doing behind my back. I couldn't pay attention anymore my mind was elsewhere.

Anti's POV

Damn it Jack focus. You focking moron! Why must I need to your protector? This is making me not want to be free if I have to keep you safe so we won't die. I'm going have to take control.

Jack's POV

I felt my body leave me. Anti must of taken full control. I watched as Anti fought off each snake. It was amazing.
Where did you learn to do all this anti?

I taught myself because you always need to be protected.

I began to think. Yeah that sounds true. Yet I never amit it. I watched as anti continued walking down the cave. It still had much beauty.

Anti can I be in control now?

Sure just stay out of trouble.

Anti said that to me as if he's my dad how strange. I felt my body come back to me and I shook my arms a bit.

Anti why are you so cold?

I dunno maybe because I'm your dark side. An evil 'demon' you dumbarse.

I growled and was about to turn around when I shiny light caught my eye. It was beautiful. I couldn't help but walk towards it. As I did the mist beautiful garden was shown. The light of the full moon made the water in it sparkle and the roses where in full bloom. I walked to one of them. They were unique roses. They were black but seemed to have a blood red on top of it.

Anti's POV

Yes we made it to the forbidden garden. Now all I need to do is somehow get jack to pick a rose.

Jack's POV

I looked around the garden. If there is a forbidden treasure where is it?

Jackaboy is lost huh?

I heard anti taunting me. I hate it when he does.

Damn it anti where is the treasure?

It's right in front of you moron.

I looked at a bush of the black roses. This can't possibly the treasure could it?

There's no way that's the treasure anti.

It is but it's hidden in the rose. Pick on and you'll see.

I rolled my eyes but did it anyways. Most of the time anti wasn't wrong. He protects me for various reasons mainly because he doesn't want to do die with me. I picked a rose from the bush and studied it. I even smelled it. It had a very sweet smell and I liked it. Suddenly everything was going black and fuzzy and before I knew it I passed out.

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