Part 1 - Chapter 2: What Am I

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Anemone's POV

   Anemone felt as if she was a fish out of water, or in this case a dragon in water. Then, she started talking to herself.
   "Ugh! I can't believe I got banned from my own territories in Jade Di-" she felt a weird shutter go through her body. It was almost like a bunch of tiny piranhas where biting at her scales- though it didn't hurt like anyone would expect.
   "What? What's happening to me?!" She looked down and saw her claws changing, Her legs shrinking and fusing into her tail, and her tail was growing some sort of fish fin on the end, and her snout shortening. Her face was now mainly flat exsept for one weird sticky outy peice- her snout. Her head had grown out weird brown strands with green tips. Her new fin was also mainly green
   "No! I'm a Mermaid brat!" Then, a figure moved over by the seaweed garden. It looked like a fish, but far to big to be one. It was about one fourth the size of a dragon.
   "Oh, Moonstar... A brat! I have to hide!" Anemone whispered. Then she tried to swim behind a coral reef as fast as she could, that was near by. The coral had holes in it, so it didn't cover all of her.
   The Mer swam closer to Anemone's hiding spot. The look on its face seemed puzzled, and looked through one of the holes of the coral.
   "Uh..." The Mer said,"Hello? You know I can see you behind that part of the coral reef. What ju- never mind." It said.
   "Reef?!? Where! Ummm... I mean, you can?" Anemone felt embarrassed after what she said to the Mer, which was most likely dumber than her. The Mer came closer, and looked into Anemone's eyes.
   I thought Mers used echolocation to find their way around, like... Dolphins. Anemone thought. She's never been so close to a Mer before. She's only once watched a dragon guard haul one into a prison cell.
   "Uh... Okay, I'm Crystal!" The Mermaid greeted. She seemed shy, but then not shy at the same time. Anemone just stared at the Mermaid, like she was a puffed up pufferfish.
   "Yea..." Anemone wasn't sure what to say to this... mermaid. "I'm Aanneemmoonneeee. Anemone. Heh, yea..." She answered. Why am I messing up everything I say to her! I'm a dragon! I'm WAY smarter than her! My whole tribe is! She yelled in her mind. Crystal stared at her.
   "So, Anemone? where are you from? I don't think I've seen you around the coral reef. Are you new?" Crystal asked. She started to look at the shells in the sand below them.
   "I'm from... Around?" Anemone hastily replied. What is wrong with me! Crystal once again looked at her, confused.
   "Is that some sort of realm or... tribe?" Crystal replied looking behind her in concern.
   "Just... It's complicated." Anemone spat. She really didn't want to talk about where she lived. The Mermaid might go to her queen and say, "oh, I met this Mermaid and she said that she lived in the Jade Diamond Islands! Maybe she betrayed her own tribe and is working with dragons!" But Anemone wasn't going to take a risk, so she tries to swim away, but isn't used to that stupid Mer tail. Rgh! I need my legs and talons! And wings! Oh my four spectacular wings!!!!
"Are you having trouble swimming?" Crystal asked.
   "No!" She hissed. She thought about the question for a moment. She could be useful I guess... The former dragon sighed, a cascade of bubbles spewing form her mouth. "Well, actually... Yeah?" Anemone said.
   Crystal had already been heading away into the darkness of the ocean quickly. Tiny fish swam in big schools, following her.
   Wow... Never had four schools of fish follow me! They mainly run in fear! She thought.
   "Wait!" Anemone yelled, as she realized this Mermaid had a good use to her.
   "Yeah?" Crystal replied. She stopped swimming and looked at Anemone. "Never mind. Follow me." She said as if she could read Anemone's mind.
   Anemone followed after her and they both swam into the darkness of the ocean, with Crystal holding her hand, since Anemone  couldn't swim...

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