Part 2 - Chapter 13: Its Just So...

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Phoenix's POV

"Mother, there's news!!!" Phoenix yelped as she flared her feathery wings. Birds squawked and flew out of trees and off the ground. They were all beautiful birds, colors of teal and pastel blue combined to create beautiful designs. Some of them even glowed.
"What my dear?" Her mother asked sweetly, leaning forward. Her tail flicked as she tilted her head.
"The princes and princesses have been cursed with the Curse of the Sea!" She replied, waving her paws In the air. Her gem on her paw had been slightly glowing, showing she used it to see the news.
The queen looked at her confused. "Is that a good thing, dear?" Of course, the curse was never good. It was to torture dragons and to banish them from their own land.
"Of course not!" Phoenix yelped, stomping her paws on the mossy ground. "It's just so..."
"Sooo.... what?" Her mother continued.
"Romantic!!! Anemone gets caught stealing gems and gets banished! Then her soon to be husband, Scorch, gets cursed to save her and his tribe's life! But Avalanche has feelings for her, so he comes to steal her heart by being punished for loving her!!!" After her long explanation, Phoenix began trying to catch her breath.
The trees seemed to echo the word Romantic after she was done talking. They swayed in the slight breeze, and birds had come back to go back to their nests. It was kinda creepy.
There could be dragons listening or spying on me! There are some weird dragons here...
"I never thought of it that way?" The Queen questioned. Her mother seemed to be thinking for a long time and eyed Phoenix's paw- the one with the gem on it.
After a long pause, Phoenix's eyes widened. A terrible idea had come to her head. "Mother! You have to give me the curse!"
Her mother looked at her, eyes a bit watery. She leaned back, flicking her thin tail. "What?!" She growled.
"Come on, our tribe is small, I have soooo little friends..." Phoenix pleaded. "Please...?" She leaned forward. All the dragons that even lived in the small kingdom were old and cranky.
"My dear..."
"Mother do it! Please!!!" Phoenix yelped.
The queen finally looked away as a tear rolled down her furry cheek. "Ok..." She paused, then began the curse.

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