Chapter 7

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'They say it's your birthday! We're gonna have a good time! I'm glad it's your birthday! Happy birthday to you! Yes we're going to a party party! Yes we're going to a party party! Yes we're going to a party party!'

The music roared loudly through the whole world, all the trolls in the entire village gathered in the large clearing to dance and eat and have fun!

'I would like you to dance, birthday! Take a cha-cha-cha-chance, birthday! I would like you to dance, birthday! Dance!'


Branch traveled through the forest, regretting coming out here in the first place as he looked around himself in fear, making sure to stay alert...

"The Bergens aren't coming... the Bergens aren't coming..." he told himself over and over in a whispered mumble, trying desperately to calm his own nerves... "The Bergens aren't..."

Suddenly... a rustling sound made itself known in the bushes right beside the little gray troll...

With a silent gasp of terror, Branch froze in place, his ears drooping as he stared wide eyed at the moving foliage beside him...

Why!? Why did he come out here!? Just for some dumb party!


The bushes rustled loudly, the leaves slowly moving aside to reveal two glowing red eyes staring right at the village grump as if he looked like a delicious snack...

"Uhhh..." Branch muttered softly in pure terror, frozen in place, too scared to move even an inch, his eyes wide and heart racing...

"Chickasnee!" the creature yelled out, suddenly jumping out of the bush, lunging it's body straight at Branch...

"AHHHHH!" the terrified survivalist screamed, falling back as the critter slammed into his chest. "No! Get off! AHHHHH!"


Poppy danced with her group of friends, looking around the party area for one specific troll...

"Come on, Poppy!" Guy yelled over the roar of the music. "Stop looking for him. You know the guy's not comin'..."
"Yeah... he's just not like the rest of us," Smidge shrugged. "He's not into this kind of thing... like a simple party is going to kill him or something..."
"He's a freak..." Creek scoffed under his breath.

Poppy sighed, turning back to her friends as she stopped dancing...

"I just want him to be happy..." she sighed, lowering her head in despair...

"Don't let it harsh your aura, princess," Creek said with a smirk as the purple jerk placed his arm around her shoulder. "Some folks just don't want to be happy..."

"Everyone deserves to be happy, Creek..." Poppy stated, pushing the purple troll's hand off of her shoulder before beginning to walk away...

"Where are you going?" Satin asked as she watched her friend leaving the party.

"To Branch's bunker..." the young princess explained. "And I'm not coming back without him..."

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